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Related:  Tipografia

Free Pictures Database, Public Domain images. Tipografia brasileira Nós designers, sempre dedicamos um tempo especial durante a execução do trabalho para a escolha da família tipográfica que se adéqua ao projeto. Com ou sem serifa?Romana? Decorativas? Para cada job a escolha da tipografia deverá ser feita com clareza e sempre pensando no público-alvo e materiais. No Brasil, temos registros de que a primeira tipografia foi criada em 5 de janeiro de 1808 em Salvador/BA (neste caso fazendo associação ao local onde o material era impresso, geralmente em objetos de metal com formato de letras), porém apenas em 1634 em Recife foi publicado um opúsculo (uma pequena obra, quase um folheto), de título Brasilsche Gelt-Sack, por mais que de modo clandestino uma vez que na época era crime qualquer tipo de liberdade de pensamento tais como impressão de textos. Confira abaixo alguns projetos tipográficos desenvolvidos por Brasileiros com uma forte influência em nossa variada e bela cultura e inspire-se. (Download) (Download) (Download) (Download) Fonte: 1, 2, 3, 4 Olá!

Yorokobu - Take a walk on the slow side fuzzimo Free PSD File : Download psd files for FREE! Fontes Free: quanto custa o grátis? Dizem que de graça até injeção na testa, certo? Errado, a não ser que estejamos falando de um tratamento de Botox e não de tipografia. Inauguro minha participação aqui no IdeaFixa (hello!) aprofundando um tema que pintou numa lista de discussão da qual participo. O tópico dizia respeito à implicância que muitos (type)designers têm com o site, um portal muito procurado por estudantes e profissionais de primeira viagem para download de fontes gratuitas. Antes de sair clicando depois de ler a palavra 'gratuita' leia o artigo até o final: é pro seu bem, acredite. Em sala de aula - diante de alguns inevitáveis acidentes de trabalho - costumo perguntar pro aluno: 'você baixou essa fonte naquele site DaFont, não foi?' Sempre que possível oriento o pessoal a evitar o DaFont em função da grande quantidade de projetos sem qualidade que são distribuídos no site. Vale lembrar ainda que uma boa fonte não resolve sozinha o problema.

Gato obsesión de Google Nyan derramado en Google+ | Noticias T hroughout their history, Google seems to have made it their job to occasionally slip some fun into the often monotonous task of hunting information down online. Be it random little Easter Eggs like the Barrel Roll , or their increasingly interactive Doodles on their homepage (I am still to this day ashamed of how much time I spent playing the PacMan doodle ). There’s no shortage of amusing little things you can find the teams at Google slipping into their products. Recently, however, many of those teams seemed to have turned their attention to the explosively popular Nyan Cat . If you enter “~=[,,_,,]:3″ into a Google Talk conversation with anybody on Google+, you will see this animation. Google+ isn’t the only place you can find the rainbow-emitting breakfast monster either. We’re not judging you, Googlers.

24 Free High-Res Textures   If our freebies have benefited you personally or have helped you earn a profit please consider donating via paypal. Donate Now I’ve been playing with my camera and I have a bunch of High-Res textures for all of you! About Jay Hilgert Formally trained at Oklahoma State, Jay Hilgert is a graphic and web designer, font designer (Link), software developer (Brush Pilot™), and the founder of BittBox. If our freebies have benefited you personally or have helped you earn a profit please consider donating via paypal. The 100 Greatest Free Fonts for 2014 Here we are, once again, with our now-famous selection of the top 100 free fonts for 2014. This year we have only selected fonts published or updated in late 2013 and 2014, giving you one of the most up-to-date lists around. The majority are completely free with licenses for commercial use; the odd few available for personal use only have extended license options at a very reasonable price. The free font list comprises both entire font families and single weight downloads; either way, there is something for everyone and we think you'll love the ones we have picked out for you. Font Selection We have selected all kinds of typefaces which can be seamlessly integrated into any design: Sans Serif, Slab Serif, Rounded, Decorative, Display, Art Deco, Geometric, Futuristic, and many more besides. We have categorized the typefaces to help you browse more efficiently. Sans-Serif Typefaces Display and Decorative typefaces Serif Typefaces Script, Calligraphic and Hand-drawn

