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Parallax Burns: Converting Photos from 2D to 3D with SVG Last week we talked about ZorroSVG, a tool for converting your chunky transparent PNG-32s into slim and flexible SVGs. That got me thinking. A few weeks earlier, I talked about the use of the Ken Burns effect in film and television. Figure 1: The ‘Parallax Ken Burns’ effect (as a GIF) But there’s another similar, but slightly more sophisticated technique that pans and/or zooms different layers of a photograph at different rates to give the image a slightly 3D effect. This is a classic videographers trick, so all the tutorials you’ll find on Youtube for this effect are aimed at Adobe After Effects users. But what if we could mimic the effect entirely inside a standalone SVG graphic? That was the plan. It didn’t quite work out that way (yet) but I thought it might be useful to share what I have so far. I don’t want to get super code-heavy here, but you should be able to pick through the CodePen to understand the detail. The plan was to… First take The Photograph The SVG Markup Method 1. Method 2.

Dimensioni immagini nei Social Network - Yunikon Design Un’utile infografica contenente tutte le dimensioni delle immagini nei Social Network Quante volte ti sarà capitato di non ricordare le dimensioni esatte dell’immagine cover di una Pagina Facebook? A me almeno una dozzina. Quick Reference Dimensioni Immagini nei Social Network Facebook – Facebook foto di Copertina: 851 x 315, Facebook foto Profilo: 180 x 180Twitter – Twitter immagine Header: 520 x 260, Twitter foto Profilo: 81 x 81Google+ – Google+ foto Copertina: 2120 x 1192, Google+ foto Profilo: 270 x 270LinkedIn – LinkedIN foto Copertina: 646 x 220, LinkedIN foto Profilo: 100 x 60Pinterest – Pinterest foto Profilo: 160 x 165Instagram – Instagram foto Profilo: 110 x 110YouTube Image Dimensions – YouTube foto Copertina: 2560 x 1440, YouTube foto Copertina safe area: 1546 x 423

Lightt jonom/jquery-focuspoint Home | JavaScript UI - w2ui What People Are Saying I have been using it quite substantially for a number of different projects now and must say that I absolutely love the way it works. - Soteri Panagou I've been using your grid on a couple of small projects and I've got to say it's an awesome piece of work. - Collanders I must say, I really like all of these controls. - Bob F I was searching for a slick and simple, but also user-friendly UI library. - Gerald Leeb W2UI is an excellent library! - Antonio Santos Very nice looking library. - John Whitten I'm loving w2ui, it packs a lot of punch for such a light library. - Neil Grover I am seriously blown away at the amazing quality of this library. - Billy This is amazing! - Bruno Cassol This is incredible, thank you. - Anthony Isaacson This library is absolutely amazing, i never seen in my life such a clean and understandable code!!! - MrCatt First of all, thank you very much for your hard work on these components - they're all very, very good! - Dave Thompson Only 97kb All In One

Festival - Fourth edition Application Agenda Festivals, markets, local celebrations, sportsevents - the entire programme of events in the Bouches-du-Rhône is on MyProvence Agenda. Check by date, by place, by theme: there's always something going on near you. People Like Myprovence is the official page for Bouches-du-Rhône tourism. Like Tables MyProvence Tables 13 means more than 200 restaurants for all kinds of local, homemade, creative, friendly cuisine. MyProvence The Pass Do you live in the Bouches-du-Rhône ? Discover Beautiful Roads With MyProvence Belles Routes, take off on foot, on bicycles, mountain bikes, motorcycles, in the car or even in mass transit. Festival Discover Provence looking through the eyes of the artists who have depicted it with Myprovence Festival : 4 years of contemporary artistic creation in and around Marseille-Provence. Discover Zevisit MyProvence Zevisit is a free app to explore Provence. Strolls

Chartist - Simple responsive charts You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Highly customizable responsive charts Facts about Chartist The following facts should give you an overview why to choose Chartists as your front-end chart generator: Simple handling while using convention over configurationGreat flexibility while using clear separation of concerns (Style with CSS & control with JS)Usage of SVG (Yes! These projects and wrapper libraries are known to me right now that either use Chartist.js or wrap them into a library for usage in a framework. Cross-browser support Note that CSS3 animations on SVG CSS attributes are not supported on all browsers and the appearance may vary.

WAIT! Animate Ideator | Million-dollar ideas at the push of a button wrobstory/bearcart Wild Blue Chillwave · varun vachhar 23 Nov 2015 A few days ago I came across this creative studio called This Also. They just launched a new site. It not only showcases some of their amazing work but, also has this fun little loading animation. I absolutely love this! Draw the Wave Step one was obvious… draw the wave using the SVG <path> element. To create this path with SVG we will use the Bézier curve command c – lower case which means relative coordinates. <! The Building Blocks For this example let’s assume that the width of the SVG element is w, the height is h and the wave has an amplitude of 0.25 * h. Moving to start point which will be the middle of the SVG (0.5 * h) + half the amplitude (0.125 * h):Then we begin the curve c and add the first control point. [ 'M', 0, 0.625 * h, 'c', 0.25 * h * m, 0 ] Then we add the second control point. [ 'M', 0, 0.625 * h, 'c', 0.25 * h * m, 0, 0.25 * h * (1 - m), -0.25 * h, ] The next path section is a mirror of the one above. 🔗 From the MDN tutorial on Paths. And Repeat Move the Wave

ly.js Open-Source Announcement November 17, 2015 A growing number of graphing tools and libraries allow anyone to make beautiful, interactive web-based graphs. By interactively visualizing our data online, we share complex ideas in an exploratory, visual, open, and collaborative way. Today, Plotly is announcing that we have open-sourced plotly.js, the core technology and JavaScript graphing library behind Plotly’s products (MIT license). It's all out there and free. Any developer can now integrate Plotly’s library into their own applications unencumbered. We’re big fans of collaboration, freedom, and perpetual motion. Despite the possibilities that the web offers, the core plotting libraries in scientific software like MATLAB, R, and Python still create static image files rather than dynamic, interactive charts. Plotly.js was instigated by Dr. Access the GitHub repository here. A contour density plot drawn with plotly.js. Plotly.js Highlights Seven details that make the project unique Scientific grade. Financial sponsors
