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Click within the white grid and drag your mouse to draw obstacles. Drag the green node to set the start position. Drag the red node to set the end position. Choose an algorithm from the right-hand panel. Click Start Search in the lower-right corner to start the animation. Breadth-First-Search Best-First-Search Dijkstra Jump Point Search Orthogonal Jump Point Search Trace generating grid 100%

Chapter 4 -- C++ Game Programming Tutorial by Forest J. Handford In this chapter we will develop a Hangman game. To start off this chapter, we are going to learn about the ++ and the -- operator. Var will equal 2 after the second statement. The above code in the loop is equivalent to the following: Array[Count] = Count; Count = Count + 1; The ++ and -- operator when preceding the variable has the highest precedence in the order of operations. Type casting is a way to change the type of a variable. The above code will produce a compiler error because they are of different types. Now let's go over the for loop. The initial code is executed first and then the condition is checked. output: 0 1 2 3 4 Access to variables and constants can be confusing in C++ to beginner programmers. We won't use pointers or dynamic variables until a later chapter so don't worry about them. In C++ you can create your own types using typedef. Here is an example: typedef char String[15];String Words[23]; The above makes an array of arrays. WriteWords();

Free HTML5 and JavaScript Charting Library – Flotr2 Flotr2 is a framework independent pure JavaScript charting library for drawing html5 graphs and charts. It supports many graphs types such as lines,bars,candles,pies and bubbles. Flotr2 is supported on all major browsers including IE6. The library supports plugins. Licence: Open SourceWebsite: Source: Enjoyed This Post? Digg this | stumble | | | DZone How to use Esri Flex API on Android and iPhone Update (Jun 2011) : For more updated info, check out my ADC article here. At MAX2010 (Awesome BTW) Adobe introduced Flex SDK Hero and Flash Builder Burrito which enables you to build and deploy Flex mobile applications on Android by default. In addition, using the revitalized Packager for iPhone, you can postprocess the swf into an ipa that you can deploy on an iPhone using iTunes. In this post, I will share with you the steps that I took to use the Flex API for ArcGIS to build a mobile mapping application. First and foremost - RTFM - here are some links that u _need_ to read specially for iPhone provisioning: The cool part of this whole process is now you have one code base to build upon and deploy on Android and iPhone and in the future whatever mobile platform Adobe decides to support. Now to the iPhone. <?

25 Clever Ideas to Make Life Easier Here are clever ideas to make life easier. To see the complete list of 25 go here. You can pin the pics directly to Pinterest by hovering your mouse over the pic then clicking the “pin it”! Via: Why didn’t I think of that?! Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Supposedly you can remove crayon masterpieces from your TV, computer screen, or walls with WD40 – I’m not going to try it though! Via: Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band. Via: Overhaul your linen cupboard – store bed linen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match. Via: Add this item to your beach bag. Via: Attach a velcro strip to the wall to store soft toys. Via: Look up! Via: Gotcha! Via:

Acrobat Javascript Samples Scripts Acrobat Javascript Samples Scripts Introduction: 1. Sample Scripts: What is Acrobat JavaScript? JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language developed by Netscape Communications. What can you do with Acrobat JavaScript? Acrobat JavaScript enables you to perform calculations in form fields, respond to user actions, validate user data, modify appearance of Acrobat application, control the behavior of PDF documents, dynamically modify document's appearance and functions, process multiple PDF documents with batch sequences, dynamically create new pages based on template, interface to a database. Where can I read more about Acrobat JavaScript? Acrobat JavaScript enables you to do a wide variety of things within a PDF document. How to create a batch sequence with JavaScript code? 1. Sample Acrobat JavaScripts Most sample scripts provided on this page are designed to be run as batch sequences. Mark misspelled words with squiggle Create page bookmarks Extract email addresses Extract ISBN numbers

free game graphics It is once again time for a prototyping challenge! The rules are the same. You are an elite programmer that wants to make something fun without spending ten years in art school learning how to draw stick figures. I provide some easy-to-use graphics and an intriguing game design for you to riff upon. Send me the links to your masterpieces and I'll post them for folks to enjoy and critique. This time, we are tackling an ancient, yet still fascinating, genre that is long overdue resurrection: The God Game. Back in the day, there was a game call Populous where you played a god. I've divided the challenge up into two sections. Challenge Part I: Core MechanicsHave you ever experienced the simple joy of sorting your Legos? As with all mechanics, the written design is a starting point. The mapThe land starts out with randomly sorted PlanetCute prototyping tiles, piled up to five levels deep. There are several types of tiles: The finished house will pop out the villager upon completion.

Creating and assigning roles Last updated June 13, 2012. Created on May 13, 2012.Edited by kwseldman, Itangalo. Log in to edit this page. Hi, it’s Boss. I know you’ve had a lot to do with the website, working weekends and such, so I thought you should get some help. Our intern will help you for the two weeks she is here. When talking to our consultants, they said it is possible to introduce new levels of permissions somehow – they particularly stressed that it would be a bad idea to give an intern access to settings on the site. Anyways – if you could create an editor permission level and make our intern an editor, it'd be great. //Boss Looking for support? un blog sur les SIG et les technologies Esri: Travailler avec OpenStreetMap dans ArcGIS 10 - 2/2 Mettre à jour OpenStreetMap à partir d'ArcGIS ESRI va encore plus dans l'intégration d'OpenStreetMap en proposant ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap. Il s'agit d'une série d'outils permettant de créer, de mettre à jour et de poster des données OSM à partir d'un poste ArcGIS Desktop (ArcView, ArcEditor ou ArcInfo). La première étape consiste à extraire les données de la base OpenStreetMap sur votre zone de travail afin de les enregistrer en local dans une Géodatabase Fichier ou dans une Géodatabase Enterprise. Une fois les données extraites en local, vous allez pouvoir exploiter la richesse des outils de mise à jour géométrique et attributaire d'ArcMap pour ajouter, modifier ou supprimer des entités dans les différentes classes d'entités. La Toolbox propose également des outils permettant à l'utilisateur d'appliquer automatiquement une symbologie adaptée à la représentation des différents types d'entités OpenStreetMap. Toujours plus d'ouverture... Friends, The time has come to shut the doors on Effect Games, so we can move onto other projects. But we've preserved some of our old games and demos for you to play with: We've also open sourced the entire Effect Games engine, as well as the web IDE. The source is MIT licensed, so you may use it in both personal and commercial projects. Deepest thanks to everyone who tried Effect Games and provided such awesome feedback.

Visualization: Motion Chart - Google Chart Tools Overview A dynamic chart to explore several indicators over time. The chart is rendered within the browser using Flash. Note for Developers: Because of Flash security settings, this (and all Flash-based visualizations) might not work correctly when accessed from a file location in the browser (e.g., rather than from a web server URL (e.g., Example (Note that the following code will not work when loaded as a local file; it must be loaded from a web server.) Loading The google.load package name is "motionchart". The visualization's class name is google.visualization.MotionChart. var visualization = new google.visualization.MotionChart(container); Data Format The first column must be of type 'string' and contain the entity names (e.g., "Apples", "Oranges", "Bananas" in the example above). Setting Initial State Open a working chart and set the settings that you'd like to capture. Configuration Options Methods Events Data Policy
