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How to make your first robot

How to make your first robot
If you have purchased an "Instant Robot" shield, you can find a project using that shield here. If you prefer the instructions in a single PDF, Dominic / Servello has made this nice PDF to download - Thanks :) Welcome :) Everything here is so easy, that after you have gone through it, you can make a robot in a couple of hours. Why can't you do that now? Because there are so many little things you need to know. There are other "How to get started building robots" out there. All images in high-res here. Materials needed It used to be a hassle to buy the materials, because not one single webshop was carrying everything needed, and you had to buy from several shops. Good news is that Solarbotics now have made a kit for these instructions: Solarbotics shop (Webshop, located in Canada) - And if you buy it there, you even support hosting of - because in order to be on the list above, the shops contacted us, and we made a deal :D (The following is all included in the bundle) Yes. main:

MotorShield Kit Make: Projects Make your Arduino a nice tidy platform for robotics and mechatronics with the MotorShield. Power up and control your servos, bi-directional DC motors, and stepper motors in all kinds of combinations. Arduino is a great starting point for electronics, and with a motor shield it can also be a nice tidy platform for robotics and mechatronics. The MAKE MotorShield Kit, designed by Adafruit Industries in partnership with MAKE, is a full-featured motor board that can power many simple to medium-complexity projects. It’s got: 2 connections for 5V "hobby" servos connected to the Arduino’s high-resolution dedicated timer — no jitter! Get your MotorShield kit from Maker Shed and build it in a couple hours, following the instructions here. Then download the easy-to-use Arduino software library and you’re ready to go!

HomePage Foto por el A-Team Noticias 2011.07.06 Arduino Conectado (Arduino Hackathon en Campus Party Valencia 2011) 13 al 17 de julio de 2011. 2011.06.28 Arduino Virtualcamp (Hackaton de 48h.) 16 y 17 de julio de 2011. 2011.04.29 V Arduino Barcamp (Castellón de la Plana) 29, 30 de abril y 1 de mayo de 2011. 2011.02.11 Presentación, proyección y coloquio. 2011.02.11 IV Arduino Barcamp (Barcelona-España). 2011.02.10 Hoy terminamos con la traducción/revisión de Arduino Programming Notebook. 2010.08.03 III Arduino Barcamp (Murcia) 1, 2 y 3 de Octubre de 2010. 2010.07.31 Laboral Centro de Arte ha subvencionado la creación de un documental en CC sobre Arduino. 2010.07.30 II Arduino Barcamp. 2010.07.02 I Arduino Barcamp. 2010.06.06 La traducción termina, pasamos a beta. 2010.05.31 Comienza la segunda traducción de Arduino al Español. Talleres 21-22 mayo, 2011 Taller de Arduino + Firefly -Grasshopper(Rhinoceros)- 11 Sep, 2010 Taller de Arduino: Sensores 28 Ago, 2010 Taller de Arduino en Barberà del Vallés. Aprende

How to build your own Quadcopter AutoPilot / Flight Controller Fig 1: 3DR Quadcopter Contents This article will walk you through building your own controller whilst teaching you the details of how it works. This information is hard to find, particarly for those of us who are not aerospace engineers! Fig 2: ArduPilot hardware The first shortcut is your choice of hardware. The ArduPilot project is sponsored by 3D Robotics - this means that they build the hardware and sell it for a small profit, and then feed some of this profit back to the community. In this article, I am going to assume you have the ArduPilot hardware which is essentially an Arduino with attached sensors. Fig 3: Propellor Configuration I'm also going to assume you have some experience with the arduino - or atleast with C/C++. The HAL library is made up from several components: WHAT TO DOWNLOAD: You'll need to download the ArduPilot version of the Arduino IDE. Fig 4: ArduPilot Arduino IDE Setup Back to top RC Radios have several outputs, one for each channel/stick/switch/knob. In setup():

Parts & Kits for Arduino Online, Buy Microcontroller Boards, Electronic Components for Arduino - Welcome - Freetronics Time and Weather, with RSS, XML, SNTP and Netduino | Coding4Fun Blog As winter approaches I thought this project was a good fit for our Hardware Friday post. It's a pretty cool "First" project too! [Netduino Plus] SNTP clock / RSS news reader Here's my first project with a Netduino Plus. It's now nailed(!) The Solution/Project is pretty straight forward and well (as in smartly) commented. The techniques used in this project, such as the RSS and XML handling, the SNTP function, etc, seem to ones that could be used in any number ways and projects.

Paré pour construire votre Serre du Futur Vous aimeriez avoir une certaine autonomie et autosuffisance alimentaire, tout en bénéficiant d’un outil durable et écologique ? C’est ce que propose un groupe de jeunes canadiens. Leur projet : La Serre du Futur. Ils proposent un film, un EBook, ainsi que des plans afin d’auto-construire votre propre serre écologique. Le tout pacagé dans un DVD que l’association souhaite propager dans le monde entier. Des informations qui vont bien au-delà du principe classique de la serre, étudiant une technologie abordable, et croisant l’aspect social, écologique, et économique au sein d’une même structure. Chez Mr Mondialisation, nous nourrissons pour ambition de créer un éco-village en auto-construction. youtube= La serre du futur, c’est quoi ? Selon les concepteurs, la construction peut se faire à partir de divers produits recyclés et accessibles, moyennant un cout relativement bas, pour un rendement optimisé. Six principes pour entrer dans l’ère des solutions Conclusion

Welcome to Micro4you Studio - Creative Fun Factory Introducing the New Out Of Box Software (NOOBS) If you’re a beginner with a Raspberry Pi, things just got a whole lot easier. We started this project with the premise that throwing people in at the deep end and making them jump hurdles, to mix my sporting metaphors, is a good way to get them to learn stuff. It is: but it can also put some people off, sometimes terminally. And we don’t want people to put their Raspberry Pi down in horror after five minutes. NOOBS is a way to make setting up a Raspberry Pi for the first time much, much easier. The main OS selection menu. Once you’ve installed an operating system, your Pi will boot as normal. Editing config.txt. Viewing the forums in the Arora browser. Thanks to Rob, Gordon, Dom and Floris (of BerryBoot fame), who together developed NOOBS from scratch in less than a month. Our partners will be offering SD cards pre-installed with NOOBS in the near future, but until then please download, have a play, and let us know what you think.

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