Efectos vintage para fotos Consigue efectos vintage para fotos que puedes aplicar en segundos para obtener resultados espectaculares. Aprovecha los efectos vintage de XnRetro. O eres un excelente fotógrafo o no conseguirás que las fotos que sacas luzcan espectaculares. XnRetro es otro programa que proporciona efectos vintage para fotos espectaculares . Sin embargo el meollo de la cuestión está en la parte inferior. Retro : hasta 20 efectos de color que simulan el envejecimiento de tus imágenes. Cuando hayas importado tu imagen navega por cada pestaña escogiendo los efectos que quieras . Nada te impide saltar entre los diferentes tipos de efectos y filtros, de hecho es lo recomendable, ir probando hasta dar con el resultado que buscas. No podían faltar algunas herramientas indispensables como un editor gráfico para trabajar el brillo, el contraste y la saturación de la imagen, el balance RGB de colores o la opacidad . Descarga directa de XnRetro Descargar Héctor Hernández Software Windows Añade un comentario

Inspiration Set Documents Refreshed Inspiration Set presents a fine kit of 250 templates for Apple’s Pages, from business cards and posters to brochures and books. Most templates contain multiple sections, which results in a total of over 700 layouts. This wide variability offers countless options for immediate customization, helping you impress clients, colleagues, and friends. Created for Editing Every object in the templates can be easily reshaped, moved, or removed, and colors can be changed. Inspiration Set is included in the Toolbox for Pages collection of templates and images for Pages for iOS. 88 templates have been adapted for the iOS platform and will help you create great documents without overburdening your device.

The 100 best free fonts | Typography In this freshly updated free fonts for designers post, we bring you the world's best free fonts. We've filtered out the diamonds from the thousands of less perfectly designed free fonts available online, for you to use in your designs and illustrations. Get Adobe Creative Cloud now This list represents the 55 best free fonts we've found in eight categories. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the page, or the boxout, right, to jump to the section you want. Don't forget, we have many other articles covering specialist font types including handwriting fonts, kids' fonts, cursive fonts, beautiful fonts, web fonts, professional fonts and more. Most of the typeface collections listed here can be used in your projects for free, but please be sure to check the terms. Serif fonts 01. This free serif display font takes inspiration from the late 18th century European Enlightenment and the work type designer John Baskerville. 02. Lora is a free font that has its roots in calligraphy. 03.

La ruleta rusa de Facebook no ha durado ni dos días Este fin de semana se creó una de esas aplicaciones que en tan solo unas horas revolucionan el mundo de las redes sociales. Social Roulette permitía jugar a la ruleta rusa con tu cuenta de Facebook. Era muy sencillo. Un revolver, una bala, seis agujeros, y una posibilidad de entre seis de quedarte sin tu cuenta . Como ya sabréis la ruleta rusa es ese macabro juego en donde pones una bala en un revolver y te disparas a la cabeza. Con esta aplicación cualquier usuario podía arriesgar su cuenta de Facebook por un rato de emoción sin límites. Intentarán volver Kyle McDonald, co-fundador de esta aplicación ha hecho una entrevista para TechCrunch en la que afirma como se les ocurrió la idea.

Freebies Welcome to the Freebies Pages. Here you will find all the vectors, brushes, textures and all the different resources available on the blog and sorted by similarity. About the license is Creative Commons 3.0, that means that you can use them in personal and commercial projects as long as you give me the proper attribution. Icons by snap2objects or Mauricio Duque for example or a link back to the Facebook fan page. In case you are not able to give the attribution you should drop me a line asking for quote in the release of that license. So here are the efforts of more than 4 years in trying to bring original and useful freebies to you. Original Vector Template designs Culture Elements Vector elements Kawaii Vector Ilustrations Icons

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