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A frequently-updated compendium of web app first-run experiences

A frequently-updated compendium of web app first-run experiences

Folyo - Helping companies find great designers 43 High Quality Tutorial Sites to Start Learning Web Design « Na If you want to start learning web design and development any time soon, you can start from these high quality resources. Most of the sites have been around for a while, have accumulated numerous tutorials on various topics on HTML/CSS, Photoshop, PHP/MySQL, Javascript/jQuery/AJAX and Flash. Start learning or polishing off your design skills now Add This Post to Your Delicious 1. At W3Schools, you can study everything you need to learn, in an accessible and handy format. 2. Yoobee Online now offer their introduction to HTML & CSS short course online. Introduction to HTML5 & CSS3 3. Quackit teaches beginners how to create websites. 7. HTMLlite will show you how to easily create web pages with your favorite text editor. 9. Tutorials on EchoEcho are structured into three sections. 10. Sergey Gribov‘s website offers a quick start on web technologies. 11. Jessett covers such topics as usability, graphic design, html, css, dhtml and more. 19. 20. 22. 25. HTML Tutorial 27. CSS Tutorial 28. 34. 41.

Why a good “product onboarding” is important for SaaS What is “product onboarding”? Onboarding is the process of making a user, which has already chosen to try your product, go through all the first steps from the signup form to the welcome email/account activation and the explanation of your interface. In this article I’ll speak only about the “product onboarding” which occurs when a user first discovers your interface (signup has already been made) and needs to efficiently see what he can do and how. Why is a good product onboarding important for SaaS? Product onboarding is particularly important for SaaS because the very reason for these apps/websites to exist is to help people do something for their job. The first impression is often the most important and by not providing a good product onboarding you can create frustration which is, obviously, not good for your retention rate. few features / simple SaaS: these are SaaS which aim at solving a single problem with very few features. 1 The good old “notification” message 1 The “passive” tour

the mystery of css float property Advertisement Years ago, when developers first started to make the transition to HTML layouts without tables, one CSS property that suddenly took on a very important role was the float property. The reason that the float property became so common was that, by default, block-level elements will not line up beside one another in a column-based format. The CSS float property allows a developer to incorporate table-like columns in an HTML layout without the use of tables. In this article, we’ll discuss exactly what the float property is and how it affects elements in particular contexts. Definition and Syntax The purpose of the CSS float property is, generally speaking, to push a block-level element to the left or right, taking it out of the flow in relation to other block elements. Flickr photo by presentday The effectiveness of using floats in multi-columned layouts was explained by Douglas Bowman in 2004 in his classic presentation No More Tables: No More Tables Syntax Float in Practice

Crafting The First Mile Of Product Crafting The First Mile Of Product As leaders become immersed in their products, they become more focused on the users they have and less on those they don’t. The natural tendency to gravitate towards your best customers handicaps your ability to build and sustain increasingly inclusive products. If you want to build a product that millions (or hundreds of millions) of people can use, you must defy this tendency to prioritize the core product at the expense of the “first mile.” The First Mile: Haphazardly Conceived & Helplessly Neglected In a world of moving fast and pushing out a “minimum viable product,” the first mile of a product’s user experience is almost always an afterthought. To make matters worse, the first mile of a product experience is increasingly neglected over time despite becoming more important over time. And products built for a tech-savvy group of early adopters must simplify to go mainstream and accommodate a broader population. First Mile Failure vs.
