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<div id="js_warning"><strong>JavaScript is turned off, so this page won&rsquo;t be very interactive.</strong> Switch JavaScript back on in your web browser for the full experience.</div> These tutorials have been expanded into a book, Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, published by O’Reilly in March 2013. Purchase the ebook and print editions from O’Reilly. A free, online version includes interactive examples.

CheckIO - online game for Python and JavaScript coders Introduction to d3.js and data-driven visualizations d3.js is a JavaScript library for efficient data manipulation and visualization. It doesn't aim to provide a rich feature set; rather, the goal is to allow the user to have control over the transformations applied to the data. The lecture portion will cover an example that covers the basics of binding data, manipulating that data's representation in the DOM, and the different transformations we can apply on the visualizations. After the lecture portion, we'll have a more hands-on exercise where students will try to bind their own datasets and try to create their own visualizations. Please e-mail me at if you have specific visualizations in mind. Proceeds will be going towards hackNY, an organization aimed at supporting and growing the New York innovation community. Prerequisites Familiarity with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML is recommended to get the most out of the talk.

Explorations of People Movements In 2010, I surveyed visual explorations of traffic, and it was all about how cars, planes, trains, and ships moved about their respective landscapes. It was implied that the moving things had people in them, but the focus was mostly on the things themselves. Location data was a byproduct of the need of vehicles to get from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible. Airplanes floated across the sky. Cabs left ghostly trails in the city. However, around the same time, it was growing more common for people to carry phones with GPS capability and these days, it’s commonplace in areas where most people use smartphones. We see people. Aggregated estimates Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though. During this century though, way back in 2007 (a whole six years ago) I played with some global migration data, and that was only on the country level. Bruner followed up the next year with a more refined version. Single points from a lot of people Many points from a few people Looking ahead

Game Maven from Crunchzilla <h2>Game Maven from Crunchzilla is an interactive tutorial that lets anyone experiment with coding and write a few games.<p> Game Maven from Crunchzilla uses Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want to play with Game Maven. Otherwise, Game Maven will not be able to play with you. </p><p></h2> Hello, I'm Game Maven! Hello and Getting Started Lesson 1 BACK How to Play | Lesson Sections | About | FAQ | Terms of Use | Privacy | Contact | © 2015 How to Play Game Maven from Crunchzilla is the third and most advanced programming tutorial in the Crunchzilla series. It's easy to play. Click on the Reset button if you really mess up your code and want to start over on a lesson. Game Maven saves what lesson you are on, so feel free to stop at any time and come back later. If you haven't done Code Maven from Crunchzilla yet, you probably should do that first unless you already have a lot of programming experience. Have fun! Frequently Asked Questions What is the c in things like Sure!

SELECT from WORLD Tutorial - SQLZOO [edit] Country Profile In this tutorial you will use the SELECT command on the table World: [edit] Warming up Read the notes about this table. Observe the result of running a simple SQL command. SELECT name, continent, population FROM world result [edit] Large Countries How to use WHERE to filter records. Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. (200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros) SELECT name FROM world WHERE population>250000000 SELECT name FROM world WHERE population>200000000 Give the name and the per capita GDP for those countries with a population of at least 200 million. HELP:How to calculate per capita GDP per capita GDP is the GDP divided by the population GDP/population SELECT name, gdp/population FROM world WHERE population > 200000000 Show the name and population in millions for the countries of 'South America' Divide the population by 1000000 to get population in millions. Show the name and population for 'France', 'Germany', 'Italy'

Deze stadskaarten laten zien waar foto's in populaire steden genomen worden Het is de eeuwige paradox van het toerisme: iedereen wil een unieke en authentieke ervaring, maar houdt over het algemeen niet van plekken waar andere toeristen ook zijn. Toch blijken dit de plekken die uiteindelijk het vaakst gefotografeerd worden. Eric Fischer heeft al deze menselijke handelingen in kaart gebracht door een model te ontwikkelen voor zijn data-visualisaties. Hij verzamelt geo-tag gegevens van over de hele wereld en verwerkt deze in kaarten. Zo kan hij vergelijken waar de lokale bevolking (blauw) en toeristen (rood) hun foto’s maken. Hij bracht de rauwe data in kaart door middel van deze mooie visualisaties. Berlijners begeven zich meer in het oosten, terwijl toeristen Unter den linden en de Straße des 17 juni vaker fotograferen. In het Flickr-album van dit project staan 136 kaarten van de meest populaire toeristische bestemmingen van de wereld. Niet in alle steden maken de bewoners foto’s van hun leefomgeving. Rome lijkt haast helemaal veroverd door bezoekers.

How To Learn Hacking Copyright © 2014 Eric S. Raymond The “hacking” we'll be talking about in this document is exploratory programming in an open-source environment. Hacking is primarily a style of programming, and following the recommendations in this document can be an effective way to acquire general-purpose programming skills. Note that one can be doing hacking without being a hacker. Hacking doesn't have enough formal apparatus to be a full-fledged methodology in the way the term is used in software engineering, but it does have some characteristics that tend to set it apart from other styles of programming. Hacking is done on open source. The hacking style has been closely associated with the technical tradition of the Unix operating system Recently it has become evident that hacking blends well with the “agile programming” style. Stages of Learning How To Hack Learning to compose music has three stages. The equivalent of playing scales is writing small programs, alone. The Incremental-Hacking Cycle

Database Design - Introduction Please note: This site is no longer maintained. The latest version is now edited by Prof. Alvaro Monge, located on the CSULB Web site. This third edition of dbDesign is a general update, both to meet legal requirements for U.S. “Section 508” accessibility and to bring the code into compliance with the latest World Wide Web Consortium standards. The second edition was largely motivated by the very helpful comments of Prof. The original site was the outgrowth of a previous book project, Practical Relational Database Design, by Wayne Dick and Tom Jewett. In every edition of this site, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Prof. Copyright © 2002–2006, by Tom Jewett.
