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Mushrooms. Association de plantes. Un article de

Association de plantes

Les cultures associées ou l'association de culture L’alternance et l’association des cultures consistent à faire des cultures associées à leur mutuel bénéfice. Cette technique de cultures associées est aussi appelée "compagnonnage de plantes". Dans l'agriculture moderne, les associations d’espèces de plantes ont quasiment disparu. Principalement les associations de graminées et de légumineuses qui sont très fréquentes dans la nature, notamment dans les systèmes prairiaux. Vegetable Garden Planner software - 30 day free trial from How to build My 50 Dollar Greenhouse. First off – you really can build this thing very cheaply, but to do so you have to recycle, freecycle, and scrounge.

How to build My 50 Dollar Greenhouse

If you just go out and buy new everything it will probably cost over $200 – still not bad all in all.This Article is featured in Jan 2010 issue of Birds and Blooms Magazine! Want to find out if this thing works before you read all this? Read 6 months in the Greenhouse first.Want to see what happens when a few inches of wet snow accumulates on this?

Collapse! Building the Greenhouse Doors is addressed in a separate article – isn’t this enough for one weekend? My $50 Greenhouse Welcome Stumbleupon Gardeners! Materials list Construction Steps Hind Sight – What I would do differently The planning is over and construction on my hoop house greenhouse has begun. After some research I’ve decided to build the structure of the hoop house out of 20 ft. joints of three quarter inch PVC plumbing pipe. If your Greenhouse is too Flat it will collapse! How to Build the $50 Hoop House Thusly. Integrated Food and Energy Systems. Organic vertical gardening system in Germany Simple, yet effective vertical garden system for the production of organic vegetables and herbs on sealed areas.

Integrated Food and Energy Systems

The system is built solely with recycled and re-used materials, without any costs. For example the pump that drives the nutrient water cycle was taken from a broken washing machine. Our organic kitchen waste and the plant residues supply the plants constantly with nutrients through a constant water cycle. Living organisms in the compost break down the organic matter and mineralize the nutrients. Soil in the pods ensures a natural environment for the plants and serves for nutrient and water retention. During the growing season we were eating different tomato varieties, pepper, chili, cucumber, honey-melon, spinach, lettuce, carrots and basil, oregano, thyme, coriander, dill, parsley, curry plan and melissa on a regular basis and totally without any contamination of pesticides.

Terraquaponics in South Africa Construction of the terraces. 8 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again And Again. Scallions You can regrow scallions by leaving an inch attached to the roots and place them in a small glass with a little water in a well-lit room. Garlic When garlic begins to sprout, you can put them in a glass with a little water and grow garlic sprouts.

8 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again And Again.

The sprouts have a mild flavor than garlic and can be added to salads, pasta and other dishes. Bok Choy. Plantes compagnes. L’ail, cultivez-la! 05 oct 2011 par Marie Eisenmann Cultiver son ail est facile, économique et très agréable.

L’ail, cultivez-la!

C’est maintenant, à l’automne, qu’il faut la planter. À l’heure de la nostalgie de l’été, elle nous laisse déjà entrevoir la saison à venir… Pourquoi cultiver son ail ? Pour manger local. Turn Your Yard Into a Thriving Garden with Open Source Permaculture. Does your backyard look as barren as the Sahara?

Turn Your Yard Into a Thriving Garden with Open Source Permaculture

What if you could transform it into a thriving edible garden using ecological design principles? Open Source Permaculture is giving you all the tools you need, providing a free site with expert tips for making a sustainable backyard garden more than a dream. Currently Open Source Permaculture is offering a Q&A website, a gardener’s wiki, as well as a free Urban Permaculture Guide eBook. Permaculture is a school of design rooted in ecological ethics and principles, and it can be used to design anything from a sustainable garden to green architecture. To find out more, just click ahead! + Open Source Permaculture The article above was submitted to us by an Inhabitat reader. Semis what when. 513EmailShare Ca y est, en février on sort de l’hiver !

semis what when

Ou au moins, on commence à préparer son potager pour le printemps qui arrive et c’est un vrai plaisir de reprendre les semis, de remettre les mains dans la terre et de revoir les petites plantules sortir de terre. Pour ne rien oublier, voici les travaux du mois. Et comme à notre habitude, cet article est co-écrit avec Yannick de au-potager-bio. Les semis Artichaut : à semer en godets, en intérieur mais sans chauffage. Les plantations Ail : dans les régions au climat doux, on plante l’ail dans un sol bien drainant pour éviter le pourrissement des caïeux (voir comment planter l’ail)Asperge : la plantation de griffes de 3 ans permet d’avancer les récoltes.

Manuel pratique de la culture maraîchère de Paris (Moreau, J. G, et J.J. Daverne) écrit en 1845.