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Medical Insider - CFS/CFIDS & ME, Multi-System Illnesses & Holistic Health. Kidney Cleanse – Keeping the Filters Clean of Kidney Stones. Kidneys are among your body’s most important organs.

Kidney Cleanse – Keeping the Filters Clean of Kidney Stones

Undergoing a kidney cleanse, as part of an overall toxic cleansing plan, will improve the continued long-term health of these vital organs. Why are the kidneys so important? Your urinary system produces and excretes urine from the body. Your urinary system consists of your kidneys, your bladder and urinary ducts. The kidneys are the most important organs in this system. Just as our bodies produce waste from the food we eat, each of our cells produces waste as a result of normal metabolism. Your kidneys are located just above your waistline – above the bony parts of your hip – under a layer of muscle, on either side of your backbone.

Metabolic waste must be removed from the blood, or it quickly accumulates to toxic levels – a condition called uremia. Messages Awarded Bright Star Award [334] , Sorted by Date Source: Mosaic: Messages Across All CureZone Forums & Blogs. Chelation: Andy Cutler Protocol Support, Page 15, : Toxic Cleansing – Colon Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, Liver Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse. Internal toxic cleansing, consisting of colon cleanse, parasite cleanse, kidney cleanse and liver cleanse routines, are key elements to an overall body cleansing and detoxification plan.

Toxic Cleansing – Colon Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, Liver Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse

Proper cleansing of parasites and toxins frees up your body’s resources to more effectively fight disease. In addition, toxic cleansing will often help clear up those mysterious symptoms that modern medicine can only hide. For example, I used to have insomnia. I would wake up between 1am and 3am almost every morning and was unable to fall back to sleep until 5am or 6am. Well, like you, I had a full day’s work ahead of me, so sleeping until 7am just did not give me sufficient sleep. Why focus toxic cleansing on the colon, kidneys and liver?

The colon plays a vital role in the health of our entire body. The kidneys are among the body’s most important organs. The liver performs hundreds of functions necessary for us to maintain good health. CAUTION - Sequence Matters! Peak Health: What Do YOU Want to Know? Dr Hyman's Website — Functional Medicine, Books & Supplements. LIVER DETOXIFCATION, GALLSTONE REMOVAL, GALL BLADDER PURGE, KIDNEY STONES, GLYTAMINS. Home > Glytamins Dissolve Gallstones, Detoxification of the Liver, Relieve Constipation, Acid Reflux, Gas, Bloating, Cleanse The Liver, Dissolve Kidney Stones...


Watch the Video Below to Learn More Liver / Gall Bladder Chelation Therapy Instructions & Ingredients This Photo below shows the gallstones recovered from a colonic machine after taking Glytamins ( a colonic is not required for stones to be released ) that a doctor passed from his body after taking Glytamins for six days. Gallbladder Surgery Avoided - Steven Shelling I was apprehensive about using glytamins for my Gallbladder Stones because the person i talked to said it may take up to 6 boxes to dissolve the stones due to how long i had my problem and pain. Instructions & Ingredients GallBladder, Acid Refux Pains relieved after 1 box of Glytamins. My pain was extreme, sometimes i could not eat for days.

Lucy Griffin, Texas New Hope For The Relief of a Gallbladder Attack Without The Need For Surgery. Maximizing Methylation: The Key to Healthy Aging. TAKING JUST A FEW vitamins CAN optimize the function of ALL your body’s systems.

Maximizing Methylation: The Key to Healthy Aging

It’s true. But you have to know what to take and you have to know why these supplements work … That’s why, in this week’s blog, I am going to discuss one of the most important biochemical processes for long-term health and how you can keep it running at its very best with supplements and other measures. Unfortunately, many people suffer from one or more of the 8 factors that negatively impact this biochemical process, so problems in this area are widespread though many don’t realize they are suffering. The good news is that there are MANY things that you can do right now to optimize this critical biochemical process that may have a dramatic impact on your health. But first, I’d like to tell you about two of my patients with seemingly unrelated health problems that were actually caused by a breakdown in this biochemical process.

Heavy Metal Detoxification. The most common source of heavy metal toxicity is from dental amalgam fillings and other metal dental appliances. In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared that amalgams are a hazardous substance under the Superfund law. Scrap dental amalgam was declared a hazardous waste in 1988 by the EPA. Outside of your mouth it has to be: 1. Stored in unbreakable, tightly sealed containers away from heat. 2. It is not to be touched. 3.

Lead binds with the sulfur groups on proteins and inactivates them. Disposal of the body's burden of mercury is via the urine and feces, although minute amounts are detectable in expired air. Detoxification systems such as metallothionein, cytochrome P-450, and bile are adversely affected by mercury. A small proportion of total body mercury is excreted in various forms directly in the urine without being bound to protein.

The following is a list of nutrients that facilitate the removal of heavy metals. Low sulfur-sulphur food list «