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Tools Keep Ford at the Forefront of Innovation - Solutions - Nat Author(s):Kurt D. Osborne - Ford Motor Company At the Forefront of Innovation Since 1992, Ford Motor Company has been dedicated to fuel cell system (FCS) R&D. Despite our significant progress, several deficiencies have prevented FCSs from becoming a commercially viable technology that is competitive with conventional internal combustion-based power trains. In conjunction with our groundbreaking FCS design, we developed a new control system using rapid prototyping. We implemented an HIL system comprised of an NI PXI-8186 controller in an NI PXI-1010 combination PXI/SCXI chassis with associated PXI and SCXI I/O cards, including a controller area network (CAN), to verify the control strategy functionality embedded in the CompactRIO controller. Performance When You Need It Automotive power train control demands real-time performance. The FCS controller receives various inputs from sensors, actuators, and other controllers and systems within a vehicle. Seamless Technology Integration

A Manifesto for Agile Strategy: oxymoron or innovation? « Made by Many You can talk and think about stuff for ages and ages before doing something or other. Why not just do something straight away and learn from that? London was basking in unexpected sunshine and Tim Malbon (aka @malbonster) and I were wolfing down some fish and chips in Soho. ‘Doing over planning‘ might be the simplest way to summarise the Agile philosophy that Made by Many so fervently pursues (a great non-tech articulation of the Agile approach to web apps is Getting Real by 37 Signals). I was further prompted by Stuart's excellent recent post exploring some of the differences between "Agile" the philosophy and "agile" the adjective, in which he concludes: Two of the most interesting questions for me is how is Agile going to scale beyond a team level? So this is the question that has been haunting me: what role can or does strategy have in an Agile world? My short answer to this, is most definitely. 1. 2. 3. Deep research and immersion in complex problems is all good and well. 4.

Kairos Autonomi: Pronto4™ Strap-on Autonomy System - Existing Ve We have released a new product, the Pronto4 Uomo! Check out our for more information, or download the . Kairos Autonomi has moved into a to facilitate the company's rapid growth. Kairos Autonomi has become the largest robotic manufacturer by volume of full-size unmanned ground vehicle systems in the world. Kairos Autonomi Introduces kit for unmanned moving target destructive test or training operations. Kairos Autonomi Introduces its . Kairos Autonomi releases new Pronto4 Kairos Autonomi creates robot for . Visit the Kairos Autonomi and shop for a variety of support products for the Pronto4 or other applications. The Pronto4™ Agnostic Autonomy System successfully enables optionally unmanned vehicle navigation on the Earth's surface by providing a universal retrofit kit for existing ground vehicle or surface vessel platforms. A HMMWV retrofitted with the Pronto4™ Agnostic Autonomy System prepares for a high-speed test (75+ mph). Additions / Add-ons to the Pronto4™

Remapping your strategic mind-set - McKinsey Quarterly - Strategy - Globalization Senior executives need better mental maps to navigate our unevenly globalized world. Although a wide variety of metrics show that just 10 to 25 percent of economic activity is truly global, executives disproportionately embrace visions of unbounded opportunities in a borderless world, where distances and differences no longer matter. In several articles and books, I’ve tried to describe the true nature of globalization and suggest ways for executives to structure their thinking about distance and difference effects (see sidebar, “Understanding the world and measuring distance”). Here, I want to focus on the potential for a special kind of map—one I call a “rooted map”—to help leaders enhance their intuition about the opportunities and threats inherent in our semiglobalized world. Rooted maps correct a misperception reinforced by conventional ones: that the world looks the same regardless of the viewer’s vantage point or purpose. Using rooted maps to understand opportunities Exhibit 1

Control Engineering Asia : Start-up Strategy: To Change the Game, Change the Economics of How It’s Played (photo: laffy4k) Several weeks ago, I found myself in the passenger seat of a car going nowhere fast. My friend, Peter Sims, who had earlier introduced me to the Stanford D.School, was leading the charge into the unknown, hurtling us (hopefully) towards dinner in exotic Burlingame, where people from SF and Palo Alto compromise to break bread. The “us” included Alan M. Alan was co-founder of Fast Company magazine and former editorial director of the Harvard Business Review. More specifically related to this post, Alan developed a very interesting habit more than 20 years ago, when he began to carry a supply of 3 x 5 index cards wherever life took him. His new book, Rules of Thumb, is a collection of 52 truths he’s culled from these notes specifically related to winning in business. Here is Rule #24, one of my favorites. RULE #24 – If you want to change the game, change the economics of how the game is played. Except for the Grateful Dead. So What? How do you do it?

Welcome to Stratech Systems Limited : FOD Detection System iFerret™ intelligent Airfield/Runway Surveillance and FOD (Foreign Object & Debris) Detection System Incidents arising from Foreign Objects & Debris (FOD) on runways cost the aviation industry US$4 billion in aircraft repairs and maintenance annually. Flight delays and accident claims add to the cost. FOD includes a wide range of materials, such as a part fallen off from an aircraft, a detached runway light fitting, building materials, rocks and even wildlife. The Air France Concorde crash in July 2000, which claimed 113 lives, reinforces the need for real-time, automated FOD detection. Currently, airports conduct daily manual runway sweeps to remove FOD. iFerret™ is designed to detect and classify foreign objects, as well as pinpoint their location. iFerret™ has won the R&D prize at the Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) 2006 . TOTAL Airfield Surveillance & FOD Detection System to view iFerret in action in a larger screen. iFerret™ Features to view iFerret larger image.

The Manager's Handbook: 80+ Open Courseware Collections to Help You Be a Better Leader Image Processing Fundamentals - Morphology-based Operations Helaas, de pagina die u zocht is niet beschikbaar. Het kan zijn dat de pagina niet (meer) bestaat, de naam van de pagina veranderd is, of de pagina verplaatst is. Onze excuses voor het ongemak. Suggestie: misschien zocht u naar één van deze pagina’s van onze website: Homepage TU DelftStuderen; studeren aan de TU Delft, bacheloropleidingen, masteropleidingenOnderzoek; Energy, Environment, Health, Infrastuctures and Mobility, promoveren (PhD) Zakelijk; ondernemen, talent scouten, onderzoeksprojectenActueel; nieuws, agenda, studentenprojectenOver TU Delft; faculteiten, contact en bereikbaarheid, werken bij TU Delft U kunt ook zoeken binnen de website van TU Delft. Wilt u een melding maken van deze 'gebroken link'? Bij voorbaat dank.

Mentorat et Parrainage - (HTTP) In this short white paper, I will endeavour to answer the key questions you may have about entrepreneurial mentoring and the implementation of a programme: Is this new support relationship for entrepreneurs just trendy or does it have a real impact for new entrepreneurs? Why… Lire la suite Reviewing our latest missions and discussions with large corporations such as: Airbus, Alcatel Lucent, CEA, CMA-CGM, Eurocopter, Gemalto, Pernod Ricard, and Renault, in 2013 here are the main 3 trends that keep coming back in our perspective: Mentoring, community and networks Corporations have finally realized… Lire la suite Le 21 juin je suis intervenue pour le réseau des CCI de France sur la mise en place d’un programme de mentorat entrepreneurial. J’étais invitée la semaine dernière à la signature de la charte nationale du mentorat entrepreneurial à Bercy. J’étais donc à Paris pour le 9ème colloque de l’EMCC France (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) samedi 19 janvier.
