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60 tutoriels Photoshop pour les effets de texte

60 tutoriels Photoshop pour les effets de texte

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70 Wonderful 3D Typography That Truely Inspires Imagine an artwork without type – you can only make assumptions what the graphics are trying to deliver. Type enhance and ensure you get whatever message the campaign is delivering. Typography design on the other hand, is what many designers are striving to improve and excel. Getting to the next level in typography design, at most of the time, may be tricky and challenging.

TUTORIAL Ways to embed a Clickable SVG-Logo into Your Website With the growing number of screen resolutions, devices that support an internet connection (desktop computer, laptops, but also tablets, mobile, TVs, and even your fridge someday), flexibility and scalability has become more and more important for websites. With the new arrival of the Macbook Pro Retina, this went a step further and brought an HiDPI display that was unknown to the market. This means a whole new challenge for web designers who have to find new ways to handle and make images size more flexible to avoid blurry rasterized effects. In this article, we will see how the SVG-format can help us solve this challenge, using an everyday example of a website header with a clickable logo.

Videos « Good morning everyone, having a slow day at work? take the time to listen to these videos, or just put them in background while you work! “During the past three months, Yahoo!’ Photoshop Make up Tutorial - Metallic or Glitter Eyeshadow Being able to add realistic make up in Photoshop is a must for every digital artist. Whether you're adding makeup to enhance a portrait or painting on shimmering eyeshadow for an cartoon character, this Photoshop makeup tutorial will be incredibly useful for you. Step 1. Choose a photograph subject who has little or no eye makeup on to begin with. Select the paintbrush tool and set your foreground to a light shade of the color that you want the eyeshadow to be. I chose blue as my color.

50 Fantastic Typography Tutorials Zusammengestellt von Nousheen Aquil Heute bringen wir einen weiteren, sicherlich interessanten Beitrag zur Typographie, der ein paar nützliche englischsprachige Tutorien enthält. Der Beitrag soll helfen zu erkennen, dass die Gestaltung schöner typografischer Entwürfe nicht immer einfach ist. How to improve your website’s design in 7 simple steps How often do you search a certain website and eventually give up because you just can’t find what you want? How many times have you had to put on glasses in order to read the text? And how frustrating is it when certain websites makes you scroll your screen from left to right to complete a sentence? Your website visitors are busy, impatient, and have ten other webpages open that are competing for their attention. They will leave your website if they can’t very quickly find what they are looking (in a matter of seconds) or if they have to work too hard to get it. Good website design is a crucial element to attracting and keeping users.

Position absolue des applications web, et front-end trucs - Javascript / jQuery « Phonegap & phonegap Build are amazing technologies, unfortunately the documentation does not always tell you want you want to know. Here a compilation of issues I encountered while using phonegap build for the first time & how I solved them. By now I’m pretty sure you know of PhoneGap. The framework that enables you to put an html5 app in a web view & push it into the different appstore. But do you know about PhoneGap Build? Create a Stitched Denim Text Effect in Photoshop In this tutorial, we will explain how to combine Photoshop filters, brushes, and vector shapes to create a stitched denim text effect using Photoshop CS6. Let's get started! The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Create a new 1250 x 768 px document. Set the Foreground color to #83b7ca and the Background color to #22576b, then, fill the "Background" layer with the Foreground color. Next, we are going to apply some filters to create the denim texture.

40 Striking Typography Tutorials Using Photoshop In the broadest sense, typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of visual communication from calligraphy to the ever-developing use of digital type. we creating list of striking techniques of typography tutorials using Photoshop. Typography is sometimes seen as encompassing many separate fields from the type designer who creates letterforms to the graphic designer who selects typefaces and arranges them on the page. We hope you all like these stunning typography graphics and also share your own typefaces here for our respected visitors and readers.

100 Photoshop Tutorials For Learning Photo Manipulation A large collection of only the best top quality 100 design tutorials which will teach you how to use Photoshop in order to manipulate photography, this large reference point showcases every aspect which is essential for creating good photo manipulation with each tutorial having an awesome outcome. 1. How to Make a High-Impact Fashion Poster in Photoshop In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to use shapes and other objects to create a unique fashion poster scene. Utilizing Adobe Photoshop shapes is an awesome means for improving your designs and they can easily be used without spending too much time on them.

RealWorld Cursor Editor screenshot and download at - Aurora RealWorld Cursor Editor enables you to create and edit static or animated Windows cursors. You can create new cursor by editing existing .cur files or create new cursors from scratch by importing an image file. The... Back to RealWorld Cursor Editor

Tutorial: Make Seamless Fabric Texture In Photoshop In Just Three Steps Texture is a very important design element. We frequently use them to make website backgrounds or to enrich our print design. Today I am going to show you how to make a seamless realistic fabric texture in Photoshop. It will take just 3 steps to create this texture – its that easy! It will come handy in case of large files as it’ll repeat on its own. You won’t have to worry about tiling the texture.

How to Create a Richly Ornate Typographic Illustration When looking for top quality content, you're usually forced to pay for your resources. They're generally better and easier to work with, and offer a wider range of use. Sometimes though, you can find the same level of quality at zero cost, and it's exactly what we're going to do today. We're going to create a detailed illustration with free gifts and self made goodies. Our video editor Gavin Steele has created this video tutorial to compliment this text + image tutorial.

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