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This detailed artwork was carved into an olive pit in 1737. Over centuries, artists have liked to challenge themselves with exploring new media, colors, styles and size.

This detailed artwork was carved into an olive pit in 1737

Chinese artists and artisans have enjoyed toying with art and architecture of grandiose and microscopic size. The 2500km long Chinese Wall took 2000 years to build (from 3rd century B.C. till 1700 A.D.), yet its complexity can be mirrored in miniature art such as this olive pit carved by Ch’en Tsu-chang in 1737. According to the National Palace Museum of China, Ch’en Tsu-chang, originally from Kwangtung, entered the Imperial Bureau of Manufacture in the Yung-cheng reign, which lasted from 1723-1735.

Inspired by the poet Su Tung-p’o, Ch’en took a tiny olive pit and morphed it into a unique 17×34 mm small creation. Moved by the oval shape of the pit, he carved a boat with eight figures seated inside it: the poet and his friends. Incredible Animal Skull Art By Peter Deligdisch. 5K views 71 days ago by Skirmantė USA-based Peter ‘Draws’ Deligdisch is a young artist who likes doodling, drawing lines, coloring things in and burning wood.

Incredible Animal Skull Art By Peter Deligdisch

He has recently given a new dimension to his artwork by drawing and doing pyrography on fox, deer and bison skulls. Grotesque sculptures by Yui Ishibashi. Hobo nickels carved from clad coins. Giant animal and human sculptures made from coat hangers. Who knew coat hangers could create ferocious and realistic animal sculptures?

Giant animal and human sculptures made from coat hangers

‘Coathangers’ is a collection of sculptures by Scottish sculptor David Mach, in which he uses an unconventional component, wire coat hangers, as his main art material. The collection includes animal figures like a bear, a gorilla, a tiger, an elk (or is that a deer?) , as well as human figures like an astronaut. The wire hangers probably number in the thousands by the looks of those massive and bulky sculptures. Mach layers and clips the hangers to bulk up the form of the sculptures, then adds in his trademark look – the wire spokes jutting out of the bodies. Somewhere out there, Pinhead from the ‘Hellraiser’ series, is happy he now has animal friends to associate with. Via The Awesomer. Welded Shovel Pine Cones by Floyd Elzinga. Artist Floyd Elzinga works with a wide variety of materials to create sculptural landscapes, installations, and even cut steel flags . My favorite of his works are these giant metal pine cones made from welded spade heads, check out a few more over on Flickr .

(via haynay ) A 3D printed skull made entirely out of sugar. With the advancement in 3D printing technology, death has never looked so sweet.

A 3D printed skull made entirely out of sugar

Sugar Lab, composed of husband and wife architectural design team Kyle and Liz, partnered with artist and sculptor Josh Harker to create this one-of-a-kind 3D printed sugar El Dia de los Muertos skull. Story goes is that Kyle and Liz were looking for some fun confections to create for Halloween. Being fans of Harker’s anatomical filigrees, they tweeted him for a possible team-up. Soon, they were printing his design called ‘Craneo de la Calaca’ using chewy cotton candy flavoured sugar, and the result was nothing short of amazing. Though personally, I wouldn’t even try to eat that sculpture, because: 1. A Lion Made from 4,000 Pieces of Hammered Metal by Selçuk Yılmaz. Created from nearly 4,000 pieces of metal scraps, Aslan (Turkish for Lion), is a recent sculpture by Istanbul-based artist Selçuk Yılmaz.

A Lion Made from 4,000 Pieces of Hammered Metal by Selçuk Yılmaz

The piece took nearly a year of work and involved hand-cutting and hammering of each individual metal piece. The final work weighs roughly 550 pounds (250kg). While we’ve seen dozens of artists use multiple components to create a final form, it’s worth noting how well the bent mental lends itself to the final shape of this impressive cat. The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping. Forest Scent, Pavel Bautin.

