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The Rhythm Trainer

The Rhythm Trainer

Bounce Metronome Pro for Your PC, Laptop or Netbook - Windows Software for Musicians 3 : 2 type Videos - a taste of what you can do with Bounce Metronome Pro. 5 : 3 polyrhythm playing 5th and 3rd harmonics Harmonic polyrhythmic 7:5:3:2 metronome See also the Cycles tab. Reading Rhythms - Counting Music by Phil and David Tulga How to read music — How to read rhythms — How to count music Reading Rhythms - Counting Music- how music is measured and counted - Welcome to our page on Reading Rhythms and Counting Music. It includes our free Counting Music activity that shows you how to count rhythms, and connects your knowledge of fractions and length to musical notes.

How to create a generative, evolving ambient drone sound in Ableton Live We're always looking for new ways to imbue our sounds with life and movement; for example, on the macro level, we might add live instruments to otherwise tightly programmed pieces, bringing back that 'human element'. And on the micro level, we often turn to less predictable, non-linear analogue emulation plugins to warm up 'cold', 'digital' sounds. Such techniques and tools can make our music sound alive and organic as opposed to artificial and robotic, but we can also harness unpredictability to break away from the inherent compositional tendencies that subconsciously guide us all, to generate unique ideas and sounds from scratch. Using the elements of chance and randomisation, we can get our computers to do the creative legwork for us within a specified range of variables and rules. Below we show you how you can take advantage of Operator's functionality, along with Live's MIDI effects, to create generative, ambient drones. Step 1: Load an Operator synth into a new MIDI track in Live.

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