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Related:  Twitter Analytics

Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects All Hover.css effects make use of a single element (with the help of some pseudo-elements where necessary), are self contained so you can easily copy and paste them, and come in CSS, Sass, and LESS flavours. Many effects use CSS3 features such as transitions, transforms and animations. Old browsers that don't support these features may need some extra attention to be certain a fallback hover effect is still in place. Licenses Hover.css is made available under a free personal/open source or paid commercial licenses depending on your requirements. To compare licenses please visit the Ian Lunn Design Limited Store and purchase a commercial license.

10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools Recently Twitter rolled out their native analytics platform for all users and now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter. After researching over a thousand Twitter Tools for the Twitter Tools Book I came across many Twitter analytics and visualization tools. These Twitter tools were designed to add value by presenting a different way to visualize or analyze your tweets, the people in your network, and the tweets from the people in your network. 10 cool Twitter visualisation tools You might think of Twitter as a way to chat with your friends, keep up with news or to hassle minor celebrities. We think of it as a ceaseless stream of data that only really becomes useful when you filter and sort it. Here are 10 tools for doing just that, with a twist. They take your tweets and turn them into animations, graphs and glyphs for your visual delectation. They're Twitter visualisers, the best the web has to offer.

Bitly Create a free account Sign up with FacebookSign up with Twitter Or Sign in & Start Sharing Sign in with FacebookSign in with Twitter By creating an account, you agree to Bitly's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid in Business Website Hosting There are several such incidents where small businesses and startups became victims of poor web hosting service. If you keep an eye on some of the web hosting reviews, you will learn and feel the pain points. Every eCommerce website owner must do this exercise to develop analytical skills. You’ll not only need a good web host, but a reliable and easily approachable solution provider. Anything less than that will simply not work.

Understanding Twitter Analytics: What You Need to Know! One of the key components for marketers to look at while deciding on the performance of any of their social networks is measurement. While Facebook always had Facebook Insights to give out the details of your owned presence details along with the post level activity, we always had to rely on third party estimated data for Twitter. Now with Twitter going public and aiming to generate more money via advertising, they have certainly stepped up their game with the introduction of Twitter Analytics for different components on Twitter. Logging in to the Twitter Ads or Twitter Analytics platform, the default dashboard is presented to the account with three components to look at: Recommended for YouWebcast: The Art of Growth Hacking: Gaining Early Traction by Doing Things that Don't Scale Impressions are IN:

Tinderbox Save 25% on Tinderbox and Storyspace during the 2019 Festival of Artisanal Software. Tinderbox is just $199 — save $50! Storyspace is just $114 — save $35! Groupon Doubles Down On Its DIY Deal Builder, Racks Up 25k Offers Groupon — on a mission to expand its business beyond the daily deal and into more local commerce (a mission to be partly fuelled by Apple Pay) — is also making efforts to ensure that the inventory of offers that it does have continues to grow. As part of that, Groupon is updating its Deal Builder, a do-it-yourself tool it launched in February for merchants to create and upload their own offers to Groupon, without working with live sales reps. Restaurants, one of Groupon’s biggest categories, can now also create their own deals (they were not eligible before). And Groupon has also added in more pricing, photographic and editorial features to the Deal Builder — the logic here being that more flexible deal choices, nicer pictures and better descriptions will draw in more merchants as we all more users.

Twitter Search, Monitoring, & Analytics With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for.

Web Animation Infographics: A Map of the Best Animation Libraries for JavaScript and CSS3 plus Performance Tips Today we have decided to showcase a 'map' of the current state of web animation by compiling highly regarded libraries, frameworks and plugins based on their versatility and performance. Infographic 1: The Map of Web Animation The infographic is divided into three sections, the first part is a selection of a few of the most comprehensive animation libraries which offer up all the tools one could ever wish for from easing functions and callbacks to timing control, not to mention the generic animation functions we have come to expect. We have segregated libraries which use CSS3 transition to animate elements from libraries which call on JavaScript instead.

A New Method to Track Keyword Ranking using Google Analytics In the past I’ve written about different ways to customize Google Analytics for SEO. This post is all about a new way to track keyword ranking using Google Analytics. A little background… Grabbing Twitter Search Results into Google Refine And Exporting Conversations into Gephi How can we get a quick snapshot of who’s talking to whom on Twitter in the context of a particular hashtag? Here’s a quick recipe that shows how… First we need to grab some search data. The Twitter API documentation provides us with some clues about how to construct a web address/URL that will grab results back from a particular search on Twitter in a machine readable way (that is, as data): is the base URL, and the format we require is json, which gives us query we want is presented using the q= parameter: we want multiple search terms (for example, library skills), they need encoding in a particular way.

Online Shopping - Where To Get Style Inspiration When it comes to online shopping, we always try to exercise restraint. But, the truth is, whenever we have a quick break at work, we're almost always browsing our favorite e-shops, hoping to track down the perfect dress for a night out or simply gain some spring-outfit inspiration. So, being the shopping nerds we are — and we're guessing you are, too — we have a well-curated batch of go-to sites we turn to on a weekly daily basis. And, we're going to share 'em with you right here. The crop of boutiques ahead runs the gamut from super-cool, affordable labels to high-end brands you may reserve for extra-special occasions. And, not only do these stores stock must-buy merch, but each is also brimming with high-quality editorial content featuring styling tips, shopping advice, trend reports, and more.

The Secret to Listening on Twitter: Advanced Search Many small and medium businesses ignore one of the most vital – and useful – aspects of Twitter: the ability to listen. Listening to customers, competitors and industry leaders doesn’t have to be an expensive proposition that only the “big guys” can afford, nor does it have to be a time-consuming activity that only large teams can handle. Listening on Twitter is as simple as knowing how to search. We’ve written before about the benefits of social listening, whether listening to your competitor’s customers or your competitors themselves.