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Gallery · mbostock/d3 Wiki Wiki ▸ Gallery Welcome to the D3 gallery! More examples are available for forking on Observable; see D3’s profile and the visualization collection. Please share your work on Observable, or tweet us a link! Visual Index Basic Charts Techniques, Interaction & Animation Maps Statistics Examples Collections The New York Times visualizations Jerome Cukier Jason Davies Jim Vallandingham Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Peter Cook Charts and Chart Components Bar Chart Histogram Pareto Chart Line and Area Chart Pie Chart Scatterplot and Bubble chart Parallel Coordinates, Parallel sets and Sankey Sunburst and Partition layout Force Layout Tree Misc Trees and Graphs Chord Layout (Circular Network) Maps Misc Charts Miscellaneous visualizations Charts using the reusable API Useful snippets Tools Interoperability Online Editors Products Store Apps

HTML5 Introduction Line Chart Line Chart This simple line chart is constructed from a TSV file storing the closing value of AAPL stock over the last few years. The chart employs conventional margins and a number of D3 features: d3.tsv - load and parse datad3.time.format - parse datesd3.time.scale - x-position encodingd3.scale.linear - y-position encodingd3.extent - compute domainsd3.svg.axis - display axesd3.svg.line - display line shape index.html# data.tsv# MIT OpenCourseWare Interactive Data Visualization for the Web Enhanced with examples hosted on JS Bin, courtesy of Remy Sharp and his company, Left Logic. About the Author Scott Murray is a code artist who writes software to create data visualizations and other interactive phenomena. His work incorporates elements of interaction design, systems design, and generative art. Twitter: @alignedleft Interactive Data Visualization for the Web By Scott Murray $23.99 Read Online Buy the Ebook This online version of Interactive Data Visualization for the Web includes 44 examples that will show you how to best represent your interactive data. Be sure to get the full ebook bundle on, which includes downloadable, DRM-free PDF, EPUB, and Mobi versions of the book, as well as free, lifetime updates. This step-by-step guide is ideal whether you’re a designer or visual artist with no programming experience, a reporter exploring the new frontier of data journalism, or anyone who wants to visualize and share data.

Developer Documentation Developer Documentation Languages: English • Español • Italiano • 한국어 • Русский • 中文(繁體) • (Add your language) Introduction WordPress is fast, lightweight, and easy to use. You may also wish to consult the Developer Documentation FAQ. WARNING: Programming Code Ahead The following articles may use programming terms without offering detailed explanations for non-programmers. Although the alteration of the downloadable files for WordPress is limited to a few distinct programmers, every WordPress user has the ability to effect change in the core WordPress code, making WordPress highly customizable. Plugin Development Writing a Plugin - The best starting place for learning about how to develop plugins WordPress Coding Standards - General information about coding standards for WordPress development Debugging in WordPress - Reference and guide for using the built-in debugging system in WordPress. APIs Contributing to WordPress Forums, Lists, and Blogs Other Information of Interest External Resources

10 Websites that Teach Coding and More So you want to learn to code, do you? Well, you happen to be in luck, as it has never been easier or cheaper to learn that new skill, and there are plenty of websites that teach coding and more. They will help turn you from zero to hero, as long as you stick to it and practice, practice, practice! 1. Codeacademy Codeacademy leads you through the process of learning to program web-oriented languages. 2. The online tutorials offered by are recognized as some of the best e-learning courses out there. 3. Udacity aims to be the future of online higher education. 4. Coursera provides you with course materials created by a number of reputable worldwide universities. 5. If you wish to learn the majority of the web-based languages, then W3Schools is an indispensable reference site. 6. This is the place you start if you plan to develop apps for iOS and OSX. 7. For app developers wishing to learn how to code Android Java apps ready for the mobile platform, this is the place to start. 8.

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