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Cute File Browser with jQuery and PHP. Nick Anastasov Today we want to share a cool experiment with you.

Cute File Browser with jQuery and PHP

It is a cute file browser, which you can upload to a folder somewhere on your site and share documents, pictures and other files with the world. The app is built with PHP and jQuery and uses CSS3 extensively – no images or icons were used in the design, and the animations are smooth and work well even on smartphones. How to use it on your site Go ahead and grab the zip file from the download button above. Cute file browser The idea If you wish to learn more about how it works, here is a high-level overview of the functionality: A PHP script – scan.php – scans the files folder and returns all files and folders as a single JSON object.Our JavaScript code, with the help of jQuery, takes this JSON, and turns it into a grid of files and folders.

Because there is only one request to the backend involved, browsing through the file list and searching is instantaneous. Forcing files to download The design by Nick Anastasov. Découvrez AngularJS. Cette article est la traduction d’une réponse trouvée sur le site Stack Overflow et écrite par Josh David Miller.

Découvrez AngularJS

La question était : « Comment penser en AngularJS quand on a l’habitude d’utiliser jQuery ? » Et comme beaucoup de développeurs sont dans ce cas, j’ai pensé que ça serait une excellente approche pour découvrir AngularJS. Si l’article vous plait, n’hésitez pas à envoyer un petit tweet à @joshdmiller 1. Ne concevez pas votre page, pour après la modifier avec des manipulations du DOM Dans jQuery, vous concevez une page, puis vous la rendez dynamique. Mais en AngularJS, vous devez commencez en ayant en tête votre architecture. 2. Ne partez pas avec l’idée que jQuery peut faire X, Y ou Z, et qu’il suffira d’ajouter AngularJS au dessus pour les modèles et les contrôleurs.

GMAP3 : A JQUERY PLUGIN TO USE GOOGLE MAPS VERSION 3. How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery and CSS3. Topic: jQuery (flexslider) / CSS3Difficulty: IntermediateEstimated Completion Time: 30 mins Today we will code a responsive image slider from the Impressionist UI.

How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery and CSS3

We will code it using the FlexSlider plugin for the functionality and style it using CSS3. I hope you will enjoy it and find it useful for your projects. Lets get started! STEP 1 – Markup The slider html markup is very simple. Next we’ll include the jQuery library and the FlexSlider plugin. STEP 2 – Basic Styles First we will add some reset styles to clear all the margins, paddings, etc. and keep consistency trough all browsers. Then we will hide the slides to avoid jumping of the images during the page load. To finish this step we will add some styles to clear the floats from the slides. STEP 3 – Container Styles For the container we will set the background color to white and add a small shadow using the CSS3 property “box-shadow”. jQuery HTML5 Drag-and-Drop File Upload.

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jQuery HTML5 Drag-and-Drop File Upload

Often we have a situation on our site where we want users to be able to upload a file. Whether this is for a profile, pictures of any item or other scenario, creating a file upload doesn’t have to be tricky. With some of the nice tricks in HTML5 and jQuery we can even add the nice touch of being able to drag and drop files directly into the uploader, making your site feel extra-special. In this tutorial we will discuss the techniques of both of these techniques that make this trick possible as well as create a drag and drop image uploader of our own.

HTML5 File Upload Process There are some new, built-in features of HTML5 that make uploading files really easy. An AJAX component will be necessary to send the files in memory to the server. The jQuery Components jQuery has an excellent add-in called FileDrop that allows users to drag and drop multiple files onto the browser window from their computer.

Downsides to This Process. Thumbnail Proximity Effect with jQuery and CSS3. jQuery Form Framework - jFormer. jQuery Mobile. 50 Amazing Jquery Examples- Part1 - Noupe Design Blog. Dec 20 2007 * This post is regularly updated. * Many of us have been using a good deal of jQuery plugins lately.

50 Amazing Jquery Examples- Part1 - Noupe Design Blog

Below I have provided a list of the 50 favorite plugins many developers use. Menu. 50 jQuery Tools for Awesome Websites. By now, everyone has heard of jQuery.

50 jQuery Tools for Awesome Websites

It’s a framework that makes JavaScript development much easier, and has become massively popular for adding JavaScript functionality to websites. In this post, we’ve picked out 50 of the best scripts we know of and talked about why they rock. They can help in just about any aspect of a website, so enjoy! Editors These first tools don’t use jQuery themselves, instead, they’re editors to help you write and edit your own jQuery scripts. 1.

Aptana Studio is a tool built for making great websites and webapps. 2. Komodo Edit is an open source editor that provides features such as auto complete, call tips (CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, XML and XSLT), multi-language file support, syntax coloring, syntax checking, Vi emulation, Emacs key bindings and more. 3. Spket IDE provides features like code completion, syntax highlighting etc. to help developers create efficient JavaScript code productively. Navigation.