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Creative Writing Exercises

Creative Writing Exercises
No matter what stage you're at with your writing, it's always beneficial to work on craft and technique. These creative writing exercises target common problems and weaknesses. Switch Point of View Both first person and third person have their strengths and weaknesses; what works for one story may not work for another. This creative writing exercise will help you observe the effect of writing in the point of view that's less familiar to you. A Day Without Modifiers While modifiers -- adjectives and adverbs -- can add to a story, too many, or the wrong ones, can bog down your prose and lead to weaker nouns and verbs. Avoid Back Story Unlike the other creative writing exercises on this list, this one asks you to work in another genre. Listening for Dialogue Not everyone starts out with an ear for dialogue, but fortunately it can be developed, like any other skill. Description Creative Writing Exercise Who's the most memorable person you've ever met?

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25 Things I Want To Say To So-Called “Aspiring” Writers Seen a lot of folks giving advice to so-called “aspiring” writers these days, so, I figured what the hell? Might as well throw my dubious nuggets of wisdom into the stew. See if any of this tastes right to you. 1. Dragon Writing Prompts As of today, that’s how many posts there are at Dragon Writing Prompts :-) I had vague thoughts of a prompt inspired by 1000 as I saw the number approaching. Well, no great original ideas popped into my head. No not-great original ones, either. ;-) So, since a picture’s worth 1000 words, I browsed through the writing area of for a picture prompt. (Click for larger view at the artist’s Worth1000 page.) Write a 1000 words inspired by the picture.

Writing Writing Even the best writers sometime need a little stimulation, if only for practice. Otherwise, writers may face the dismal monstrosity of writer's block. These generators are here to help when you need plot ideas, genre-bending concepts, and more. Story Inspiration Envisioner Combines legends, tales, and stories with new or unexpected elements. Journaling Ideas, How to Start Journaling 1. In your Journal, write the phrase "The Cure is here. The Healing has begun" and then write, write, write away. When you're done, write how you FEEL about this journaling experience! 2. Why does _____ drive me crazy? Creative Writing Prompts Write a scene that includes a character speaking a different language, speaking in a thick accent, or otherwise speaking in a way that is unintelligibe to the other characters. (Note: You don't necessarily need to know the language the character is speaking—be creative with it!) Describe a character's reaction to something without explaining what it is. See if your fellow prompt responders can guess what it is. Write a story or a scene about one character playing a prank on another.

Fortune Cookies Stories For you hardy souls who have time to spare, here's a recipe for making the cookies, so you can put your own messages in them. Prepare fortunes by writing messages on about 20 strips of paper. TIPS: -- These cookies cool very quickly and get stiffer as they cool, so only bake two or three at a time, since you want to bend them into shape around the message while they're still warm. -- and because of the heat of the half-baked cookies, it's best to use white cotton gloves, to have protection and still have dexterity. -- To form into the crescent shape, have a thin-edged bowl or pan on hand, along with a muffin pan. Preheat the oven to 300F.

English Language Arts: Writing Prompts/Journal Topics What is... What is something you dislike about yourself? What is something you do well? What is your favourite room in your home and why? Personal Journal Writing Prompts One of the common statements I have heard is "I want to journal but I don't know how." For someone who has been journaling a long time or even all their lives this may seem like a silly statement and the likely response may be "You just pick up a pen and start writing." If you have not had an affinity for journaling it really is not that easy. If you want to journal the first thing you need to ask is "Why?" Do you want to journal to clear your head and work through your problems or do you want to journal to capture the history of your life?

Creative Writing Exercises - great ways to set your imagination free.Practical Creative Writing Creating characters from scratch can be a great exercise to help you get started on a story. The characters you create can be human, animal, extraterrestrials, or you can even create a whole new species if you like. Some people prefer to start their stories by thinking up an event or an incident, which they then develop as a story – adding their characters later. Others begin by creating a new character and building the story from there. There is much argument about whether you should start a story with character or plot but to me the argument is pointless.
