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Racisme & Discriminations. -PHOBIAS, ISLAMO-, XENO-, & -ISM, ANARCH- ,RAC-, SEX-, TERROR- Racisme. Racisme/Discriminations. Décoloniales (études) Définition & argumentaire.

What is systemic racism? | TODAY. On Jan. 20, President Joe Biden became the first in U.S. history to explicitly name “the sting of systemic racism” in his inaugural address. With this deliberate and specific use of the term, Biden was drawing attention to the deep-seated racial inequities in America. Racism describes the marginalization or oppression of individuals because of their race. Systemic racism provides another dimension to that; it describes what happens when cultural institutions and systems reflect that individual racism. As Dr. Crystal Fleming writes in "How To Be Less Stupid About Race": “The major insight about systemic and institutional racism is that there is no such thing as ‘a little bit of racism’ or ‘pockets of racism’ or ‘random incidents of racism’ isolated from the rest of society.

Whether you realize it or not, racism is systemic, pervasive and embedded within the core of all of our major institutions.” Systemic racism is “this ever-present force, kind of like gravity. Jo Persad Kate Slater. The Myth of a Majority-Minority America. In recent years, demographers and pundits have latched on to the idea that, within a generation, the United States will inevitably become a majority-minority nation, with nonwhite people outnumbering white people. In the minds of many Americans, this ethno-racial transition betokens political, cultural, and social upheaval, because a white majority has dominated the nation since its founding. But our research on immigration, public opinion, and racial demography reveals something quite different: By softening and blurring racial and ethnic lines, diversity is bringing Americans together more than it is tearing the country apart.

The majority-minority narrative contributes to our national polarization. Its depiction of a society fractured in two, with one side rising while the other subsides, is inherently divisive because it implies winners and losers. The narrative is also false. Read: The end of white America? Multiracial identities are gaining public recognition and approval. Définir le racisme, un enjeu profondément politique | Hustle Mag. Le « racisme d’Etat » en question Selon cette approche comme rapport social, peut-on parler de « racisme d’Etat » en France ? La seule évocation de ce concept provoque de très vives tensions politiques et intellectuelles. Le ministre de l’Education nationale, Jean-Michel Blanquer a par exemple en novembre 2017 fustigé l’emploi de cette notion en plein cœur de l’Assemblée Nationale, allant jusqu’à agiter la menace d’une plainte contre le syndicat SUD Education 93. Ce dernier a non seulement eu l’audace, selon le ministre, d’en faire usage, mais également de proposer une formation dans laquelle certains ateliers se dérouleraient en « non mixité » non blanche.[3] Une discussion plus ou moins sereine autour du concept de « racisme d’Etat » s’avère donc difficile.

Au côté de tout le savoir militant élaboré par des décennies de mobilisations[4], il existe de nombreuses études en sciences sociales démontrant la dimension massive et continue des discriminations racistes en France[5]. Why racism is so hard to define and even harder to understand. Today, what can be defined as racism and what cannot has become a matter for debate. Every racist caught in the act, whether it be wrongly accusing a black child of sexual assault or running over and killing a mosque-goer, claims not to be racist. Eric Kaufmann, a prominent professor at a London university, has claimed that “racial self-interest is not racism”. He is joined by others who see talking about race as “unhelpful”, be that from a left-wing perspective that privileges class, or from a conservative one that ridicules “identity politics”. Black people, Indigenous people, people of colour, Muslims and Jews regularly report being lectured to on racism – and what constitutes racism – by people who have never experienced it.

How did we get here? As Cheryl Harris explained in her landmark 1993 article, “Whiteness as Property”, white people in settler colonial countries such as the US and Australia have benefited directly from being white. Read more: Explainer: what is casual racism? Comprendre la mécanique raciste. Entretien avec Pierre Tevanian. Pierre Tevanian, La Mécanique raciste, Paris, La Découverte, 2017, postface de Saïd Bouamama. On pourra lire l’avant-propos du livre ici.

Pourquoi la « mécanique raciste » ? Le mot mécanique dit d’abord le caractère artificiel du racisme, en opposition avec une idée reçue que je prends le temps de récuser dans le livre : l’idée qu’au fond le racisme procéderait d’une peur de l’autre ou de l’inconnu, inhérente à la nature humaine. Je montre que cette idée est absolument fausse, d’une part, et fautive d’autre part sur le plan éthique dans la mesure où elle débouche sur une complaisance avec la violence raciste : si celle-ci procède d’un penchant naturel, on peut la contrôler, mais on ne peut pas l’éradiquer, et il ne faut pas être pressé dans ses demandes d’égalité de traitement. A l’opposé de cette approche « naturaliste » je souligné la dimension culturelle du racisme, sa dimension historique, sociale, politique… Non, puisque ce n’est pas n’importe quel inconnu. Je le crois. Oui. Déconstruction de la déconstruction : un point de vue antiraciste – Collectif 1+1=11.