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping

Russia. 2010 IAPLC Grand Prize Winner Pale Wind, Takayuki Fukada. Japan. 2013 IAPLC Gold Prize Whisper of the pines, Serkan Çetinkol. Turkey. 2013 IAPLC Top 27. Randall Rosenthal's Woodworking Creations - Box Of Cards - Cutting Board. A week ago, I posted an article detailing the unbelievable woodworking creation of Randall Rosenthal.

Randall Rosenthal's Woodworking Creations - Box Of Cards - Cutting Board

He created a very realistic box of money out of nothing but a block of wood. Well, looking into Randall a little further reveals that’s only one of many incredible projects he has done. Artist Summons ‘Smaug the Dragon’ From Pages of ‘The Hobbit’ J.R.R.

Artist Summons ‘Smaug the Dragon’ From Pages of ‘The Hobbit’

Tolkien fans and admirers never cease to amaze each other with their stunning tributes to the master of fantasy and his beautiful world. Danish American artist Victoria certainly paid her respects to the epic book “Hobbit” by crafting a gorgeous paper sculpture of the great dragon Smaug out of its Danish release. The artist, who is a prolific contributor to the DeviantArt online artist community, cut the pages of the book, still attached to the hard cover, into multiple pieces and apparently glued them together. She paid a great deal of attention to the fearsome dragon’s rugged, scaled hide and famously intimidating expression. The sculpture is a real fantasy in itself, as we only see the dragon’s head and small part of his body, making it seem as if he’s skulking into being straight out of the pages of Tolkien’s epic fantasy.

Anthill Art - Artistic and Educational Ant Colony Castings. Scissors Confiscated by the TSA Welded into Spiders. Each year the Transportation Security Administration confiscates countless millions of personal objects from travelers prior to entering airport terminals including guns, knives, foodstuffs, aerosol cans, and yes, even small scissors.

Scissors Confiscated by the TSA Welded into Spiders

Moth: new woodcut print from Tugboat Printshop. New Feather Sculptures by Kate MccGwire. 3D paper sculptures. Artist Morgan Herrin Transforms Construction Grade Lumber into Surreal Classical Sculptures. Untitled (2008), dimensional lumber (2×4′s), 82″ x 18″ x 12″ Copper Gate (2011), wood, 32″ x 19″ x 12″ Untitled (Knight) “Globe” 2010, Pine 2×4′s, Figure is life-size.

Artist Morgan Herrin Transforms Construction Grade Lumber into Surreal Classical Sculptures

Based in Richmond, Virginia artist Morgan Herrin transforms the most humble material—laminated construction grade 2x4s—into spectacularly detailed figurative sculptures. Wood Sculptures of Surreal Figures. Recycled Tire Sculptures by Yong Ho Ji. A number of new pieces by Korean sculptor Yong Ho Ji who creates these elaborately layered and textured sculptures using shreds of recycled automobile tires. (via this isn’t happiness) Traveling this week so posting will be regrettably light. Figurative Wood Sculptures by Willy Verginer. The Skewed, Anamorphic Sculptures and Engineered Illusions of Jonty Hurwitz. A Mercedes V12 Engine Built with Hand-Forged Components of Bone, Wood, Fossils and 50 Other Materials. Here on Colossal we’ve seen an entire 1969 Mustang Coupe made from paper, and a stunning stop motion timelapse of a rebuilt Triumph Spitfire, but this new sculptural piece by artist Eric van Hove might take the cake for labor-intensive automotive art.

After receiving a Cda-Projects Grant the artist headed to Morroco to create V12 Laraki, an excruciatingly detailed Mercedes V12 engine built from 53 materials that were hand-forged from 35 master craftsmen from various regions in Morocco. Nine months in the making,V12 Laraki began when van Hove dismantled a mercedes engine and then set about creating faithful reproductions of every single component, some 465 parts and 660 bolts made of casted copper. While the engine is of course not meant to be functional, the piece acts as an incredible testament to Moroccan craft, as well as a fascinating amalgam of natural resources and materials found in the region.

