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Blogs, Articles and Videos from the World's Top Thinkers and Leaders. Butterflies and Wheels » Fighting fashionable nonsense. Institute for Advanced Studies In Culture: Publications - The Hedgehog Review. Current Issue Summer 2017 (19.2) The accelerating urbanization of the world can be viewed as either the hope or the bane of our global future.

Institute for Advanced Studies In Culture: Publications - The Hedgehog Review

Yet at a time when more than half of the world’s population inhabits cities and so much thought and study have been devoted to the challenges and possibilities of urban life, surprisingly little attention is paid to the crucial purpose and meaning of cities. Recovering the cultural dimension in thinking about the future of our cities may be the best way to make them the solution and not the problem. Table of Contents | Order Spring 2017 (19.1) To capture some sense of the self at this post-modern moment, we examine the key features of our deeper cultural code.

Table of Contents | Order Fall 2016 (18.3) Science has been central to the rise of the modern world. Table of Contents | Order From our Recent Issues From Spring 2017 (19.1) The Devil We Know by Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig The devil just isn’t what he used to be. From Fall 2016 (18.3) Science Anxiety Blog. Talking Philosophy. Arts & Letters Daily - ideas, criticism, debate. Sense about Science – Equipping people to make sense of science and evidence. Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! Word Spy. Online Etymology Dictionary. The Best Language Tools for Geeks. Lingua Franca. Writing tutors, teaching assistants, usage columnists, and even word-processor grammar-checkers flag passives for “correction” because they have been told they should.

Lingua Franca

(The disastrously confused Page 18 of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style is often implicated—but don’t get me started on them.) These critics are often clearly inexpert at accurate identification of what they deprecate: collecting published critical comments about the passive by soi-disant rhetoric gurus, I have found that the most frequently occurring score for telling passives from actives is zero (I put this extraordinary statistic aside to discuss another day).

Naturally, the critics also have no idea how many they use themselves. Recently a colleague and friend with an American doctoral degree did me the kindness of commenting on a draft of mine. She made many solid suggestions that I accepted. The piece I was writing—a sad task—was an obituary. Again, this is passive voice. I was genuinely amazed. Return to Top. Anxiety Online - Home. WHO. Climate Debate Daily. Notes from Behind the Blockade. Universe Today — Space and astronomy news. E X P E R I E N C E. Ninite - Install or Update Multiple Apps at Once. The World Factbook. People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily.

The World Factbook

If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. For threats outside the U.S., contact CIA or go to a U.S. Embassy or Consulate and ask for the information to be passed to a U.S. official. Please know, CIA does not engage in law enforcement. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. If you feel it is safe, consider providing these details with your submission: Your full name Biographic details, such as a photograph of yourself, and a copy of the biographic page of your passport How you got the information you want to share with CIA How to contact you, including your home address and phone number.

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