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Twitter bientôt rentable ? La réponse en 4 chiffres. 288 millions C'est le nombre d'utilisateurs actifs mensuels de Twitter fin 2014, 20% de plus que fin 2013 (avec 80% de mobinautes).

Twitter bientôt rentable ? La réponse en 4 chiffres

Le réseau social (désormais présent dans 28 pays) n'en a gagné que 4 millions au dernier trimestre, contre 13 millions de juillet à septembre. Cette contre-performance s'expliquerait en partie par un bug technique sur l'application mobile de Twitter sur iOS8. Dick Costolo, le directeur général de Twitter, estime que la plate-forme retrouvera son rythme de croissance des trois premiers trimestres de 2014 en ce début d'année.

Globalement, Twitter continue à gagner des utilisateurs mais à un rythme moins soutenu qu'auparavant. Mais d'une part, le taux d'engagement des abonnés de Twitter est en constante progression. Tout l'enjeu pour Twitter est de démontrer que son audience est bien plus large que ne le laisse penser son nombre d'abonnés (pas besoin d'être inscrit ou de poster des messages pour consulter les tweets des autres). 1,4 milliard de dollars. Twitter offers Improved Data for Marketers. Home » Industry News, Marketing Insights, Specials Twitter has recently given their analytics dashboard a major facelift.

Twitter offers Improved Data for Marketers

The new dashboard will give advertisers a much more in depth look into how their tweets are doing. Specifically, this update provides insights into organic tweets and how many impressions and engagements they are getting. The update is only for advertisers, verified users and Twitter Card publishers at this time. It is not yet clear if this will roll out to the average user at any point or not. Those with access will now be able to see things like the number of times a particular tweet has been viewed based on type of device (android, iOS, ect) as well as directly on

This type of information was formerly available for paid tweets only, but now the organic tweets are getting the same great information. Overall, this new update looks to be a great resource for marketers and advertisers who are using Twitter to increase customer or user engagement. 3 entrepreneurs nous livrent les secrets de leur utilisation de Twitter. 8 Reasons Why Twitter Is No Second Facebook (Yet) 140 reasons to worry about Twitter IPO.

SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter's use of a new type of confidential filing to test the IPO waters makes clear how recent changes to U.S. securities laws have given companies more control of their initial stock sale — yet have also resulted in less transparency for retail investors.

140 reasons to worry about Twitter IPO

The company's decision to use its own service to announce it filed the secret registration document — but not disclose its financials — is also a bit ironic, given that Twitter's technology has the potential to provide greater transparency on public companies. The confidential filing does nothing for investors except to stoke the IPO hype machine, even as it accomplishes two key things for Twitter. First, it allows executives of the San Francisco-based company to begin talking to big-money investors about its potential stock sale. This can spare the company some embarrassment — and help it maintain credibility with investors — if those regulators should find problems with Twitter's accounting. Brands on Twitter: 2013. We have been working with our client Brandwatch to create an infographic all about Brands on Twitter.

Brands on Twitter: 2013

We all know that social has been moving at a fast pace but a lot has changed even over the past 12 months – read on to find out more. Each day, brands are actively discussed just about everywhere online, some listen but many don’t pay attention. Many still miss crucial opportunities by treating Twitter exclusively as a broadcast platform, expecting to influence customers with little to no community building efforts. By limiting Twitter to solely to a one-way platform, the importance of broader engagement with customers is ignored. Used effectively Twitter can bring brands closer to their audience, generate traffic to their site, find new customers, increase brand awareness, along with developing advocates and much more.

Twitter Activity Of the 253 brands monitored, 97.6% brands tweet in 2013, compared to 90% in 2012 and just 62% in 2011. Infographic: Twitter Tweet Cheat Sheet To Increase Engagement. Ever wonder about the little things that go along with Twitter that help increase engagement?

Infographic: Twitter Tweet Cheat Sheet To Increase Engagement

Things such as how many hash tags you use, how long your tweets are, or if asking fora Retweet actually works to increase engagement for your Twitter campaign. As a follow up to our Facebook Cheat Sheet Infographic, we have created a Twitter Cheat Sheet Infographic. This infographic can serve as a guide to help increase Twitter interactions such as Retweets, CTR, and overall engagement. Twitter Statistics. Study Says Twitter Is Fastest-Growing Social Platform in the World.