Getting Started with Crowdfund Investing In a Day For Dummies: Sherwood Neiss, Jason W. Best, Zak Cassady-Dorion:
Collaborative Lab
Wide Angle » The Open Innovation Toolbox
We often think of open innovation as one technique, when in fact it represents a range of techniques that serve different purposes. These techniques fall along a spectrum from the most open (anyone can submit any idea, the crowd selects the best) to the least open (pre-screened experts submit ideas on a specific problem, the company selects the best). Three choices determine which tool you end up with: 1) who to include, 2) what to ask, and 3) how to select answers. Answers to these questions will depend on your objectives: are you trying to boost engagement, solve an urgent challenge, or understand the most widespread customer needs? Jeffrey Phillips at Ovo Innovation recently built a typology of open innovation, based on different approaches to idea collection (who is asked and what they are asked). 1. 2. 3. 4. Just as idea collection methods vary, different evaluation and selection methods also serve distinct purposes.
Crowdfunding Resources « Crowdfunding Academy Crowdfunding Academy
The Kickback Machine Before you launch a Kickstarter project, do your homework. The KickBack Machine can help! Campaign Research Tools NowStreetWire Uncover fresh ideas for raising capital and maximizing returns in this new era of unprecedented innovation and regulatory reform Crowdfunding News Crowdfund Insider Provides extensive coverage on the crowdfunding industry CrowdfundBeat “News & Information for Crowdfunding People” 2nd Annual Global Crowdfunding Convention & Bootcamp
How Much Does Ideas Management Really Contribute to Innovation?
The crowdsourcing of ideas was the radical new approach to innovation a few short years ago and technology platforms to support idea generation and ideas management have been growing in popularity. There are, however, question marks over what they actually contribute to innovation. The world of ideas management c2010 In the early 2000s ideas management was still heady stuff. “Just imagine! Only a few years later, these once-“revolutionary” approaches have begun to seem tired. Today’s innovation managers are well versed in collaboration – they know exactly how to launch fresh ideation campaigns. When you take a hard look at today’s innovation methodologies and tools (including those we have developed at Imaginatik), it’s hard not to came away feeling unimpressed. Some of the drawbacks Can we afford to be brutally honest about such a young industry where supplier companies are still seeking their place and where customers believe they are at the edge of innovation practice? About the Author
For years, we saw passionate consumer entrepreneurs struggle to find the support they need to grow their brand—to hire more employees, produce more product, and share their dream with more consumers. Consumer companies were often forced to reach out to friends and family—a long and often awkward process. At the same time, we saw investors that were passionate about these innovative consumer product and retail companies, but didn't know how to get in touch with the entrepreneurs. We created CircleUp to make this process more efficient. Great entrepreneurs deserve funding from passionate investors. Technology allows for accredited investors to find, vet, and invest in companies in a new way. Zubin Beesla Business Development Analyst Zubin's professional experience includes previous roles in investment banking and investment management. Zubin earned his BS in Finance from Wake Forest University. Zubin Beesla on LinkedIn Ryan Caldbeck Founder and CEO Ryan Caldbeck on LinkedIn Wagner Camarao
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Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum
The Internet Marketing Forum is dedicated to providing an online community and a place to meet, discuss and ask about questions, topics and trends related to internet marketing and your marketing objectives. You can easily find out and learn more about running an online business, latest trends and effective strategies and techniques for marketing your business, website or product. See more: search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, referral marketing, content marketing, native advertising, search engine marketing, pay per click, cost per impression, search analytics, web analytics, display advertising, contextual advertising, behavioral targeting, affiliate marketing, cost per action, revenue sharing, cost per mille, cost per click, cost per engagement, cost per view, list building
Impact investing: What’s in it for your nonprofit?
Are you a nongovernmental organization wondering how to benefit from impact investors? You are not alone. The Nonprofit Finance Fund recently surveyed U.S. nonprofits, and 20 percent of respondents said they will be seeking funding other than grants and contracts — such as loans and other types of investments — within the next year. In addition, 26 percent are considering pursuing an earned income venture as a way to diversify their sources of revenue. And the timing couldn’t be more perfect. It’s safe to assume that impact investing will play an increasingly important role in the funding of organizations involved in making an impact in developing countries. While the appeal of impact investing is undeniable, nonprofits should know that taking investors on board is a major step, and implies a vast number of changes in the way their organization operates — changes that might conflict with their mission. From NGO to social enterprise Impact investing for nonprofits The hybrid model
9 crowdfunding websites to help you change the world.
For many people, the thought of taking significant financial risk holds them back from jumping head-long into launching the idea that has been stuck in the recesses of their head. This collection of sites are designed to take the risk out of that creativity and innovation, allowing even the little guy to do something amazing. Who needs venture capital funding to get their idea off the ground? If you’ve been holding back because of it, you might just find there’s help out there, fueled by the community, and managed by some of these fantastic sites, which can help you fund your idea, business startup or music project. KickStarter URL: KickStarter has received quite a bit of publicity recently for its efforts. As far as the rules for funding goes, KickStarter keeps things simple. RocketHub URL: Another very similar site to KickStarter is RocketHub. Edit. Quirky URL: Fundbreak URL: CatWalkGenius
Online Fundraising Website and Software for Events and Causes