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The Clearest View Yet Of A 1,000 Year Old Explosion. @Makidian: I agree, however most of the time the pictures that are shown is not a representation of what it would look like with the naked eye, which saddens me...

The Clearest View Yet Of A 1,000 Year Old Explosion

Where can I get eyes that see IR and x-ray? @phiranaplant: The solution to both dilemmas is, of course, uploading our consciousness into eternal android bodies (at least until our consciousness is able to transcend a physical host). Then we can fly to the stars, taking as long as we like, and see this stuff in all it's composite-spectrum glory! @comrade_leviathan: Yes... thats a solution! Sign me up. @phiranaplant: Oh I know that but even still to look at it with our own eyes or with some contacts that can switch between the spectrum(s).

@comrade_leviathan: I'm actually okay with that idea, and if that android body had and FTL drive in it that wouldn't rip you apart when activated I would be completely okay floating aimlessly through space and jumping to other place on the fly. SDO_Earth_scale-EDIT2.jpg (JPEG Image, 975 × 1000 pixels) - Scaled (59%) Science Space Photo of the Day. When the lamp is shattered, The light in the dust lies dead. When the cloud is scattered, The rainbow's glory is shed. These words, which open Shelley’s poem "When the Lamp is Shattered," employ visions of nature to symbolize life in decay and rebirth. It's as if he had somehow foreseen the creation of this new Gemini Legacy image, and penned a caption for it. What Gemini has captured is nothing short of poetry in motion: the colorful and dramatic tale of a life-and-death struggle between two galaxies interacting.

All the action appears in a single frame, with the stunning polar-ring galaxy NGC 660 as the focus of attention. Polar-ring galaxies are peculiar objects. Models of how polar-ring galaxies form offer two general formation scenarios: 1) a piercing merger between two galaxies aligned roughly at right angles, or 2) when the host galaxy tidally strips material from a passing gas-rich spiral and strews it into a ring. Mars Mysterious Dark Hole. According to my email feedback, it appears that quite a few viewers are interested in the mysterious dark hole or cavern on Mars recently reported from the MRO imaging a few weeks ago.

The above first image is the official science data MRO browser compatible image without any enhancements in it by me. All I've done is put some labels in it and reduced its size by only 10% to better fit this reporting page. As you can see, it is merely a round dark spot in an otherwise fairly level looking terrain but it has apparently generated quite a bit of interest and also debate. It is the latter factor that has drawn my opinion and two cents into this as viewers keep wanting me to comment on this. I have been reluctant to do much with this because at my first glance this subject matter appeared to be too inconclusive in nature. The Seven Sister evidence reportedly exists on the exterior flanks of the Arsis Mons volcano system terrain elevation. Just for the sake of argument, try this scenario on. Science Space Photo of the Day.

When the lamp is shattered, The light in the dust lies dead.

Science Space Photo of the Day

When the cloud is scattered, The rainbow's glory is shed. These words, which open Shelley’s poem "When the Lamp is Shattered," employ visions of nature to symbolize life in decay and rebirth. It's as if he had somehow foreseen the creation of this new Gemini Legacy image, and penned a caption for it. What Gemini has captured is nothing short of poetry in motion: the colorful and dramatic tale of a life-and-death struggle between two galaxies interacting. All the action appears in a single frame, with the stunning polar-ring galaxy NGC 660 as the focus of attention.

Polar-ring galaxies are peculiar objects. Models of how polar-ring galaxies form offer two general formation scenarios: 1) a piercing merger between two galaxies aligned roughly at right angles, or 2) when the host galaxy tidally strips material from a passing gas-rich spiral and strews it into a ring. July 29th is "To the Moon Day"! (commemorating the founding of NASA) Strange Moon Facts. UFO magazine, Vol. 10, Nol 2 (March/April 1995), p. 23 After hundreds of years of detailed observation and study, our closest companion in the vast universe, Earth’s moon, remains an enigma.

Strange Moon Facts

Six moon landings and hundreds of experiments have resulted in more questions being asked than answered. Among them: 1. Moon’s Age: The moon is far older than previously expected. "The abundance of refractory elements like titanium in the surface areas is so pronounced that several geologists proposed the refractory compounds were brought to the moon’s surface in great quantity in some unknown way. 4. "are broad, disk-shaped objects that could be possibly some kind of artificial construction. 8.