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Ansel Adams: Landscape Photography at its Finest

Ansel Adams: Landscape Photography at its Finest

The Top 75 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2012 *Update: The Top 100 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2012 have just been published. Click here to check out the most up-to-date post! After the positive reception from last year’s “Top 50 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2011“, the Sifter promised to highlight the top 25 ‘Pictures of the Day‘ at the end of every quarter, eventually culminating in an epic Top 100 for 2012. It’s hard to believe we’re already into the final quarter of 2012. With that, here are the Sifter’s Top 75 ‘Pictures of the Day‘ for this year. If any image really intrigues you, be sure to click the title link or picture itself. *Please note the photographs themselves were not necessarily taken in 2012, they just happened to be featured as a ‘Picture of the Day’ this year. Enjoy! Watch What Happens When Sunlight Hits This Building The Nasir-ul-Mulk Mosque, or Pink Mosque, stands in the middle of Shiraz, Iran and is one of the most beautiful buildings created by man. The mosque stands apart from any other architectural work of art on the planet. Every day, when the sun hits the mosque, the whole building is flooded with a rainbow of color which will surely enchant anyone who visits it. Colors from the stained glass dance across the floor in every shade imaginable, while the walls and ceilings glow with intricately painted colors of their own. The walls and ceilings of the mosque are painted with the most vibrant colors Every sunny day produces a beautiful display of color As you get closer to the mosque the details become more impressive The Pink Mosque is one of the few mosques in the world to have stained glass The beauty of the mosque is beyond belief People who visit the mosque are enchanted by its beauty

These 14 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World There's a "secret" message in all of these. Some of them are eye opening! Artist Pawel Kuczynski, who is based in Poland, creates thought-provoking art that will give you another way to view this world. Perhaps it’s something you didn’t see clearly. Other times, he’s just plain satirical. Image Credit: Pawel Kuczynski Want to take shot at deciphering his work? Credits: SFGlobe, Imgur, Pawel Kuczynski Trending on the Web