Le terme de « déconstruction », et celui de « déconstruit » qui lui est associé, s’est imposé dans le champ militant ces dernières années. Que ce soit dans l’antiracisme, le féminisme ou dans les différentes autres sphères de lutte, il est devenu un adjectif incontournable, partageant le monde entre les « déconstruits » et les autres.

Dans cet article je souhaite m’attaquer à utilisation de ce terme qui, en plus de dénaturer son usage premier, mène à des dérives qui sont théoriquement fragiles et stratégiquement inefficaces. En effet, nous assistons à une récupération par la logique libérale de la notion de « déconstruction », amenant le champ militant dans une vision individualiste de la lutte, où il ne s’agit non plus de « déconstruire » des idéologies mais des individus. Bien entendu, pour rester fidèle au principe du « premier concerné » auquel tiennent les « déconstructionnistes », je vais émettre cette critique d’un point de vu antiraciste.

La déconstruction, son origine. Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person... Years ago, some feminist on the internet told me I was "Privileged. " "THE FUCK!?!? " I said. I came from the kind of Poor that people don't want to believe still exists in this country. Have you ever spent a frigid northern Illinois winter without heat or running water? So when that feminist told me I had "white privilege," I told her that my white skin didn't do shit to prevent me from experiencing poverty. After one reads McIntosh's powerful essay, it's impossible to deny that being born with white skin in America affords people certain unearned privileges in life that people of another skin color simple are not afforded. "I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

"" If you read through the rest of the list, you can see how white people and people of color experience the world in two very different ways. I do understand McIntosh's essay may rub some people the wrong way. I know now that I AM Privileged in many ways. Lois de Jim Crow. Les lois Jim Crow sont une série de lois promulguées généralement dans les États du sud des États-Unis d'Amérique au XIXe siècle dans le but de restreindre la plupart des droits accordés aux anciens esclaves après la guerre de Sécession. Les plus importantes introduisaient la ségrégation dans les écoles et dans la plupart des équipements publics, y compris les trains et les bus. La ségrégation scolaire a été déclarée inconstitutionnelle par la Cour suprême des États-Unis en 1954 (arrêt Brown v. Board of Education). Les autres Lois Jim Crow ont été abolies par le Civil Rights Act de 1964.

Le nom de Jim Crow vient de la chanson "Jump Jim Crow" écrite en 1828 par Thomas Dartmouth "Daddy" Rice, un émigrant anglais aux USA, le premier à se produire en public en se noircissant le visage. Les exemples suivants de discrimination dans différents États sont extraits du site du "National Park Service". The Montgomery Bus Boycott. 'BlacKkKlansman' Shows How White Supremacists Make Language Into a Weapon. The opening scenes of Spike Lee’s new movie, BlacKkKlansman, are in black and white. The movie is a period piece based on the true story of a black man, Ron Stallworth (played in the film by John David Washington), who became the Colorado Springs Police Department’s first black officer in 1972 and then successfully infiltrated the city’s local Ku Klux Klan chapter in an elaborate sting operation.

But this black and white imagery is an effect Lee is using to create the illusion of film from an even earlier era. A conspicuously squarely-dressed man named Dr. Kennebrew Beauregard (Alec Baldwin) appears in front of images of D.W.Griffith’s epically racist black and white film Birth of a Nation, practically foaming at the mouth with concern like the narrator in anti-marijuana propaganda film Reefer Madness — only this time the warnings are about Jewish and black Americans who he believes are turning America into a “mongrel” nation.

“We had a great way of life,” Dr. Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology. There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy. The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience. "Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said.

Controversy ahead The findings combine three hot-button topics. Brains and bias As suspected, low intelligence in childhood corresponded with racism in adulthood. A study of averages. 'White trash', quei poveri bianchi d’America che voteranno Trump. Se c’è una nazione che si ostina a credere nel vecchio adagio «moriremo tutti di classe media», sono gli Stati Uniti: lo fanno senza il timore del ridicolo e nonostante le mancate conferme del quotidiano.

