SolidComponents – A free 2D and 3D CAD library Queeky - draw online! G.Viewer - Online 3D Model Viewer G.Viewer is an Online 3D Model Viewer developed by MASC, which supports both OBJ and OFF format. It's also a 2D polygon viewer which support POLY format. Supported Format 2d: POLY 3d: OBJ, OFF, JSON (triangular mesh only) Usage drop file onto canvas to load model drag model to rotate mouse wheel or '[' ']' key to zoom in/out 'w' to toggle wireframe mode arrows keys to move the model 'c' change to random colors space to toggle rotation Wiki Syntax Notice: an absolute url is preferred here, or using "/wiki/uploads/..." if dropable is set to true, you can drop any local obj file onto canvas
Dimensions on drawings - Cabinet Oblique and Cavalier Oblique. Drawing guides - Radius and radii dimensioning - Positioning of dimensions on Engineering and technical drawings for high school students at KS3, KS4 and KS5 - Design & Technology On The Web - ‘Cabinet Oblique’ In Cabinet oblique the scale (depth) is halved whilst in Cavalier oblique the depth scale is the same as in the X and Y directions. One remaining drawing conventions is Oblique drawing – In this convention the angles used are 45 degrees and 90 degrees. The only difference between the two named styles is in the scale of the dimension going away from the viewer. This first example is Cavalier Oblique and shows the full scale (1:1) in the axis This drawing (shown to the left) is symmetric about the horizontal centre-line. Centre-lines are chain-dotted and are used for symmetric objects, and also for showing the centre of circles and holes. Engineering Drawing and Sketching for GCSE A Simple Guide to Dimensions ... ‘Oblique’ Drawing ‘Cavalier Oblique’ and ‘Cabinet Oblique’ If you need a mnemonic to remember the correct way round for these two styles – ................ things always look tidier in cabinets !
GoVisually. Outil collaboratif pour graphistes et designers GoVisually est un outil de travail collaboratif pour tous ceux qui travaillent sur le visuel qu’ils soients maquettistes, graphistes, designers, photographes… GoVisually permet en effet de partager une création graphique en ligne et d’obtenir un retour d’un collaborateur ou d’un client. Plus besoin de multiplier les aller retours par mail pour proposer un projet à un client par exemple. Avec GoVisually, celui-ci pourra directement commenter en ligne votre création, l’annoter et discuter avec vous. GoVisually permet d’uploader vos documents de travail. L’outil permet de conserver les différentes versions d’un projet et ainsi de pouvoir revenir en arrière simplement d’un clic. GoVisually facilite la gestion des collaborateurs et des projets. En résumé, un service qui peut faciliter la vie des graphistes et autres professionnels du visuel qui ot besoin d’avoir des retours rapides d’un client ou d’un groupe de travail. En attendant vous pouvez tester GoVisually gratuitement ici sur le Web. - your 3D online AutoCAD Tutorials for free, 2012 2013 Lessons, Videos - a Complete Course If you do not have a copy of AutoCAD, you can download a 30 day evaluation copy from Autodesk. Follow this link, or go directly to their website. You will be downloading AutoCAD 2014 and it will work fine with these tutorials. You can also try other CAD programs like ZWCAD, which are less expensive alternatives. Here are complete lessons divided into 4 levels of learning. Each Level is one section that builds on the previous. Many lessons have videos with narration to explain in detail some of the concepts.
Isometric Drawing.  Isometric drawing is another way of presenting designs/drawings in three dimensions. The example opposite has been drawn with a 30 degree set square. Designs are always drawn at 30 degrees in isometric projection. 1. 2. 3.Draw the two sides in place. 4. CLICK here for more information on Oblique Drawing. Question 1. Click HERE to download an isometric grid to assist with isometric drawing. 1.An orthographic drawing showing the front and side view of a computer diskette is shown below. Using you isometric grid, overlay a piece of A4 paper and complete the drawing shown below. Add appropriate shade/colour. Use the grid dowloaded above again overlay a piece of A4 paper to help you draw an isometric presentation of a simple mobile phone . Add the text and numbers but remember to print in isometric projection. Add appropriate shade and colour. Question 2. You have already made an ORTHOGONAL drawing of the camera. Draw an ISOMETRIC drawing of the camera. Question 3.