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Envisioning Technology 2012. What is the visualization?

Envisioning Technology 2012

Understanding where technology is heading is more than guesswork. Looking at emerging trends and research, one can predict and draw conclusions about how the technological sphere is developing, and which technologies should become mainstream in the coming years. Envisioning technology is meant to facilitate these observations by taking a step back and seeing the wider context.

By speculating about what lies beyond the horizon we can make better decisions of what to create today. Nuclear-powered flying airports would never have to land. When it comes to aircraft, bigger is better.

Nuclear-powered flying airports would never have to land

As size increases, so does efficiency, which is the thinking behind the monstrous Airbus A-380. But to be really efficient, you'd need to go bigger. Way bigger. We're talking an aircraft so large that other aircraft could land on it, in-flight. The "Airborne Metro" concept is just that: it's like an express train in the sky. 12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American - Aurora. FanWing - Aurora. 23 incredible new technologies you’ll see by 2021.