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Holocaust Controversies: Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell and Scientific Racism. In his review of Herrnstein and Murray's 'The Bell Curve', Murray Rothbard praised the book for "expressing in massively stupefying scholarly detail what everyone has always known but couldn't dare to express about race, intelligence, and heritability".

Holocaust Controversies: Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell and Scientific Racism

Rothbard reached the following conclusion: SO: WHY TALK ABOUT RACE AT ALL? If, then, the Race Question is really a problem for statists and not for paleos, why should we talk about the race matter at all? Feminism and Anarcho-Capitalism: Strange Bedfellows. So what’s a nice old feminist broad like me doing hanging around with these nutty libertarians?

Feminism and Anarcho-Capitalism: Strange Bedfellows

Well, it’s kind of a funny story, actually. Many years ago, I was introduced to the idea of simply withdrawing my talents and contributions from a system that sought to keep its patriarchal foot on my neck at any cost. Writers like Mary Daly and Sonia Johnson encouraged this withdrawal, and suggested that if it were done purposefully and systematically, it would cause the eventual undermining and defeat of patriarchy. I thought it was quite a good idea, and although I have never quite determined how to go about it (feminist separatist communes from the sixties and seventies tended to be short-lived and plagued with problems), I did eventually stop voting, about 30 years ago. Anarcha-feminism. A purple and black flag is often used to represent Anarcha-feminism.


Contrary to popular belief and contemporary association with militant, or Radical Feminism, Anarcha-feminism is not an inherently militant party. It is described to be an anti-authoritarianism, anti-capitalism, anti-oppressive philosophy, with the goal to create an "equal ground" between males and females. The term "Anarcha-feminism" suggests the social freedom and liberty of women, without needed dependence upon other groups or parties. Origins[edit] Mikhail Bakunin opposed patriarchy and the way the law "subjects [women] to the absolute domination of the man. " Criticisms of anarcho-capitalism. Criticisms of anarcho-capitalism include moral criticisms, pragmatic criticisms, the argument that anarcho-capitalism could not be maintained, and the argument that a society can be anarchist or capitalist, but not both.

Criticisms of anarcho-capitalism

Justice and defense[edit] Some critics argue that anarcho-capitalism turns justice into a commodity; private defense and court firms would favour those who pay more for their services.[1] Randall G. (Which) Feminism against (Which) Capitalism? Why start a course on feminism reading the first volume of Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto?

(Which) Feminism against (Which) Capitalism?

Do Marx and Engels have anything to say about gender oppression? How deeply, if at all, is patriarchy intertwined with capitalism? Why every good capitalist should also be a feminist. Women’s equality has come a long way in the West.

Why every good capitalist should also be a feminist

However, with every story of gain we all too often find another story of loss. Take this last week. Ferguson Reveals Racists In Libertarian Clothing. There are two kinds of libertarians: true believers in the constitution and racists hiding behind the constitution.

Ferguson Reveals Racists In Libertarian Clothing

Determining what kind of libertarian someone is, though, is as easy as asking his or her opinion on Ferguson. A member of the Missouri National Guard stands guard at a police command post Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2014, in Ferguson, Mo. The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, has once again highlighted the bitter divisions between left and right and black and white in America. As might be expected, the usual suspects on both sides have lined up to support their view of events and lambast the other side’s interpretation of what went on between Mr.

Brown and the police officer who killed him. Emma Goldman. Emma Goldman was born in Kovno, Lithuania in 1869 into a religiously traditional household.

Emma Goldman

As a teenager, she was deeply influenced by the Russian anarchist writers Chernyshevsky and Bakunin. When she expressed a desire for further education, her father told her, "Girls don’t have to learn much! All a Jewish daughter needs to know is how to prepare gefilte fish, cut noodles fine and give the man plenty of children. " Rebelling against such limits, in 1885 the strong-minded 16-year-old Goldman left home and boarded a boat for America, the land of freedom. American Experience. A born propagandist and organizer, Emma Goldman championed women's equality, free love, workers' rights, free universal education regardless of race or gender, and anarchism.

American Experience

For more than thirty years, she defined the limits of dissent and free speech in Progressive Era America. A World Ruled by Fear Goldman was born in 1869 in Lithuania to a Russian-Jewish family of shopkeepers. She was educated in East Prussia and in St. Here's The Real Story Behind Ron Paul's Racist Newsletters. So as Ron Paul is on track to win the Iowa caucuses, he is getting a new dose of press scrutiny.

Here's The Real Story Behind Ron Paul's Racist Newsletters

And the press is focusing on the newsletters that went out under his name in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They were called the Ron Paul's Political Report, Ron Paul's Freedom Report, the Ron Paul Survival Report and the Ron Paul Investment Letter. There is no doubt that the newsletters contained utterly racist statements. Timeline of libertarian thinkers. This article is a list of major figures in the theory of libertarianism, a philosophy asserting that individuals have a right to acquire, keep, and exchange their holdings and that the primary purpose of government is to protect these rights.[1] Libertarian thinkers[edit] Adam Smith (1723–1790): Philosopher and economist.

Author of An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, which has been influential on later libertarians.Josiah Warren (1798–1874): Inventor, social theorist, and believer in "individual sovereignty. " Influenced John Stuart Mill. Ferguson Reveals Racists In Libertarian Clothing. The Marriage of Libertarians and Racists. Exclusive: The modern Republican Party and its chic libertarians have dallied with white supremacists as a political necessity, because blacks and other minorities have rallied to the Democrats due to their better civil rights record.

But the Right’s dancing with the racist devil is not new. It’s as old as the Founding, writes Robert Parry. Ron Paul Racist? Libertarian to Speak At "Anti-Semitic" Conference. Will the Pauls ever successfully distance themselves from allegations of racism? Since they first came to light in 2008, the controversies surrounding the publication of racist newsletters bearing Ron Paul's name has been well- analyzed and well- documented. Senator Rand Paul experienced similar scrutiny a couple of months ago when it was revealed that one of his aides was a talk radio host named "the Southern Avenger" who once belonged to a group advocating Southern secession.

U. of Iowa Censors, Apologizes for Art About Racism. A Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought (Routledge Revivals) - Google Books. Libertarian to be at 1st U.S. Senate debate, drawing split reaction from Daines, Walsh. HELENA — Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Roger Roots will be on the stage Saturday in the race’s first general-election debate — and the campaign of Republican Steve Daines is none too happy about it. “You can’t do an Internet search on Roger Roots without coming across a racist or offensive comment that he has made,” said Brock Lowrance, Daines’ campaign manager.

“There is no room for racism in civil dialogue, and it does not reflect who we are as Montanans.” Yet Democratic U.S. Brendan O'Neill (journalist) Since them, O'Neill has contributed articles to publications in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia including The Spectator, the New Statesman, The Guardian, BBC News Online, The Australian, The Christian Science Monitor, The American Conservative,, and Rising East. He occasionally blogged at Comment is free,[1] but is now a regular blogger at[2] He writes a column for The Big Issue in London and The Australian in Sydney.

O'Neill has criticised the notion of tackling global warming by solely reducing carbon emissions, and instead advocates technological progress as a method of overcoming any side-effects of climate change.[3] In January 2006, he co-founded the Manifesto Club, an organisation "with the aim of challenging cultural trends that restrain and stifle people's aspirations and initiative". Libertarian Party on Crime. Rand Paul’s Mixed Inheritance.