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German Courses

German Courses

La esferificación del granny! {A granny spherification tutorial} 1ª VUELTA {1} 4 cad. en anillo mágico {2}*punto alto, 1 cad.* 11 veces {3} cerrar con un punto raso en la 3ª cad. 3ª VUELTA {15} 3 cad. en cad. vuelta 2, {16} 2 puntos altos, {17} y {18} *3 puntos altos en cad. vuelta 2* 11 veces MONTAJE {19} a {21} unir dos grannies semiesféricos con punto raso {22} a {25} cubrir el cable. 1st ROW {1} chain 4 in magic circle {2} *1 dc, chain 1* 11 times {3}slip stitch in the 3rd chain. 3rd ROW {15} chain 3 under 2nd row chain {16} 2 dc {17} y {18} *3 dc under next 2nd row chain* 11 times ASSEMBLY {19} to {21} join 2 semi spherical grannies with slip stitch {22} to {25} wrap the yarn around the cable.

Learn German Christian Lotz, Phil 491: Philosophy of Poetry, Michigan State University, Spring 2009 Course Description: What is poetry? How is poetry related to other artistic forms, such as epics, dramatic speech, and songs? Can poetry be translated? Course Goals: This class should introduce students to selected aspects of a (possible) philosophy of poetry through the study of major texts of the European tradition of thinking about poetry. Note: Students who did not take philosophy classes before (but signed up for this class) should be aware of the fact that this course is based on extremely difficult (and awkward) texts. Reading assignments and preparation The reading assignment per session is limited; however, this means that I expect you to come to class having prepared the texts carefully and thoroughly and that you are able to talk meaningfully about the text, raise questions of your own and provide answers when called upon. Introductory Information Online Required Texts Texts for Download Course Organization Course Requirements Class Attendance Attendance Class Response Sheets Task Cards

You Go Girl!: Crochet Like Crazy... Welcome to the final week of On the Edge... This weeks task: Crochet Edging...FINALLY!!! Difficulty Level: 2 Chocolates plus 3 Bonus Chocolates, just for fun It's time for the icing on the cake, the crowning glory, the creme-de-la-creme, the Bomb with a capital B. To get the party started... Eat a chocolate. Load your hook with a slip knot. Slide your hook under a blanket stitch. Complete a single crochet. Directions for how to start the first single crochet: Slide hook under blanket stitch. In the same manner, work two more single crochets into the same blanket stitch. Stitch three single crochets into each blanket stitch all the way around the pillow case. When you get back to where you started: Don't adjust your monitor. Continue the scallop pattern (sc, skip 2, 5 dc, skip 2) all the way around the pillowcase. When you get back where you started, slip stitch into the first single crochet of the pattern. Cut your working yarn about 10" inches from the hook. You are done! That's all for now.

GermanOnline Foreign Languages and Literatures | 21F.412 Texts, Topics, and Times in German Literature, Fall 2009 Barka Fonal Blog - Horgolósuli - 24. lecke - Post-it sál Huszonnegyedik lecke - Post-it sál Annás ezúttal egy igazi tavaszváró sál elkészítését mutatja be, melynek nem csak színei, hanem anyaga és könnyedsége is tavaszi-nyári hangulatot idéz, hiszen Mandarin nevű bambuszfonalunkból készült, ami nagyon finom selymes, és az idei trendeknek megfelelően igazán élénk színekben is elérhető, a sál neve is önmagáért beszél... :) Régóta terveztem valami hasonlóan haszontalan, könnyed sálacska készítését, de csak most találtam rá a megfelelő fonalra és színre. A Barka Mandarin Borbolya árnyalatát választottam, de hamarosan sorra kerül a Lime és a Kikelet is J A bambuszfonal selymes és nehéz, testességet ad ennek az egyszerű, levegős mintának. A sál elkészítéséhez szükséges: - 1 gombolyag Barka Mandarin Borbolya bambuszfonal - 4,5 mm-es horgolótű - szemjelölő vagy maradék fonal - olló Kezdjünk neki a sál elkészítésének! Hagyjunk kb. 10 cm-es fonalvéget a munka kezdésekor, majd horgoljunk 5 + 35 x 10 = 355 láncszemet (lsz). 2. sor: Fordítsuk meg a horgolást. (aka Tele Deutsch)
