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GCSE ICT. Bitcoin. Social bookmarking links. Every story page on the News and Sport websites now includes links to a range of social bookmarking / sharing websites.

Social bookmarking links

Social bookmarking links can be found at the bottom of all story pages These sites allow you to store, tag and share links across the internet. You can share these links both with friends and people with similar interests. You can also access your links from any computer you happen to be using. So, if you come across a BBC story that you find interesting and want to save for future reference or share it with other people, simply click on one of these links to add to your list. All of these sites are free to use but do require you to register. Each of the sites works slightly differently so use the links below to find out which service best suits your needs.

You can find out more about social bookmarking on Wikipedia. Barcode1 UK (Barcodes Limited) A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is the most popular type of 2D “matrix barcode”.

Barcode1 UK (Barcodes Limited)

It can be read easily by smartphones & camera phones (if they have a barcode scanner app), and can be used in many different ways. It is commonly used to link people who scan the code to a particular website. Order your QR Code below: QR Code (or other 2D Barcode) Computer History Museum - Timeline of Computer History. Expanding horizons and changing attitudes. Woman computer. Pros and Cons of iPads in schools. World wakes up to digital divide.

Some of the world's poorest nations are getting to grips with technology The digital divide, like many other economic or social problems, is a global issue.

World wakes up to digital divide

From the most switched on countries such as Sweden to the poorest nations in Africa there is a widening gap between those with access to technology and those without. The gap between countries on the same continent is also getting wider. According to figures from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Sweden has a mere 12% of its population offline compared to 56.5% in Greece. The scale of a country's digital divide reflects the condition of its economy, says ITU analyst Vanessa Gray. "In Sweden there is a population that is highly educated and a culture of trying new things whereas in Greece income levels and educational levels are lower," she said. Greater Clark seeks to close the 'digital divide' JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (WAVE) - As they prepare to head back to school, more than 8,000 students in the Greater Clark County School system have received new laptop computers.

Greater Clark seeks to close the 'digital divide'

Monday, families filled out paperwork and stood in long lines for a chance to get their hands on a shiny, new Samsung Google Chromebook. Every kid from 3rd grade to 12th is a Chromebook, but just like with computers in the school buildings kids will have restricted access to certain websites. Also, they are not supposed to have food and drink around the devices. The technology is really important for some students who have never had a computer in the home before. Mow it's getting those kids past the digital divide. Internet Shopping To Hit High Street Hard.

One in five of Britain's high street shops could close by 2018 as more customers turn to the internet for their shopping, new research has found.

Internet Shopping To Hit High Street Hard

A study carried out by the Centre for Retail Research warned that 62,000 shops could fold in the next five years. The independent retail analysis group estimates that around 316,000 workers would lose their jobs as a result, and large areas of Britain's high streets would be turned into housing. Online shopping is expected to surge over the next few years, accounting for 22% of retail spending by 2018 compared to 12.7% currently, the study suggests.

Professor Joshua Bamfield's report, called Retail Futures 2018, says the first closures will be pharmacies and health and beauty stores, followed by those selling music, books, cards, stationery and gifts, as well as DIY outlets. He told the Daily Mail: "The total number of UK retail stores will fall by 22% over the next five years from 281,930 to 220,000 in 2018. Online shopping v high street. What is Web 2.0. Web 2.0. The Next Great Social Network Will Not Put Relationships First — I.M.H.O. Seconds after my laptop screen comes to life, I am uncerimoniously swept into my Facebook news feed once again.

The Next Great Social Network Will Not Put Relationships First — I.M.H.O.

The promoted Expedia post featuring the top search result for Las Vegas on iStockPhoto remains front and center, despite me telling Facebook that it couldn’t be less tailored to my travel interests. I wonder how much that guy made off that photo. I’m sure I don’t want to know. Emily, the quiet brunette from my freshman film theory class, has just completed level 48 of Candy Crush with the love and support of her closest internet friends. I sit in silence and hope that level 49 will be just as kind to her. Someone I don’t recall ever meeting has polled the community in an attempt to find another who can give him advice on a portable air conditioning unit for his apartment. NO FARMVILLE.