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The Art Institute of Chicago Now Offers Unrestricted Access to over 52,000 High-Resolution Images from Their Collection.


15 cursos online gratis de Dibujo, Arte y Diseño (con certificado) Cartoon. Bocetos . Gráficos. Otros. Art Websites. Arte urbano. Arte gráfico. Ilustraciones. Arte pinturas. Escultura. - StumbleUpon. How to Look at Art. Much energy, effort, and tuition money is spent studying art.

How to Look at Art

Works are preserved, interpreted, and categorized. Theories are formed about themes and motives of artists and their respective movements. Words are layered excessively in an attempt at understanding why a piece of art was made, how a person came to make it, and what it means in the context of art history. The comics I've created for this 10-part series are no exception. All of this academic and curatorial sweat is poured out for a noble purpose. Art is there to be experienced. Hong Hao. The amount of attention paid to details and effort behind the images by Chinese photographer Hong Hao is daunting.

Hong Hao

He spent years working on his project, Scriptures, where he rearranged maps based on different criteria. However, he is best known for his series, My Things. In this series of work, he scanned thousands of objects that defined his life and arranged them with a computer. TOP TO BOTTOM, My Things #2, My Things Book-Keeping of 6, My Things Book-Keeping of 6, from (“My Things“) © Hong Hao, 2006 While the images are incredible and amazing, I think that such behavior is a tad too obsessive. For more images, lookk here and here. Like this: Gracias guggenheim: el museo ofrece libros de arte gratis. ART, Books, CULTURE, DESIGN, Graphic, Illustration, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Society |Flavin, Frank Lloyd Wright, Kandinsky, Klimt Las obras maravillosas de Dan Flavin Atención: libros gratis.

gracias guggenheim: el museo ofrece libros de arte gratis

Y no, no es ningún clickbait. Es verdad de la buena, os lo juramos por nuestras madres. Y es que hoy en lamono nos apetecía haceros un regalito y, bueno, el Guggenheim nos lo ha puesto muy fácil. El maestro Roy Lichtenstein. Entre ellos, podréis encontrar colecciones y temáticas totalmente heterogéneas que abarcan desde libros sobre los movimientos de la metamorfosis italiana hasta el constructivismo ruso, miles de años de arte chino o azteca y decenas de obras catalogadas y expuestas en las salas diseñadas por Frank Lloyd Wright.

Mark Rothko. Toshio Iwai. Artist Vasco Mourao Illustrates ‘Infinite’ Skyscrapers on Circular Pieces of Plywood. As part of his new series titled Ouroborus, Barcelona-based artist Vasco Mourao (aka Mister Mourao) drew intricate buildings that flow in a continuous loop on pieces of cut plywood.

Artist Vasco Mourao Illustrates ‘Infinite’ Skyscrapers on Circular Pieces of Plywood

He refers to himself as “an architect turned into an illustrator with a tendency for obsessive drawing,” and such a description couldn’t be more accurate. Mourao’s dense structural designs have also been executed on walls, paper, and other canvases and just barely seem contained on these wooden circuits. The Ouroborus series was recently on view at Espacio 88 in Barcelona, and a few of the original works are still available in his online shop. (via Hi-Fructose) Un libro de colorear que homenajea la belleza natural de la Proporción Áurea - Cultura Inquieta. Las ilustraciones de Proporción Áurea dibujadas a mano por Rafael Araujo son una hermosa fusión del arte con la ciencia.

Un libro de colorear que homenajea la belleza natural de la Proporción Áurea - Cultura Inquieta

Durante los últimos 40 años, el arquitecto e ilustrador venezolano ha estado perfeccionando sus sorprendentes dibujos, todos conectados por ese hilo conductor. Armado de lápiz, compás, regla, transportador de ángulos y nada más, crea dibujos que representan la brillantez matemática del mundo natural y recientemente ha comenzado a recopilar versiones de sus mejores trabajos en un libro de colorear para adultos que busca el reencuentro de los seres humanos con la naturaleza. Las ilustraciones de Araujo giran en torno a los inteligentes patrones de crecimiento gobernados por la Proporción Áurea.

Este número especial, comúnmente anotado con la letra griega Phi (φ), es igual a 1,618 y se puede observar en todo tipo de espirales naturales, secuencias y proporciones.