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Why Calendars are More Effective Than To Do Lists - Srinivas Rao - Pocket If there’s one pattern I’ve come across in dozens of articles, books I’ve read, and the 100’s of people that I’ve interviewed, it’s that the most prolific, productive and successful ones don’t depend on to-do lists, they depend on a calendar. It’s a lesson I’ve learned over and over again in my own work. The likelihood of me getting anything done goes up significantly when I put something on the calendar. Our lives are dictated almost entirely by units of time: Publishers give authors deadlinesProfessors give students a syllabus with important datesGoogle maps gives you an estimated time for how long it will take to get to your destinationWhen you get your car repaired, they tell you what time it will be ready.When you ship something you are told how long it will take to get to the recipient

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Better than Zoom: Try these free software tools for staying in touch In times like these it becomes all the more important to remember that tools like Zoom, Slack, and Facebook Messenger are not benign public services, and while the sentiment they've expressed to the global community in responding to the crisis may be sincere, it hasn't addressed the fundamental ethical issues with any piece of proprietary software. After taking the LibrePlanet 2020 conference online, we received a number of requests asking us to document our streaming setup. As the pandemic grew worse, this gave way to more curiosity about how the Free Software Foundation (FSF) uses free tools and free communication platforms to conduct our everyday business. And while the stereotype of hackers hunched over a white on black terminal session applies to us in some ways, many of the tools we use are available in any environment, even for people who do not have a lot of technical experience. Chat

How to Use as an Online Resume These days, getting a job can be a challenge, not because you are not qualified, but because there are so many other individuals to compete with. In fact, every applicant’s objective is to stand out first. Once employers pay particular attention to them, that’s when they can dazzle them with their skills. The first step for any applicant is to ensure that his resume will stand out from the pile of resumes that recruiters go through. Because of this, boring, text-based resumes are a thing of the past.

Stop Thinking In Tasks And To-Dos. Start Thinking In Outcomes We all toil under a tyranny of to-dos. Life can feel like an endless succession of tedious tasks we struggle to complete, and we may cross everything off our to-do lists, but it can still feel like we aren't achieving what we really want. It’s why we click on every productivity hack that pops up in our feed while half-read self-help books pile up on our nightstands. I run a company dedicated to helping people get their tasks and to-dos done.

Readable / A bookmarklet is almost like a regular old bookmark. But, instead of it storing a URL, it stores code — most often, JavaScript code. When you click a bookmark, you get taken to the URL; when you click a bookmarklet, that piece of code is executed. 9 great color resources Colour is an integral element of design. And the web is full of endless resources and tutorials covering it. But, sometimes too much choice can be confusing.

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