You can learn more about the project on the artists website and over on Facebook. Wire sculptures by Gavin Worth. Cocaine skull created in the name of art. Diddo, the conceptual artist behind the womb coffin, jewelry weapons (my personal fave is the diamond ring grenade) and high fashion gas masks is at it again. This time he’s created a skull out of cocaine and gelatin.

That’s not a typo! This artist is completely out-of-the-box awesome and even went as far as analyzing the street-sourced coke to test the purity of it, because, you know, a true artist goes above and beyond for his craft. No word yet on who commissioned the “Ecce Animal” but Diddo explains his thoughts behind the piece: ‘What I hope to accomplish with the artist statement is provide people an arena for thought’. Wood Sculptures by Bruno Walpoth. This cube is made from an entire amusement park. Paul Fryer. Steampunk Watch Part Sculptures by Sue Beatrice. STUPEFIANT : ces sculptures sont toutes faites ... de bois. Ce sont des oeuvres bluffantes que nous vous proposons aujourd'hui. Et l'on doit ces sculptures saisissantes de réalisme à l'artiste Tom Eckert, toutes travaillées dans du bois de tilleul. Underwater Sculptures by Jason deCaries Taylor.

Honeycomb sculptures co-created with bees. Typewriter Part Birds by Jeremy Mayer. Carving the Moon: A New Woodcut Print by Tugboat Printshop. Since 2006 Pittsburgh-based husband and wife Paul Roden and Valerie Lueth have run the Tugboat Printshop, a traditional printmaking studio where everything is made by hand, starting with the giant slabs of wood into which each of their images are carved. The Moon is their largest hand-carved relief print ever coming in at 36″ x 32″ (91 x 82 cm) and will printed using two colors. If you’re interested they documented the process of carving the beautiful illustration which is now available for pre-order, and I also recommend checking out their other prints.

(via cloud junky) Greg Brotherton’s Sculptures. Flowers made from animal bones and skin. Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons. 1953 Volkswagen Beetle Morphed into a Giant Sphere. 1 in Share 192. Knitted innards and fuzzy cadavers by Candace Couse. Incredible wood sculptures by Tom Eckert. Weapons made of plants. These content links are provided by Both and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. Some of the content you are redirected to may be sponsored content. View our privacy policy here . To learn how you can use to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your site, please contact us at .

Amazing Origami by Jaroslav Mishchenko. Sculpting With Paint By Justin Gaffrey. Creatures by Ellen June. Ron Mueck's Hyperrealistic Sculptures. Australian born, London-based artist Ron Mueck is currently presenting his incredible hyperrealistic sculptures at Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in Paris. Mueck’s human figures are meticulously detailed, featuring surprising changes of scale. If you would like to see his extraordinary work in person, his exhibition will be shown in Paris until September 29.

David Altmejd Part II. David Altmejd is a Canadian artist who lives and works in New York with a very unique approach to sculpting. Alphabet of animals carved from crayons by Diem Chau. Unwanted materials recycled as dramatic Japanese scultpures. Realistic Lego sculptures of naked women. Epic cardboard sculptures by Dylan Shields. Light Sculptures by Diet Wiegman. Mechanical Buddhas. Burnout by Wolfgang Stiller. Weapon instruments by Pedro Reyes. Animal Sculptures Made From Shattered Glass. Polish artist Marta Klonowska produces stunning, and often life-sized animal sculptures, constructed out of colourful shards of glass. Elegant in design, the animals appear translucent and almost regal in appearance.

To create each sculpture, Klonowska first makes an outline of the animal using metal frames and net mesh. She then meticulously places each shard of glass, one piece at a time. Artforum magazines carved into dripping waves of color by Francesca Pastine. 500 Santa Clauses Sculpted into the Sand in India. Wood animals made from abandoned furniture by Marc Sparfel. Matchsticks Turned Art. Balanced Rock Sculptures Held Up by Gravity Alone. Mechanical Insects Made from Old Watch Parts. 80's Electronics Recreated Out of Paper. Sculptures Made From Recycled Cans. Socks and undies so good, they’re made of wood. 24 Awesome Artworks Made of LEGO. Unbelievable Sculptures Made From A Single Sheet of Paper.