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The Global Goals

The Global Goals

Related:  UtblickGo green! - Dystopie von Dr. phil. Jana Mikota Dystopien, Negativ-Utopien oder Anti-Utopien erleben spätestens seit dem Erscheinen der Romantrilogie The Hunger Games der us-amerikanischen Autorin Suzanne Collins eine Hochzeit. Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2015 Agenda The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out the global framework to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030. The new objectives, a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will be formally adopted by the international community at a dedicated UN Summit to take place from the 25 to 27 September. The 2030 Agenda was informally agreed by consensus at the UN in August this year. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda agreed in July also forms an integral part of the 2030 Agenda by setting out tools, policies and resources that need to be put in place to ensure that it can be implemented. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will respond comprehensively to global challenges.

The Global Goals Every day girls around the world are fighting for their freedom. This International Day of the Girl - join them and raise your voice: 1. Sverker Sörlin skriver lysande om antropocen År 2000 satt Nobelpristagaren i kemi Paul Crutzen på en konferens i Mexiko och kände sig irriterad. Anledningen var det lilla ordet ”holocen”, beteckningen på vår nuvarande geologiska epok. Problemet, ansåg han, var att det hade blivit för vittomfattande – i ena stunden refererade det till tiden för uppfinnandet av plogen, i nästa till tiden för kärnvapensprängningar. Atlas for a Changing Planet Understanding natural and human systems is an essential first step toward reducing the severity of climate change and adapting to a warmer future. Maps and geographic information systems are the primary tools by which scientists, policymakers, planners, and activists visualize and understand our rapidly changing world. Spatial information informs decisions about how to build a better future.

Farm Worker Issues : National Farm Worker Ministry Agricultural work is hard work. In order to feed the country, an estimated 2-3 million farm workers labor in the fields across the United States, including handpicking the vast majority of fruit and vegetable crops produced here. In many cases these workers are young adults or even children; in all cases, farm workers are excluded from important national labor protections that other workers possess. Anthropozän Schulprojekt – #SCHULE von morgen #SCHULE von morgen: Im Rahmen des „Schools of Tomorrow“ Programms des Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), entwickeln der Projekthof Karnitz e.V. mit dem Fritz-Greve-Gymnasium Malchin ein experimentelles Schulprojekt. Das gemeinsame Vorhaben geht Fragen der Schulen von morgen und der Gesellschaft im Anthropozän mit künstlerisch-kollaborativen Strategien an. Das HKW unterstützt die Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen oder Mentor*innen im Schulunterricht.

Homemade Cleaning Wipes - Nature's Nurture Homemade cleaning wipes are so easy to make, create zero waste, and are much healthier for you and the environment! Before we made the switch to natural, greener household cleaners, there was one product that lived underneath every single sink in my house: the tall plastic cylinder filled with disinfecting wipes. You know the one. It looked a little something like this —–> Maybe you use them too? They’re just so darn convenient, aren’t they? The Child Labor Education Project Today, approximately 215 million children, many as young as five, are involved in child labor around the globe. Child labor is work that harms children or keeps them from attending school. It involves work by children under conditions that are hazardous, illegal, or exploitive. The Child Labor Public Education Project of the University of Iowa Labor Center and Center for Human Rights provides educational workshops and materials on a range of issues regarding child labor in the U.S. and other countries:

Download-Service: Einsatz im Unterricht Lehrplan für die bayerische RealschuleEthik10. JahrgangsstufeEth 10.2 Angewandte EthikTechnik und Ethik, Ökologische Ethik- Verantwortung für die UmweltEvangelische Religionslehre10. JahrgangsstufeEvR 10.4 Mitverantwortung in der Gesellschaft übernehmenDie Jugendlichen setzen sich mit aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Problemen auseinander und werden sich der christlichen Mitverantwortung bei der zukünftigen Gestaltung unseres Gemeinwesens bewusst.Mitverantwortung als christliche und demokratische Aufgabe:- mindestens ein gesellschaftliches Problemfeld erarbeiten und bedenken, z.B. aus dem Bereich UmweltLehrplan für das bayerische GymnasiumBiologie11.

New collaboration with G-Star to stop plastic microfibers - Plastic Soup Foundation Amsterdam, 25 April 2016 – Machine washing of synthetic clothes is a big contributor to the plastic soup. The Plastic Soup Foundation and G-Star RAW are calling on other fashion companies, washing machine manufacturers and the textile industry to support the international Ocean Clean Wash. “Leading European research recently showed that a fleece releases an incredible 1 million microfibers every time it is washed,” says Maria Westerbos, director of the Plastic Soup Foundation. The signatories of this initiative will contribute to the development of one or more innovative solutions to prevent the release of plastic fibers from garments in the future, such as fabrics that do not release microfibers or washing machine filters that capture the released fibers. Technological center LEITAT collaborates to research the technical feasibility of the solutions proposed. Read the press release: PressReleaseGSTAR
