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DIN - Formate A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 in mm und Pixel bei 150 und 300 dpi (ppi), Übersicht DIN - Größen. : Wählen Sie in der ersten, blau hinterlegten Spalte das gewünschte Format, in den folgenden Spalten finden Sie neben dem Maß in Millimeter mm Angaben zu dem jeweiligen Flächen-Anteil der Blattgröße im Verhältnis zu DIN A0, die benötigte Pixel-Anzahl bei 72, 150 und 300 dpi (ppi) für den Druck, die exakte Größe in Quadratmeter qm und die gerundete Quadratmeter-Angabe bei einer Teilung vom Wert 1 für die Papier-Fläche von DIN A0.

DIN - Formate A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 in mm und Pixel bei 150 und 300 dpi (ppi), Übersicht DIN - Größen

Beispiel: Sie möchten in einer Druckerei ein Poster in der Größe DIN A1 drucken lassen, als Vorgaben werden Ihnen u.a. folgende erforderlichen Werte genannt: Auflösung der Grafik 150 dpi (ppi), Beschnittzugabe 3 mm umlaufend. Wählen Sie in der Zeile für DIN A1 die Spalte "Pixel bei 150 ppi", Sie haben nun die Maße in Pixel mit 3508 x 4967 für das genaue Maß von A1 mit 59,4 x 84,1 cm. ISO 216. ISO 216 specifies international standard (ISO) paper sizes used in most countries in the world today.

ISO 216

The standard defines the "A" and "B" series of paper sizes, including A4, the most commonly available size. Two supplementary standards, ISO 217 and ISO 269, define related paper sizes; the ISO 269 "C" series is commonly listed alongside the A and B sizes. All ISO 216, ISO 217 and ISO 269 paper sizes (except DL) have the same aspect ratio, 1:√2, at least to within the rounding to whole numbers of millimetres. This ratio has the unique property that when cut or folded in half widthwise, the halves also have the same aspect ratio. Each ISO paper size is one half of the area of the next larger size.

History[edit] Comparison of A4 (shaded grey) and C4 sizes with some similar paper and photographic paper sizes. Early in the twentieth century, Dr Walter Porstmann turned Lichtenberg's idea into a proper system of different paper sizes. A series[edit] . B series[edit] Sticker Solutions. 100 (Really) Creative Business Cards. Whichever business you’re in, and especially for anyone in the field of design, such as web designers, a business card can be as important as your website identity.

100 (Really) Creative Business Cards

A business card creates a physical connection and bond between you or your business and your customers. Just like in a website, business cards can become great interactive elements, but with the added ability to have real textures, different materials and shapes. How To Make An Effective Flyer. It’s simple really. A flyer has one aim. To promote your business. And it can do this in a number of ways: tell people what you can do, tell them what they need, tell them what they want or a special offer. Then there’s the details; your (business) name and phone number and/or address. Yet, some people can make a mess of this surprisingly simple concept. It’s hard enough to get most people to take their junk mail inside with so many professionally printed brochures turning up every day (Where I live I’m sure they cut down a portion of forest the size of a football field to make the weekly printed advertisements for my letterbox alone).

With some aspiring Desktop Publishers it’s a hit and miss affair. The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep it simple. No one wants to read mindless drivel. After you’ve mastered the art of the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid) you can rise to the next level. Glossary of Printing & Graphic Terms. Hello!

Glossary of Printing & Graphic Terms

Peter Pressman here . . . welcome to this fine collection of Printing and Graphic Terms. When I entered the printing industry, I was a young pup -- eager to learn, but green behind the ears. A very dear friend gave me sound advice after I survived an embarrassing situation on the press floor (a costly $$ error, and entirely my fault). "You need to get the basic printing industry knowledge under your belt -- NOW," my friend told me. And he directed me to what he called "your beginner's printing industry bible" -- Getting it Printed by Mark Beach. So it is with great pride that I bring to you the glossary from Getting it Printed, copyright © 1993 by Mark Beach. PLEASE NOTE: Getting it Printed was written for people who plan, design and pay for printing. Tecniche: Come usare la carta. Nella decorazione di un oggetto con la tecnica dello ScrapArt la carta gioca un ruolo fondamentale e deve essere utilizzata, creando infiniti coordinati, a seconda delle fantasie e dei decori scelti.

I vari soggetti di carta potranno essere utilizzati lavorandoli in modi differenti a seconda di ciò che si dovrà realizzare: potranno essere tagliati, strappati , bruciacchiati, sagomati... •Se si vorranno ottenere tagli lineari, dopo avere disegnato con la matita ed un righello le linee necessarie, si potranno utilizzare oppure, consigliati per tagli più lunghi e di precisione: il ed un .

Flyer Design for Inspirational Designs, Creative Flyers, and Unique Flyer Designs.