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Tirages de Tarots gratuits, cartomancie et voyance gratuite. Youtube. L’AMOUREUX (Arcane 6) L'Amoureux est la sixième carte du Tarot de Marseille.

L’AMOUREUX (Arcane 6)

Sur cette lame, un jeune homme, placé entre deux jeunes femmes, hésite sur la direction qu'il doit prendre. Au-dessus de lui, l'Ange de l'Amour s'apprête à lancer sa flèche et ainsi à obliger le jeune homme à faire un choix. Cette carte représente les choix que nous devons faire dans l'existence et qui vont déterminer notre vie future. Cette carte est l'emblème d'une situation instable, d'un choix complexe à effectuer, d'un cœur qui bat pour deux personnes en même temps.

Elle incite à agir et à prendre des décisions, mais seulement après avoir soigneusement pesé le pour et le contre. L'issue de ce questionnement peut orienter fortement la vie future de ce jeune homme : dans un tirage elle indique donc la même chose pour le consultant. À l'envers dans un tirage, L’AMOUREUX est un avertissement... Sur le plan sentimental L’AMOUREUX s’adresse au domaine du cœur et le consultant sera donc soumis à de nombreuses perturbations. Tarot and Astrology. Tarot and astrology make a fine marriage.

Tarot and Astrology

Where the Tarot is fluid, conceptual, and intuitive interpretation, astrology counters the balance with structure, calculation, analyzing and empirical interpretation. It has been said that the Tarot is the king of all wisdom-seeking systems because of its diversity. This is largely due because the Tarot incorporates so many other forms of symbolism and esoteric reading systems. Each of the major Arcana cards corresponds with the stars, moons and planets within the zodiac. It is unknown who originally combined Tarot and astrology, but Tarot scholars have been making these correlations for centuries. There is some consternation when we discover different scholars have assigned different astral signifiers to the trumps according to their own experience and perspective. Tarot and astrology are two vastly powerful oracles, and their combination can provide profound insight to your readings.

Related Tarot links on this site: Numerology and the Tarot. Tarot Card Meanings of the Major Arcana. All of the 78 Tarot card meanings are relevant and necessary for a full understanding of the entire Tarot system.

Tarot Card Meanings of the Major Arcana

However, the Major Arcana cards are the first keys to our initial understanding. Tarot card meanings of the Major Arcana (Latin meaning "big secret") deal with the human condition. Each card represents the joys and sorrows every man and woman can experience in a lifetime. The human drama illustrated in 22 cards. Amazing, isn? As an interpreter, the Tarot card meanings aren't always straight forward in a reading. If it were that easy, everyone would be devoted to the Tarot for guidance. That is why learning the nuances of the Tarot card meanings is essential to our full development, and we begin our learning journey with the Major Arcana.

Below are links that will take you to each Tarot card meaning for each Major Arcana card. You will see each Major Arcana Card Page is designed in a specific format: Picture of the cardKeywordsIntroductionKey SymbolsQuestions. Tempérance. L’Arcane Sans Nom. Le Pendu. La Force. L’Hermite. Meanings of Colors in Tarot Cards.