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Episode 34 - Réaliser une installation multi-sites avec Drupal 7

Episode 34 - Réaliser une installation multi-sites avec Drupal 7

Exemples d'utilisations de VirtualHost This document attempts to answer the commonly-asked questions about setting up virtual hosts. These scenarios are those involving multiple web sites running on a single server, via name-based or IP-based virtual hosts. Running several name-based web sites on a single IP address. Your server has multiple hostnames that resolve to a single address, and you want to respond differently for and Note

Passing Arguments from Panel to Views in Drupal As ridiculous as it sounds, passing arguments from panel to views in Drupal 6 is a very, very difficult job, judging from the responses collected from the official Drupal Forum. I myself spent quite a lot of times wrestling over it. So I think it's worthwhile for me to post the solution. Downloads If you like Xdebug, please consider giving a"donation". Or Flattr this website: Source The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: Xdebug is hosted in GIT.

About Paper.js — The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting. Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas. It offers a clean Scene Graph / Document Object Model and a lot of powerful functionality to create and work with vector graphics and bezier curves, all neatly wrapped up in a well designed, consistent and clean programming interface. Paper.js is based on and largely compatible with Scriptographer, a scripting environment for Adobe Illustrator with an active community of scripters and more than 10 years of development. Paper.js is easy to learn for beginners and has lots to master for intermediate and advanced users.

Install Oracle Java Runtime (JRE) 7 in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is right around the corner and requests have been pouring in from our loyal readers. One of those requests is how to install Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 in Ubuntu 12.04. I have written about this topic on this blog previously, but not for Precise Pangolin. This brief tutorial is going to show you how to install it in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin if you haven’t already done so. Objectives: Install Oracle Java / JRE in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) Enjoy!

Building a Drupal Dashboard In the previous installment of the ongoing "Baby Got Backend" article series, I wrote about the various tools that Drupal site builders and developers can use to customize the content editing and administration experience. With a well-populated toolbox, the biggest challenge is often figuring out the needs of the people using the site's backend, and determining what parts of their workflow to focus on. In this installment, we're going to take a closer look at a simple example we encountered at Lullabot: a painful speed bump in our site management workflow, a brainstorming session to come up with solutions, and the iterative work to make the fix a reality.

Sort an array of objects by one of the objects property with PHP If you want to sort an array of objects but using one of its object properties you can do it with usort, but this could take a lot of time and will be very computational expensive. So I have implemented one method you can insert into one of your PHP classes. This method implements the quicksort algorithm. As a result I have experienced a huge performance improvement against usort: one array of objects with 10.000 elements sorted with usort takes ~3.4 sg, and with quicksort algorithm takes, in my samples, ~0.56 sg. Awesome isn’t it?

Java Introduction Java is a technology originally developed by Sun Microsystems, and acquired by Oracle. The following are the prevalent implementations: OpenJDK: The OpenJDK project is an open-source implementation of the Java SE Platform. Drupal 7 Entity Reference Module Welcome to another Daily Dose of Drupal, Drupal goers! And today we’re going to talk about the Drupal Entity Reference module. This is episode number 7 and this is brought to you by and we’ll get right into it today. The Entity Reference module; you may be familiar with Node Reference or User Reference if you have used Drupal 6 and CCK in the past and this is fairly similar but what is going to allow us to do is reference different entities within our other entities of course.

Sending email from extensions This is an example of how to send an email from a component. You would typically put this into your component's controller. Fetch the Mail Object A reference to the global mail object (JMail) is fetched through the JFactory object.

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