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Sensory Deprivation Tank, Isolation Tank, Float Tank offered in Delray Beach for Complete Relaxation. Floatation therapy was developed from the research work of John Lilly, an American physician.

Sensory Deprivation Tank, Isolation Tank, Float Tank offered in Delray Beach for Complete Relaxation

He was not primarily interested in therapeutic benefits, rather in the effect of sensory deprivation on the human brain and how it related to consciousness. What he discovered was that floatation created a state of ultra-deep relaxation that “resets” the body’s hormonal and metabolic balance, strengthening resistance to and accelerating recovery from the effects of stress, illness, injury or strenuous exercise. 1000 lbs of Epsom salts are added to 200 gallons of water, creating a 12 in. deep solution, which is heated to 95 degrees F (skin temperature). Due to the buoyancy created by the Epsom salt, every single muscle in the body is allowed to totally relax. FLOATESSENCE - Home. Home. Pricing, Memberships and Packages. Blue Light Floatation - Floatation Tanks in NYC - New York City.