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Vertical Garden Patrick Blanc

Vertical Gardens Permaculture Courses by Frank Gapinski Making use of vertical wall space located in a sunny spot is a great way to grow your garden. In fact you don’t need pumps or complicated equipment to start growing your own vegetable garden. As long as you have a consistent amount of sunshine of around 6 hours per day and a collection of plastic drink containers and some ingenuity you can create a mini vegetable garden and have it self-water the system.

med mans personal mfts (medical film tables) day 28 bloom - medical master kush - day 38 - uniformity is the key to the highest yeiled and quality day 28 bloom - medical master kush - day 38 - this should be a bumper crop with the equivalent of 9.5 1000 watt bulbs day 28 bloom - bc bubba kush - day 38 - both strains leafs and buda are already coated in trichomes day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - all the buds are exposed to the same light, co2 and air flow, meaning they will all grow a perfect canopy of monster colas day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - by next week they should completley fill up all the empty spaces day 21 bloom - medical master kush kush - day 31 - they smell so different compared to the bc bubba, but equally mouth watering

Grass-Walled and Green-Roofed Parking Garage for Toyko The two-story parking garage would take the place of a ground level parking lot, thus doubling the amount of available parking. Cheungvogl estimates that infrastructural investment to build the garage would more than pay for themselves through increased revenue from the additional spots. Not only green and gorgeous on the outside, but the inside parking garage walls and pillars would be painted by young artists as a sort of living museum, and the harsh fluorescent lighting characteristic of these lots would be replaced with more cheerful neon lights.

About Us « Ediblesanmarcos's Blog Edible San Marcos is a non-profit organization that was founded in June of 2008 as a branch of Sustainable San Marcos. Sustainable San Marcos is a non-profit organization that is focused on promoting sustainability and green policies in the San Marcos, Texas area. Edible San Marcos is fostering a relationship between gardening, education, food and the community.

Five reasons for vertical gardening Plants have certain requirements of their own such as sunlight, nutrients and support. So, while planting pots and plants, all this have to be taken care of. Vertical gardening is a kind of trend that first started up in large cities where yard space is very little. 10-14 Flowering Shedule Hi everyone! Ok, I've told you about the 12-1 Veg schedule,(see the link above) and a lot of members here are courageously making the switch and saving themselves a LOT in power bills during the vegetative cycles, and growing bigger, happier, and healthier plants with less troubles, using less power and less nutrients... The results have definitely exceeded all expectations in everyone's trials. The 12-1 thread has had more hits than all but two threads have in the entire time the site has been here, and its rocketed to the #1 thread on the entire forums in only the last 10 months. Many growers who are growing on a rotation or choose to rotate plants through their flower room will find a diminishing light schedule difficult to use. I recently discovered the 10-14 flowering schedule when I noticed my Sativas wouldn't finish.

Living Wall at Nova Scotia Community College [VIDEO] « World Landscape Architect Dartmouth, NS – A living, breathing example of innovation is growing at Nova Scotia Community College’s (NSCC) Centre for the Built Environment at the Waterfront Campus in Dartmouth. Earlier today, NSCC president Dr. Joan McArthur-Blair helped students complete the first, permanent, exterior “living wall” east of Vancouver. “This living wall demonstrates the capacity of the Centre for the Built Environment to help Nova Scotians study the renewable energy and green technologies that are essential to our sustainable future,” said Dr. McArthur-Blair. Living walls combine the natural and built environments.

DIY Greenwalls Venelin.Petkov said... "Can you post a list of the plants you used and what nutrients are you using (I imagine you are not using pure water, since there are no minerals in the felt substrate). Thanks" Llazar said... "It would be great if could list the plants you used. Inside Peek at O’Hare Airport’s Vertical Farm January 23, 2012 by Robin Plaskoff Horton Photo: Future Growing After traveling a lot for the majority of my career, airport delays are usually not something I get excited about. However, a recent (cancelled) trip from Columbus, Ohio to my home in Chicago (and a resulting wait for delayed luggage) gave me the opportunity to visit the new urban garden in O’Hare Airport. Photo: LaManda Joy
