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Train Your Brain to Learn Faster and Remember More

Train Your Brain to Learn Faster and Remember More
You go to the gym to train your muscles. You run outside or go for hikes to train your endurance. Or, maybe you do neither of those, but still wish you exercised more. Well, here is how to train one of the most important parts of your body: your brain. When you train your brain, you will: Avoid embarrassing situations: you remember his face, but what was his name? So how do you train your brain to learn faster and remember more? 1. Twyla Tharp, a NYC-based renowned choreographer has come up with the following memory workout: when she watches one of her performances, she tries to remember the first twelve to fourteen corrections she wants to discuss with her cast without writing them down. The practice of both remembering events or things and then discussing them with others has actually been supported by brain fitness studies. What is the simplest way to help yourself remember what you see? For example, say you just met someone new. “Hi, my name is George” 2. Say you are a procrastinator.

9 Ways to Reach Your Fullest Potential Why does it seem like time goes by so quickly? We start a week and before we know it, it’s already the weekend. How can you make the best out of each and every day? When it comes to reaching your fullest potential every day, it’s all about planning. Let’s look into the ways that you can reach your fullest potential every day. 1. “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Because we live in a society filled with so many distractions, we can easily get caught up with the stress and frustrations of life. Why do you do what you do? 2. “Living your life without a plan is like watching television with someone else holding the remote control.”– Peter Turla Planning how you want to spend each day is key to reaching your fullest potential each day. Plan your week every Sunday evening. 3. “Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Planning and having good time management is a combination that leads to reaching your fullest potential every day. 4. 5. 6. 7.

13 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Memory In the age of Google and Wikipedia, it’s easy to dismiss an impressive memory as a useless skill. But the fact is, sometimes you won’t have access to the internet. Sometimes, like at an interview or when you’re giving a speech, reading aloud can give a terrible impression. 1. As weird as it might seem, a study actually proved this effective in improving short-term memory. 2. Smells have been proven to trigger memories better than sound, but any direct application of that fact can be quite tricky. 3. If you maintain the same position when you’re trying to remember as you did when you memorized, it is likely that your memories will be easier to reach. 4. There are two theories in place for why this is. 5. It’s almost mysterious how much easier it is to remember lyrics than recite the words of a tuneless essay. 6. Not only does sleeping improve your memory, mass repetition is suggested to decrease even immediate memorability, not increase it. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Add To My Goal

15 Simple Ways To Supercharge Your Brain Your brain is the engine that controls every action you perform, so needless to say, you should keep it supercharged and ready for action throughout the day. Here are 15 scientifically-proven (but yet surprisingly simple) ways to recharge your brain! 1. Take a daily Vitamin B12 supplement Vitamin B12 doesn’t just supercharge your brain, it actually grows the size of your brain! 2. Eating an earlier, lighter dinner has a ton of health benefits (like that it helps you lose weight), and it can also supercharge your brain. 3. Almonds are referred to as a superfood for a reason. 4. Numerous studies have shown that listening to slow, relaxing music slows down your pulse and heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and actually decreases the level of stress hormones in your body. You may be interested in this too: What Music Should You Listen to While Working? 5. I’ve had a daily 30-minute meditation ritual for a few years, and can’t recommend the practice enough. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Success & Inspiration 7 Dicas de Rocky Balboa para continuar lutando Todos passamos por dificuldades no dia-a-dia. Os empreendedores não são exceção. Para facilitar nossa vida, o mestre Rocky veio passar algumas dicas de como continuar lutando! Existe exemplo melhor de perseverança? 1 – Tenha uma metaRocky sempre soube o que queria. 2 – ResiliênciaNão é o quão forte você bate, é o quão forte você pode apanhar, e continuar avançando! 3 – Tenha seu estiloAs vezes modelos, padrões e ferramentas não são a melhor opção. 4 – HumildadeNão deixe a fama subir à sua cabeça. 5 – Faça o que você pregaSylvester Stallone concordou em vender o roteiro de Rocky, um lutador sob a condição de que ele mesmo interpretaria o personagem-título do filme. 6 – MotivaçãoAcredite em você. 7 – Seja um campeãoTrabalhe duro, tente, tente outra vez e mais uma vez! Abraços, Lucas Hoogerbrugge (ouvindo Eye of the Tiger freneticamente) Quer receber artigos novos por email?

The Secrets To Reading Faster And Absorbing Information Better As a history major, people always asked me how I could stand reading a boatload of books every week. While I answered them, they’d usually stare at my bookshelf and faint, much like I do when looking at equations on a whiteboard. What is my secret? 1. A lot of authors like to speak in an arcane manner initially, throwing out long-winded, incomprehensible phrases for the first several pages of their book. You don’t really need to know the biography of the author, do you? The other benefit of this is that all of that nonsense at the beginning of the book will make a lot more sense when you know exactly where the author is going. 2. One of the mistakes people make early on is that they give up highlighting, either because they end up marking too many things or were told by teachers that it’s a useless endeavor. 3. It often surprises people, often college-aged kids, when they hear that most scholars often don’t read books in their entirety. 4. 5. This goes for fictional reading too. 6. 7.

Left Brain Vs. Right Brain: The Eye Opening Insights We at Lifehack have given you voluminous information about your brain and how it functions. However, this one is probably one of the most worthwhile to know. But wait, before presenting the data, we have some questions for you: If you are philosophical and have a way with people, what side of your brain do you use most of the time? Is it the left or the right? What is the relevance of this information, anyway?

Hollywood Halloweens before the Twitter selfie: Vintage photos catch celebr By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 20:10 GMT, 31 October 2013 | Updated: 13:40 GMT, 1 November 2013 Before celebrities could show off their yearly Halloween costumes on Twitter and the Today show, they took regular photos that most people would never see. Thankfully, we can still use the wonders of the internet to gaze into a past when Joni Mitchell wore blackface as a pimp, Brooke Shields skated in a disco dressed as Charlie Chaplin, and a very young Drew Barrymore was a crayon. Some of these celebrities date even further back, to when not only were there no computers, but most homes didn’t even have televisions. Even then, silent screen legend Clara Bow smoldered in a 1929 Halloween photoshoot and Howard Hughes managed to be debonair while wearing traditional Alpine garb at a 1934 Halloween bash thrown by actress Marion Davies. These photos prove that the Kardashians didn’t invent Hollywood Halloweens, and that there were celebrity costume shots well before there were selfies.

37 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now! Have you ever wondered: What can I do to improve my life right now? Sometimes a few small changes can have a profound effect on the way we experience life. With that in mind, I invite you to consider the following: 1. Make the choice to be happy. The biggest part of being happy is to simply make up your mind to be a happy person. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Want to add something to the list? 10 Simple Ways to Increase Your Brain Power How often do you think about your brain? Do you ever stop to marvel at it’s incredible power and supreme cleverness? Or at least check in and give it a little spring clean and a re-furb from time to time? If you’re like the majority of the population, then your answer will be “no”. Astoundingly, we only use a mere 10% of our brains, yet seldom do we ever think to invest in a little training every now and then. Enter neuroplasticity – a new theory that has proven one very incredible fact: Our brains can change This means that if you’re not very intelligent in one area – that’s OK! An easy way to think about it is like this: Your brain is a muscle. The exciting thing is that you don’t have to be a millionaire to increase your brain capacity. So what can you do? Here are 10 simple ways you can increase your brain power and improve your intelligence! 1. When you experience something ‘new’ you actually ‘stimulate’ your brain! 2. 3. How often do you hear people say “I wish I had a better memory!’
