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Design & Creative Blog

Design & Creative Blog

The Elements of Retro Web Design The vintage and retro style is becoming more and more popular in today’s digital artwork. The use of retro and vintage themes in design is probably one of the most pervasive trends since the industry went almost completely digital. In today’s post, we’ll look at examples of work sourced from the wonderful Dribbble, which helps us focus on snippets of a piece, rather than the entire design or illustration. From here, it’s possible to identify what techniques have been used and to describe how they impact the overall design. To help you, short tutorials are scattered throughout the article. 1. Simple shapes are commonly used in vintage design. p This lovely illustration makes use of elliptical shapes to produce a sun and is finished off nicely with a typographic effect. Circlebox Creative’s branding is based on a circle and inspired by vintage ink stamps and badges. This design is a bit different because it relies heavily on simple shapes to make it pop. Mini-Tutorials And we’re done! 2. 3. 4.

Banque d'Images - Photos libres de droits - Photos par abonnement Coroflot — Design Jobs & Portfolios Vectips | Adobe Illustrator® Tutorials, tips, tricks, and resources About the blog Fabio Sasso Designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Currently working for Google in Mountain View, California. You can follow me via Twitter at @fabiosasso or also visit my personal site at Fabiano Meneghetti Fabiano is an architect and designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. You If you like reading Abduzeedo and you are as much as a design junkie as we are, then you're the one we're looking for. Squeeze Creative. Branding, Logo's, Graphic & Web Design. Surry Hills, Sydney Images libres de droits, illustrations et vectoriels | Thinkstock France Une image pour la vie Notre image gratuite de la semaine ! Téléchargez-la dès maintenant et utilisez-la comme bon vous semble*. Profitez-en * En procédant au téléchargement, vous acceptez d'utiliser cette image conformément au Contrat de licence pour le pack images Thinkstock

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