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What NOT To do in France

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10 Things Not to Do in Paris. Rue Rude: Ten Things Not to Do in Paris... la suite. Intrigued by this post, which I don't completely agree with (the Champs-Élysées can be fun, especially right now when the Christmas market is up, and I love the 24-hour Maison d'Alsace late at night, a restaurant sponsored by Alsace, with its own boutique....).

Rue Rude: Ten Things Not to Do in Paris... la suite

So I decided to post some of my own rules. 1. Don't wear teal. (The caption under this photo (left), in German, says, "This jacket belongs in every closet! ") What Not To Do In Paris: The Top Five Tourist Mistakes. Ahh Paris, City of Lights, city of stinky cheese, and city of a million tourists.

What Not To Do In Paris: The Top Five Tourist Mistakes

As much as we love you, we know to be cautious around certain things while visiting. We have been to Paris many times, but for this feature on what not to do, we consulted with a friend who not only lived in Paris, but also studied art and photography there for years. Yes, someone who truly learned what it was to spend an evening in Montmartre and walk by Notre Dame daily. So without further ado, here is the Jaunted guide of What Not To Do In Paris: The Top 5 Tourist Mistakes.

Ten Things Not to Do in Paris : Cities. 1.

Ten Things Not to Do in Paris : Cities

Don't Shop on the Champs-Elysées The Champs-Elysées may once have been the most beautiful avenue in the world, but its fortunes have risen and fallen many times over the years, and it's currently overrun with global chain stores, auto dealerships, and movie multiplexes. Aside from the über-glam Vuitton flagship, which draws label addicts in droves, you'll find yourself dodging throngs of teens as you trudge past McD's and Sephora, wondering what in God's name all the fuss is about. And whatever you do, don't succumb to hunger on this strip: The cafés prey on tourists, and a local wouldn't be caught dead in one. Instead: Follow in the well-heeled footsteps of locals. 10 things not to do in Paris - Travel - Luxury Travel. What NOT to do in Paris.