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Infographic: The Evolution of Gamification. June 20, 2014 Below is an interesting visual on the evolution of gamification I want you to have a look at but before that let me share with this short explanation of the difference between gamification and games.

Infographic: The Evolution of Gamification

A Good Chart on Traditional Classroom Game Play Vs Game-based Learning. 6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning. There seems to be a perception that online gaming has a detrimental impact on children’s development.

6 Basic Benefits Of Game-Based Learning

Nothing could be further from the truth, and there are countless–and complex–reasons for this, but it also makes sense at the basic benefits of game-based learning. Of course children should not spend every single second of the day staring at a computer screen. Nevertheless, education and online gaming certainly aren’t enemies either. 2DIY on an Ipad – first look. - Playforce: Learning from the games we play. Playforce. A searchable database of games with learning potential, Playforce allows users to explore games related to specific learning content, academic standards or twenty-first century skills, like empathy, systems thinking or collaboration.


Playforce provides an indispensable resource to educators and parents looking to use games in service of specific learning goals. Game perspectives on Playforce are player-generated and moderated by a user community. Which means they don’t focus on what experts think is good about game play, but rather on what players know, based on their own collective experience. By putting the experience of players front and center, Playforce lets educators and parents know exactly what to expect from the games they use. The Lance : Minecraft’s Learning Tools. If you enjoy playing video games on the computer, you might have heard of Minecraft. Minecraft is a “sandbox” game that allows you to build things with textured cubes in a 3D world.

This game is currently available for different consoles. At first, it was only available as a PC, or computer game. However, it is now available for the Xbox 360, as well as all Apple products. This game gives the player freedom to do what they please. The gameplay is in first person, but you also have the option to play in third-person if you prefer.

There are 3 modes to this game. Play and Learn Weekly – Jan. 20th, 2013. What’s happening in the convergence of play and learn?

Play and Learn Weekly – Jan. 20th, 2013

News GlassLab Partners With EA to Build SimCityEDU Today, during a panel discussion on the future of connected learning at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C., GlassLab and Electronic Arts announced that they are developing a new online platform for educators based on the popular series of games.The platform, called SimCityEDU, will serve as an online community to create and share learning tools that support use of the game in the classroom. SimCityEDU’s curricular resources will be aligned to Common Core State Standards for a wide range of subjects, from math and science to civics and economics.

Girls and Games: What’s the Attraction? Games are increasingly recognized by educators as a way to get kids excited about learning.

Girls and Games: What’s the Attraction?

10 Video Games To Get Started With Game-Based Learning. ClassBadges Is A Free Way To Gamify Your Classroom. Looking to find a new, simple, and free way to gamify your classroom? There a new web tool out that you should probably know about. It’s called ClassBadges and it’s a free online tool where teachers can award badges for student accomplishments. Teachers can set up an account and award the badges whenever they wish. Pretty straightforward. All the World's a Game - Getting Smart by Adam Renfro - gaming, gaming vs. reality, leaderboards, leveling up, rewards, time on task.

If Shakespeare were alive today (read: gamer), his famous line in “As You Like It” would read like this: All the world’s a game. All the men and women are merely gamers. They all have their pre-orders and buy backs. And one person will play many games in a lifetime. Innovative Learning. 10 Of The Best Educational Online Games. Danger Zone Students are faced with serious global issues to tackle in this fantastic character-based game.

10 Of The Best Educational Online Games

They have to use different skills to solve a challenge like combating a deadly airborne illness using test-samples, note-taking and learning along the way! The Blood Typing Game This brilliant, prize-winning game from the Nobel Prize website lets students get up-close and personal with medical and biological processes, learning about patients, treatment and blood-types. INFOGRAPHIC: Gaming in the Classroom: Why Bring Electronic Games into the Classroom? Gaming, wikis, blogs, social media, interactive polls and QR codes: just some of the technologies that teachers are bringing into the classroom.

INFOGRAPHIC: Gaming in the Classroom: Why Bring Electronic Games into the Classroom?

The dizzying pace of tech evolutions offers some challenges as teachers and administrators race to keep up with the latest tools. The research discussed here shows the payoff for schools that become "friends" with educational gaming. Experiments show how technology supports learning, with the potential to increase student engagement and motivation, even for students enrolled in college online. Games target all kinds of subjects and age groups, with different types of gaming from strategy to simulations to hard-core curriculum topics. Teachers can access an arsenal of tools, from game consoles to laptops to smartphones. Still, the U.S. government reports a lack of nationwide studies on the use of tech tools and gaming in education. Games, Gamification, and the Quest for Learner Engagement. Game-based learning can turn disconnected, bored learners into engaged participants.

Games, Gamification, and the Quest for Learner Engagement

Juan sits in front of his laptop while slowly, painfully progressing through a customer service e-learning course. He is bored and disinterested. Juan wants desperately to click the "next" button in quick succession and rush through to the end. Then he can take the simplistic 10-question multiple-choice test, pass the course, and get back to work. He can't because he's been foiled. A "clever" designer has forced Juan and other learners to listen to the entire script on every screen before proceeding (so learners don't simply click through to the end without learning the content, the designer told the client triumphantly).

Meanwhile, across the globe in a training course on the topic of conducting internal investigations, Mary, an MBA graduate, catches herself looking out the window again. The problem Unfortunately, scenarios like these are all too common. Enter games The downside Gamification. A Gamified Web 2.0 Tool To Make Students Into DIY Makers. Are you looking for an innovative way to encourage creative thinking, innovative ideas, and gamification in the classroom? Well then there’s a kid-friendly and parent-approved site called that you should know about. What Is Digital Passport For Children Encourages Responsible Online Behavior. Today's kids have been dubbed the information generation, brought up with technology and the Internet.

Digital Passport For Children Encourages Responsible Online Behavior

They're very often the ones some grown-ups call on when they're stuck with tech related questions, and do so on a regular basis. Just as children need to learn table manners, good behavior and how to cross the street safely, they also need to learn how to safely and responsibly use the technological resources available to them. Common Sense Media is working towards that end. The non-profit organization, which already provides information and education for parents, is working with the Harvard School of Education to bring educational programming and learning experiences into schools.

MinecraftEdu Teaches Students Through Virtual World-Building. A New York City school teacher has crafted a version of Minecraft for schools called MinecraftEdu.

MinecraftEdu Teaches Students Through Virtual World-Building

4 Reasons Why Gaming Must Be Used in Education. Did you know that over 28 million of us play Farmville every day, and there are over 5 million people who play World of Warcraft for 40 hours a week? How Games Are Being Used for Learning. 15 Games That Will Make You Think Differently About Games.