È una fissazione di lungo corso: in un sondaggio Gallup del 1963, gli intervistati rifiutarono di identificarsi come poveri o ricchi; circa la metà si definì working class e il resto disse di essere middle class, ma le risposte potevano essere interscambiabili. Una resistenza alla stratificazione sociale ci cui dovette farsi un’idea la fotografa Margaret Bourke-White quando si recò nella mitica cittadina di Muncie, Indiana, resa famosa da uno studio sociologico Middletown in cui veniva assunta come comunità americana modello, piccola e solidale. Quando la fotografa ritrasse gli interni dimessi delle case degli operai e quelli opulenti delle famiglie benestanti, venne accusata di focalizzare l’attenzione sulle eccezioni, ignorando il «ripieno» che formava davvero la società. The KKK was a pyramid scheme exploiting racism for money — Quartz. The 1920s KKK made a lot of money selling robes, memorabilia, candy, and life insurance policies to its own members Today, the Ku Klux Klan is one of the most extreme and reviled symbols of American racism.

But there was once a time when the fringe hate group verged on “mainstream.” In the 1920s, its members numbered in the millions and made up a significant percentage of the US population. This is the KKK that claimed to control elections and counted U.S. presidents among its members. But in 2011, Roland G. “Rather than a terrorist organization,” they wrote, “the 1920s Klan is best described as a social organization with a wildly successful multi-level marketing structure.” They were very, very, very successful. A Brief History of a Hate Group Still from “The Birth of a Nation” In December of 1865, six former Confederate soldiers from Pulaski, Tennessee founded the Ku Klux Klan.

That levity did not last long. In 1915, D.W. The Business of Hate And the Klan sold to the Klan a lot. The Disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism. Scientists, including those who study race, like to see themselves as objectively exploring the world, above the political fray. But such views of scientific neutrality are naive, as study findings, inevitably, are influenced by the biases of the people conducting the work. The American sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois once wrote, “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.” His words were borne out, in part, by science. The post-war era saw scientists on the right-wing fringe find ways to cloak their racist views in more palatable language and concepts.

In her thoroughly researched book, Saini, a London-based science journalist, provides clear explanations of racist concepts while diving into the history of race science, from archaeology and anthropology to biology and genetics. Superior: The Return of Race Science Superior tells the disturbing story of the persistent thread of belief in biological racial differences in the world of science.

Roms : pourquoi sont-ils aussi haïs ? Les Roms sont l’un des groupes les plus marginalisés et les plus persécutés en Europe, et les attitudes anti-Roms sont en hausse. Dans de nombreuses sociétés, il est parfaitement acceptable de les dénigrer en invoquant des traits et caractéristiques négatifs que tous les Roms sont censés posséder (criminalité, délinquance, mode de vie parasitaire…).

La romophobie est manifeste dans le discours de haine prononcé par le ministre italien de l’Intérieur, Matteo Salvini, qui a appelé au profilage ethnique des Roms, mais aussi dans les attaques de néo-nazis qui ont détruit des maisons et tué d’innocents Roms en Ukraine, ou dans l’expulsion forcée de 8 161 Roms de leur maison par les autorités françaises en 2017.

Les Roms occupent la position la plus basse dans pratiquement tous les indicateurs socio-économiques, y compris le niveau d’instruction et la progression scolaire, le chômage, l’espérance de vie et la mortalité infantile. La romophobie en question. Qui se souvient que les Roms furent esclaves cinq siècles durant ? Alors que la France célèbre ce 10 mai la Journée nationale des mémoires de la traite, de l’esclavage et de leur abolition, qui sait qu’en Europe il y eut aussi des esclaves ? Les Roms, sur le territoire roumain, du XIVe au XIXe siècle... Aujourd’hui, des artistes se mobilisent contre l’oubli. En 1837, l’historien Mihail Kolganiceanu, futur président du Conseil des ministres de la Roumanie, alerte les Européens qui « fondent des sociétés philanthropiques pour l’abolition de l’esclavage en Amérique » : sur le Vieux Continent, environ deux cent mille « Tsiganes » sont réduits à l’état d’esclaves.

Ils le seront officiellement jusqu’en 1856. Près de deux siècles plus tard, seule une commémoration de l’« émancipation des Roms » a lieu chaque 20 février dans le pays. Et il a fallu attendre l’année dernière pour qu’une étude de cas soit insérée dans le programme des collèges. L’esclavage, un déni français ? Valérie Lehoux 10 minutes à lire Esclaves puis “mendiants” Guérir du passé.

Discrimination positive asiatique. Antisemitism. Martha Nussbaum and the new religious intolerance. Exil et migrations. Instead of Arguing About Migration From Africa, Address the Causes. Vikings: Warriors of No Nation.