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Recursive Drawing

Recursive Drawing

Ada Lovelace: Founder of Scientific Computing Born: London, England, December 10, 1815 Died: London, England, November 27, 1852 Ada Byron was the daughter of a brief marriage between the Romantic poet Lord Byron and Anne Isabelle Milbanke, who separated from Byron just a month after Ada was born. Four months later, Byron left England forever. ARTE E IMMAGINE Dopo la proposta dell’applicazione online per realizzare un quadro astratto proviamo a realizzare un quadro cubista con PICASSOHEAD , uno strumento digitale che permette agli utenti di creare dei piccoli capolavori con le caratteristiche dei quadri dipinti da Picasso. Picassohead è uno strumento popolare usato da studenti e docenti a livello internazionale per conoscere l’arte e promuovere la creatività, Le opere realizzate potranno poi essere pubblicte nella gallery o inviate via mail. Spiegare l’arte astratta e dare la possibilità ai bambini di provare a realizzarla componendo dei veri e propri quadri? Proviamo questa applicazione che in pochi minuti permette di dipingere le nostre opere astratte (come quella sopra riportata e da me “creata”). Seleziona uno dei pennelli dinamici e inizia a dipingere.

Dependency Graph This visualization shows the dependencies among classes within the Flare library. Classes are paced along a circle with the radius length signifying the depth of the class in the package structure. A link indicates that a class imports another. Links are routed along the package structure tree, forming “bundles” between packages. data, copyright, photography, not necessarily in that order You could think of this post as telling the story of two Kickstarter projects. Since its a long post, here's a quick summary: I recently ran a Kickstarter project.I wanted to share all the financials and details of how I shipped my rewards.I discovered we could do a better job helping creators process their backer's addresses.We recently deployed a change to backer surveys that should do just that.

simplify simplify A library by Ekene Ijeoma for the Processing programming environment. Last update, 10/01/2012. A java/processing port of simplify.js Feel free to replace this paragraph with a description of the library. A Java library for the Twitter API D3.js - Data-Driven Documents vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit
