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Writing Prompts for Journals and Writers Notebooks

Writing Prompts for Journals and Writers Notebooks
WritingFix: The Prompt Generator has Moved! WritingFix is downsizing--not going away!--and we're moving a number of the BIGGER prompts and projects to a new website. It's true. The Northern Nevada Writing Project--facing almost a 100% budget cut--has to downsize this free-to-use website so that it can fit on a smaller server. The "Daily Prompt Generator" on this page was one of the LARGEST prompts we housed at WritingFix, so it will be moving--not going away! Our webmaster who created and added to the daily prompt server between 2001-2011 has agreed to house it at his classroom/teaching website.

23 Advice Websites We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. ~Ernest Hemingway How strong is your writing? No matter how good you think it is, there’s always room for improvement. Write Source - Writing Topics The best way to get into writing is simply to write . . . and write . . . and write . . . freely. This practice helps you develop a feel for writing.

I Keep a Writer's Notebook alongside my Students. Do you? I began requiring journal writing way back in 1990--my first year of teaching. I had taken a methods class at my university that stressed the importance of having students keep journals to record daily responses to topics. I said, "Why not?" and every student from day one maintained a spiral-bound "journal" for me. 100 Exquisite Adjectives By Mark Nichol Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words.

English Language Arts: Writing Prompts/Journal Topics What is... What is something you dislike about yourself? What is something you do well? 4 Ways To Enhance Your Teaching With Mind Mapping The more efficient your teaching technique the better your students’ comprehension level. This is just one of the benefits of mind mapping and encouraging students to work together as they learn new things. The following techniques, can be easily integrated in your teaching activity: 1. Brainstorming This technique allows students to work either on their own or together with other people.

TEN SIMPLE KEYS TO PLOT STRUCTURE Structure is something that every agent and executive in Hollywood talks about, and that all of us teachers/authors/consultants/gurus/whatever go on and on about, to the point that it can seem complicated, intricate, mysterious and hard to master. So I want present plot structure in a way that simplifies it – that will at least give you a starting point for properly structuring your screenplay without overwhelming you with rules and details and jargon. Here are what I consider ten key elements of structure – ten ways of looking at structure that will immediately improve the emotional impact – and commercial potential – of your script.

A Goldmine of Journal Writing Prompts The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World represent great works of ancient times that embody the best of mythology, religion, art, power, science and beauty. They are, in chronological order: The Great Pyramid of GizaThe Hanging Gardens of BabylonThe Statue of Zeus at OlympiaThe Temple of Artemis at EphesusThe Mausoleum of Maussollos at HalicarnassusThe Colossus of RhodesThe Lighthouse of Alexandria Sadly only the Pyramid at Giza is still standing today, the others all having been destroyed by natural disaster. You can read more about the Seven Wonders at Wikipedia. What are the seven wonders of your life? List them out and write about what makes them a wonder for you.

ReadWriteThink Interactives Find content from Thinkfinity Partners using a visual bookmarking and sharing tool. More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Results from ReadWriteThink 8 tips on writing from Kurt Vonnegut, the most beautiful book in the world, Feynman, Sagan, Curie, and other great minds define science, and more Hey you! If you missed last week's edition – the science of happiness, Charles Schulz's Peanuts define love, the importance of frustration in the creative process, and more – you can catch up right here. And if you're enjoying this, please consider supporting with a modest donation. Kurt Vonnegut's 8 Tips on How to Write a Great Story "When fishing for happiness, catch and release." The year of reading more and writing better is well underway with writing advice the likes of David Ogilvy's 10 no-bullshit tips, Henry Miller's 11 commandments, Jack Kerouac's 30 beliefs and techniques, John Steinbeck's 6 pointers, and various invaluable insight from other great writers.

Using Pictures as Writing Prompts Choose one of these images to use as a writing prompt for a freewriting session. Ideally, you'll develop one of the ideas generated by your freewriting session into a short story. A reader named Adam C. described how this played out for him in a creative writing class in which each student was given a different photo to write about. Adam writes, "The picture I was given portrayed an elderly couple, holding hands, looking off to the left of the camera lens. There was a large boat in the background. This prompted me to write about the couple as though they had just come from their home in Europe to join their son in America.

How to Improve Your Drawing Skills Disappointed by your doodles, and wish you could draw better? Drawing well is about your hand being able to do what your brain tells it to do. And if your hand doesn’t have much practice at creating certain shapes or lines, the end result of your sketching may not look at all like it did in your mind’s eye. But drawing is a skill and the old saying “practice makes perfect” still applies—learn how to improve your drawing skills with this lesson from Drawing Teachers. Michael shows you a beautiful and interesting way to practice drawing shapes and lines.
