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AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework

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Envoyer des notifications avec Google Cloud Messaging ( GCM ) GCMPushMessage.php class GCMPushMessage { private $serverApiKey; Five simple database design tips A flawed database can affect all areas of your application, so getting the design right is of paramount importance. Check out Builder's five simple design tips, and share some of your own. If an enterprise’s data is its lifeblood, then the database design can be the most important part of an application. Volumes have been written on this topic, and entire college degrees have been built around it. However, as has been said time and time again here on, there’s no teacher like experience. I’ll get the show started by listing my five favorite tips and giving a brief explanation of the rationale behind each one.

Deal with users authentication in an AngularJS web app This post is meant to share some thought about the main issues related to the user’s authentication in an AngularJS web app. This post is about how to maintain, and recognize, the status of authentication of an user (that is, if he’s logged in, or not) between the different routes of a web application. Moreover it also explains how to handle the case of a not authenticated user, who is trying to access to a page, that requires the user to be logged in. Before going into the details of my approach, it is very important to clarify that, because the user has full controll of the browser, each control implemented with front end technologies, must (!) be repeated also in the backend. Recognize an authenticated user

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns I would like to thank Rebecca Murphey for inspiring me to open-source this mini-book and release it for free download and distribution - making knowledge both open and easily available is something we should all strive for where possible. I would also like to extend my thanks to the very talented Alex Sexton who was kind enough to be the technical reviewer for this publication. I hope that it helps you learn more about design patterns and the usefulness of their application to JavaScript. Volume 2 of Essential JavaScript Design Patterns is currently being written and will be more detailed than this first edition. The ETA for it's online release is late Q4, 2011. For more detailed coverage of specific patterns, you may be interested in my posts on the Pub/Sub (Observer) or Decorator patterns.

Authentication in Single Page Applications with Angular.js - A Modest Proposal - Web Development, Japanese, Music 9/2/2014 update:The GitHub repo now uses UI-router instead of the standard ngRoute routing module. This blog post will still illustrate the original technique utilizing ngRoute, while information regarding the UI-router approach can be found in the GitHub repo as well as this blogpost. The example app in the repo has been deployed to Heroku, so now you can test it out live for yourself right here. A separate blogpost discussing the complementing server-side code can be found here.

Facebook API pour Android To use Facebook SDK in a project, add it as a build dependency and import it. 1. Go to Android Studio | New Project | Minimum SDK 2. Ten Common Database Design Mistakes No list of mistakes is ever going to be exhaustive. People (myself included) do a lot of really stupid things, at times, in the name of “getting it done.” This list simply reflects the database design mistakes that are currently on my mind, or in some cases, constantly on my mind.

Why does Angular.js rock? Let’s see if we can discover why :) Angular.js is a MV* (Model – View – Whatever) Javascript framework which is maintained by Google which excels in the creation of single-page-applications or even for adding some “magic” to our classic web applications. I could spend all the day writing about why you should try Angular.js in your new project, but I feel that it would be better if we see it in action. Data binding and scopes The first question that usually comes to mind is: Does it support data binding? Let’s see an example of Angular.js’ way of data binding: 10 Useful JavaScript Solutions for Charts and Graphs The visual structures such as Graphs and Charts are a valuable presence in web development. The visual structures can easily simplify complex data and output that can be chosen to put a list of JavaScript graphs. Today we present 10 such JavaScript solutions for Charts and Graphs to make easy your website development much easier.

AngularJS on Rails 4 - Part 1 - coderberry AngularJS seems to be the big craze as of late. Some may agree and some may not, but AngularJS is one of the next big contenders for being the number one choice of developers. At the time of writing this article, AngularJS is the 15th most watched project on GitHub . A few days back, I presented at our local ruby users group on writing an API-driven Rails app with AngularJS on the front end. Since then, I have received a lot of feedback on how I could have enhanced the app.

Firebase Cloud Messaging   Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages at no cost. Using FCM, you can notify a client app that new email or other data is available to sync. You can send notification messages to drive user re-engagement and retention. For use cases such as instant messaging, a message can transfer a payload of up to 4KB to a client app. Already using Google Cloud Messaging? Learn more about your options.

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