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Researchers grow cyborg tissue that can sense its environment

Researchers grow cyborg tissue that can sense its environment
Related:  Cyborgenic Reengineering the Human Body

First patient receives next-generation artificial heart replacement The first total artificial heart was implanted in 1969 and was used for a very short amount of time while the patient awaited transplant. The next total device would not come until 1982 with Robert Jarvik’s famous artificial heart. Current artificial hearts have the drawbacks of fixed heart rates, low battery life, or is too large to fit into many patients. The French company CARMAT has developed their own version of this lifesaving device and it was implanted into a patient for the first time on December 18 in a Parisian hospital. The purpose of the heart is to sustain life long enough to find a suitable donor organ. Unfortunately, the device is not suited for everyone, because it’s about three times larger than a normal heart and will not fit inside of every adult’s chest cavity. Though it has been less than two weeks since the device was implanted into the 75-year-old male patient, he seems to be tolerating it quite well.

Meet the first HEARTLESS man who is able to live without a heartbeat or a PULSE Dr Billy Cohn and Dr Bud Frazier from the Texas Heart Institute installed first 'continuous flow' device last MarchPatient Craig Lewis, 55, no longer has a pulseDevice first tested in calves By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 20:03 GMT, 26 February 2012 In March of last year, Craig Lewis, 55, was dying from a heart condition that caused build-ups of abnormal proteins, and not even a pacemaker could help save his life. But two doctors from the Texas Heart Institute proposed a revolutionary new solution – install a ‘continuous flow’ device that would allow blood to circulate his body without a pulse. Dr Billy Cohn and Dr Bud Frazier installed the device after removing Mr Lewis’ heart. Scroll down for video Heartless: Craig Lewis, 55, was the first man to have a 'continuous flow' pump to replace his entire heart - and now has no pulse No heart: The device uses blades to circulate blood through the body, replacing the heart 'I listened and it was a hum, which was amazing. Watch video here:

Digital Tattoo Gets Under Your Skin to Monitor Blood | Gadget Lab Bioengineering doctoral student Kate Balaconis shines the iPhone reader against her tattooless arm. Maybe tattoos aren’t just for Harley riders or rebellious teens after all. In a few years, diabetics might get inked up with digital tats that communicate with an iPhone to monitor their blood. Instead of the dye used for tribal arm bands and Chinese characters, these tattoos will contain nanosensors that read the wearer’s blood levels of sodium, glucose and even alcohol with the help of an iPhone 4 camera. Dr. “I had no idea how much to drink, or when,” said Clark, reflecting on her marathon run. Clark’s technology could spell out the eventual demise of the painful finger pricks required for blood tests — assuming users have an iPhone, which Northeastern bioengineering grad student Matt Dubach has customized to read light from the tiny sensors to collect and output data. Within the implant, certain nanoparticles will bind exclusively to specific blood contents, like sodium or glucose.

Transfusions of Synthetic Blood Are Right Around the Corner Making Blood from Stem Cells Researchers from the British universities of Bristol, Cambridge and Oxford have been seeking to manufacture synthetic blood. Their chief goal is to be able to treat patients with complex blood types (and thus difficult to find a match for in donor pools) or those with conditions that require regular transfusions (very exhaustive on the donor supply), like sickle-cell anemia. They have been remarkably successful. They have been able to find and manipulate stem cells from umbilical cord blood, volunteered by mothers, and from blood from adult donors to develop mature and functional red blood cells. Going Clinical Now, National Health Services in the UK has announced these cells will be allowed to be used in the much anticipated clinical transfusion trial, the first of its kind in the world, within the next two years. Nigerian Health Journal Unlimited Blood

untitled Electronic tattoo An ultra-thin electronic device that attaches to the skin like a stick on tattoo can measure electrical activity of the human body like heart, brain waves and other vital signs without the bulky electrodes used in current monitoring. process[edit] These tattoos are similar to those in children's fake tattoos. It usually starts out on a sheet of plastic, is then applied to the skin and rubbed on from outside the plastic, then the plastic is peeled away, leaving only a very thin, rubber patch that has a layer of flexible silicon wires. Applications[edit] There are many applications in health care, wellness, and fitness. A company called Electrozyme makes electronic tattoos that appear to target athletic performance. There is a specific patent for an electronic tattoo that functions as a lie detector. These tattoo technology also used for authentication purposes, as an alternative to traditional passwords. References[edit]

Human enhancement An electrically powered exoskeleton suit in development as of 2010 by Tsukuba University of Japan. Human enhancement is "any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through natural or artificial means. It is the use of technological means to select or alter human characteristics and capacities, whether or not the alteration results in characteristics and capacities that lie beyond the existing human range." [1][2][3] Technologies[edit] Existing technologies[edit] Emerging technologies[edit] Speculative technologies[edit] Ethics[edit] While in some circles the expression "human enhancement" is roughly synonymous with human genetic engineering,[6][7] it is used most often to refer to the general application of the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC) to improve human performance.[5] Inequality and social disruption[edit] Effects on identity[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]

Cyborg A cyborg (short for "cybernetic organism") is a theoretical or fictional being with both organic and biomechatronic parts. The term was coined in 1960 by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline.[1] D. The term cyborg is not the same thing as bionic and often applied to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback.[3][4] While cyborgs are commonly thought of as mammals, they might also conceivably be any kind of organism and the term "Cybernetic organism" has been applied to networks, such as road systems, corporations and governments, which have been classed as such. Overview[edit] The term is also used to address human-technology mixtures in the abstract. Origins[edit] The concept of a man-machine mixture was widespread in science fiction before World War II. The term was coined by Manfred E. Cyborg tissues in engineering[edit] Individual cyborgs[edit] Animal cyborgs[edit]

Engineered Human Intestines Function Like the Real Thing in Mice Researchers have engineered small intestinal tissue from human cells, and when placed in mice, the transplants were able to digest and absorb like the real thing. The work, published in the American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology this week, could help treat one of the major causes of intestinal failure in premature babies and newborns. Previous studies by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) researchers showed how tissue-engineered small intestine (TESI) could be generated from taking human small intestine donor tissue and then implanting it into immunocompromised mice. But only basic components of the intestine were replicated. To be useful, the TESI must form a healthy barrier while still absorbing nutrients or exchanging electrolytes. Read this next: World First: Scientists Observe DNA Shuttling Between Cells, Triggering Tumor Growth

9 Implants that make human healthy body even more useful Here’s a list of 9 ways you can modify your body to be even more useful, from bionic implants to portable power generators. 1. RFID Chips – A nice and easy way to start out with body hacking is to implant an RFID chip into you. An RFID chip is just a passive antenna that’s pre-configured to transmit a specific code when it’s brought near an RFID reader. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Source Artificial Intestines Near Reality : Discovery News A new artificial intestine developed in the lab could help people missing a piece of their gut. A tiny artificial intestine has been made in the lab using collagen and stem cells. Scientists are now "growing" an intestine on a larger tube structure. Their goal is to get this artificial intestine to clinical trials in three years. Science has given us working artificial hearts, hips, limbs and bladders, and even a trachea. But no one has successfully created an artificial intestine, until now. "We're going to be taking these and inserting them into animals to see if it actually works," said John March, an assistant professor of biological and environmental engineering at Cornell University who developed the artificial intestine structure. March is developing the artificial intestine with Dr. The small artificial intestine that they have produced is based on a tissue matrix that March originally constructed to see bio-engineered bacteria working in real time without having to kill a mouse.
