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Create a Funky Parallax Background Effect using jQuery

In this tutorial, we’ll be using JQuery to take a horizontally scrolling website and add a parallax scrolling background effect reminiscent of old-school 2D platform games like Sonic the Hedgehog. Tutorial Details Last year, the Silverback App site, designed by Carsonified, created some chatter amongst the design community for its clever use of a parallax scrolling effect seen when resizing the browser window. Like in old 2D platformers like Sonic the Hedgehog, this parallax effect could really come into its own alongside some horizontally scrolling content. This can be easily achieved using a little jQuery magic! Step 1 – The Skeleton HTML First, we need to create the basic HTML structure we’ll be using. <div id="header"><h1 id="logo">Scrolling Clouds</h1><ul id="menu"><li><a href="#box1" class="link">Home</a></li><li><a href="#box2" class="link">Box 2</a></li><li><a href="#box3" class="link">Box 3</a></li><li><a href="#box4" class="link">Box 4</a></li></ul></div><! Step 2 – Some CSS

Jquery ASCENSOR Copyright (c) 2013 léo galley Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.

WAVE - Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool Parallax Scrolling! - CSS-Tricks # August 24, 2011 at 5:40 pm Seriously took it about a minute to load. It looks great though, I’d suggest looking into jQuery Easing ( to allow for a bit smoother scrolling and such. Possibly Drag Dealer ( as well to make the page grab-able and more interactive (having to use the middle mount/scrollbar is always a pain and takes away from the glory that is parallax). In a nutshell.. make it load quicker, implement easing to make it less sketchy when scrolling, and make it more interactive by being drag-able and such. EDIT: Boy I feel silly, I thought that site was yours! While I know very little about it, I know of the components you need to run it. The problem with most parallax websites, like Mark’s website, is that they take FOREVER to load. Here is a very simple parallax effect tutorial that you can build off of and learn from:

lorempixel - placeholder images for every case 24 sites Internet avec une navigation inhabituelle La navigation est la partie la plus importante d’un site web sans lequel aucun site web ne peut fonctionner efficacement. Avoir une navigation unique qui remplit efficacement son but est presque semblable à escalader le mont Everest. Une navigation unique avec une fonctionnalité parfaite rend le site Intenet facile à naviguer, assurant ainsi une meilleure expérience des utilisateurs. J’ai donc recueilli quelques sites Internet étonnants avec une navigation unique qui permettra non seulement de vous inspirer, mais vous montrera surtout comment combiner l’innovation et commodité. J’espère que vous aimerez cet assortiment. 1. La navigation de ce site Internet va de pair avec le thème. 2. BountyBev fait preuve de beaucoup de créativité. 3. Une nabigation avec des effets de survol exceptionnel. 4. Une navigation vraiment exceptionnelle et créative qui montre une hiérarchie des menus allant jusqu’à ses racines. 5. Un site Internet facile à naviguer grâce à son menu de navigation bien conçu. 6.

Create Your Own Trendy Parallax Website Layout Advertisement Introduction Apart form the pinterest dynamic fluid layout and big background image layout, parallax layout is still one of the trend in web design simply because it's a great technique to showcase product/service through an automated presentation by using scrolling. Take Minicooper Japan as an example, when user scrolls down the website, each slide introduces the car features with seamless, perfectly timed animations which is a really great user experience. In this post, we have a few of javascript plugins that are able to achieve pretty impressive parallax animations. To spice up your inspiration, we also gathered 10 great examples that implemented parallax scrolling to its full potential. Parallax Javascript Plugins It's not easy to make a parallax layout, because parallax layputs usually contain a lot of subtle animations and you really need to plan ahead for this. Sequence JS Sequence is the jQuery slider plugin with infinite style. Inspirations

REALIZZARE UN MECCANISMO DI LOGIN IN PHP SENZA DATABASE :Andrea Pra Levis Salve, qualche giorno fa un mio amico mi aveva chiesto una mano per realizzare un semplice script per permettere di controllare l’utenza sul proprio sito. Terminato lo script mi sembrava utile condividerlo con chi ne avesse bisogno; i nostro obiettivi sono semplici: 1. realizzare una piccola form per permettere all’utente di loggarsi 2.creare uno script per il controllo delle credenziali 3. realizzare uno script da incollare in ogni pagina per il controllo delle credenziali Form di Login Il primo è presto fatto: non facciamo altro che aprire un file con estensione php e incollare questo codice: <html> <head> <title>Login Area</title> </head><body> <? Controllo credenziali Singolo Utente:Apriamo un file con estensione php e inseriamo questo codice php, ricordandoci di salvarlo come login2.php o comunque con lo stesso nome dell’attributo method: Prima di tutto creiamo una sessione con session_start() e salviamo in due variabili php lo user e la password necessari per accedere al sito. Andrea

Guide éditorial pour rédacteur web Le métier de rédacteur web est un métier à part. Celui qui l’exerce doit avoir des compétences rédactionnelles, bien sûr, mais il doit aussi savoir s’adapter à son média si particulier : Internet. Le rédacteur web doit également être capable de répondre aux attentes des autres intervenants de la conception de site web. Des notions d’accessibilité, de référencement, d’ergonomie sont indispensables (comme c’est d’ailleurs le cas pour tous les métiers d’interface). Voici un guide rédactionnel pour le web. Son but est d’aider le rédacteur web, élément par élément, à répondre aux spécificités du média. Connaitre les règles de la rédaction webComprendre les règles de la rédaction web Le style éditorial Utiliser un style rédactionnel simpleFaire des textes courts L’écran (ou les synthèses vocales) font d’Internet un média où la lecture est plus difficile que sur papier. Ces deux règles profitent à : l’accessibilité, l’ergonomie L’organisation de l’information La rédaction des titres La langue
