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Dennis Crowley: il futuro di Foursquare. Four­square con­ti­nua a cre­scere e a miglio­rare.

Dennis Crowley: il futuro di Foursquare

Dopo l’annuncio della Four­square adver­ti­sing che arri­verà in Ita­lia nelle pros­sime set­ti­mane, alcune nuove rive­la­zioni sulla strada futura del social media di geo­lo­ca­liz­za­zione lea­der a livello mon­diale sono state fatte dal co-fondatore Den­nis Crowley. Dall’ultima inter­vi­sta rila­sciata per Fast Com­pany emerge un forte dina­mi­smo die­tro la sem­pli­cità del logo Foursquare. Infatti, a detta di Den­nis Cro­w­ley, il social media non potrà basarsi sola­mente sulle rac­co­man­da­zioni, i check-in ed i rewar­ding dei con­su­ma­tori, ma amplierà il pro­prio ser­vi­zio sia da lato cliente che da lato azienda in ter­mini sem­pre più semantici.

8 Facebook Graph Search Pros and Cons for Marketing. Facebook Graph Search seems to have a lot of potential.

8 Facebook Graph Search Pros and Cons for Marketing

With the improved search feature, we'll finally be able to sift through all the user data on Facebook in an intelligent, intuitive way. For businesses and startups especially, features like Graph Search and Facebook's conversion measurement tool sound promising — has Facebook finally given business owners the toolkit they need to acquire new customers, target ads on a micro level and drive measurable conversions? The jury's still out, so we asked a panel of successful young entrepreneurs to share how they're using (or plan to use) Facebook's newer features to serve their business goals. Here's what they had to say. 1. Facebook wants to crack the code on helping SMBs with new customer acquisition, but it hasn't been able to do so yet. . — Ben Rubenstein, Yodle 2. We're just beginning to use Facebook's conversion measurement tool, and it looks as though it will better measure social media advertising effectiveness. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

25 Of The Most Engaged Brands On Twitter. What does it take for a brand to engage with its audience on Twitter?

25 Of The Most Engaged Brands On Twitter

Social media startup Nestivity released a list of the top 25 most engaged brands on Twitter Thursday, taking a look at what exactly those brands do to engage their audience, and what other companies can do to reach the same level of engagement. Brands were selected based on the results of a study that examined how brands cultivate relationships with influencers, customers and advocates on Twitter. Conducted by Evolve Capital Inc. and Dr. Natalie Petouhoff from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, the study looked at the top 100 most-followed brands on Twitter.

All in all that led to analyzing over 739,000 tweets over a months time. “Most brands have fallen into the trap of using Twitter for push marketing: broadcasting messages and expecting to influence customers with little to no listening or community building,” says Nestivity founder and president Henry Min. Are You Following a Bot? - Andy Isaacson. Leo Espinosa One day last February, a Twitter user in California named Billy received a tweet from @JamesMTitus, identified in his profile as a “24 year old dude” from Christchurch, New Zealand, who had the avatar of a tabby cat.

Are You Following a Bot? - Andy Isaacson

“If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be? ,” @JamesMTitus asked. Billy tweeted back, “Jesus,” to which @JamesMTitus replied: “honestly? No fracking way. ahahahhaa.” JamesMTitus was manufactured by cyber-security specialists in New Zealand participating in a two-week social-engineering experiment organized by the Web Ecology Project. The group invited three teams to program “social bots”—fake identities—that could mimic human conversation on Twitter, and then picked 500 real users on the social network, the core of whom shared a fondness for cats.

After the first week, the teams were allowed to tweak their bot’s code and to launch secondary identities designed to sabotage their competitors’ bots. The Top 10 Twitter Clients To Help You Tweet Better - Blog - Marty McPadden. Twitter may not be as popular as Facebook yet but the social media platform has grown leaps and bounds since I started using the site in September of 2007.

The Top 10 Twitter Clients To Help You Tweet Better - Blog - Marty McPadden

It is through this site that I had the chance to meet people from all over the world, but the best part of joining Twitter is the loads of information that I get everyday. Imagine having so many people to talk with 24/7. This is particularly helpful for me considering the time that I also keep because of my work. It is through this social site that I have met someone who is very passionate about tweeting and blogging, a self proclaimed Twitter-holic @mistygirlph. In one of our conversations we ended up comparing Twitter clients that we have both used in the past and thought we'd share it with you here today. Desktop Misty: Seesmic - This is a good Twitter desktop client if you want to see your private messages, mentions, your friend's tweets and your own Tweets too. Mobile Scheduler Influence Photo Sharing BONUS Category: Music Sharing. 20 tool per valutare i social media. Tutti gli strumenti gratuiti in rete da non perdere per analizzare e valutare i social media Una delle innovazioni introdotte dai social media è la grande misurabilità delle azioni online: riprendendo un bel post di Ragan’s PR Daily, ecco allora una lista interessante di tool che forniscono, a costo zero (almeno nelle versioni basic), dati significativi da utilizzare e analizzare in report.

20 tool per valutare i social media

Non è sicuramente una lista completa di tutti gli strumenti disponibili in rete, ma l’uso contemporaneo di alcuni di questi è sufficiente per fornire dati significativi. Buona lettura, e fatene buon uso! 1.