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Vaginal yeast infections fact sheet. Home > Publications > Our publications > Vaginal yeast infections fact sheet What is a vaginal yeast infection?

Vaginal yeast infections fact sheet

A vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the vagina and the area around it called the vulva (vul-vuh). Yeast is a type of fungus. Creating a Biological Underclass: A Reality of Poverty for HIV+ Women. By Sonia Rastogi Hype of the HIV epidemic in the U.S. has died down in the media and in the minds of many Americans.

Creating a Biological Underclass: A Reality of Poverty for HIV+ Women

What many do not know is that we are sitting on a human rights crisis. Yes, “we have the science to end the epidemic” as they say and will say loudly at the International AIDS Conference in July 2012 in Washington, D.C. Six Birth Control Apps Worth Checking Out. National Blood Clot Alliance. Story by Andra James, MD, Duke University Men may actually have a higher overall risk of thrombosis than women, but women have risks due to pregnancy, birth control and postmenopausal hormone therapy that men do not.

National Blood Clot Alliance

These risks are generally attributed to estrogen, a key ingredient in birth control pills, patches, and rings, and in postmenopausal hormone therapy. Estrogen does not cause blood clots, but it does increase the risk by several-fold. Birth control pills, the leading method of birth control in the United States, increase the chance of developing a blood clot by about three- to four-fold. Foods Prevent Blood Clots. Working with the premise that prevention is better than a cure, scientists and doctors are currently looking for new ways to prevent heart disease.

Foods Prevent Blood Clots

The major cause of heart disease is blood clots in the heart and the ability to prevent blood clots would go a long way in improving heart health. Blood clots result from a thickening of the blood. It is a natural way for the body to heal after a trauma. In effect, the blood forms a scab over the wound. However, this is very dangerous. Blood clots can appear in blood vessels. 5 Foods That Prevent Blood Clots. Wondering about the 5 foods that prevent blood clots?

5 Foods That Prevent Blood Clots

By adding a few foods which are believed to help prevent blood clots, the need for medication may be decreased. Patients who are attempting to reduce the risk of blood clots need not eat blood thinning foods only, but by adding a few of these foods each week, the need for medication may be substantially reduced over time. Spices. Concerns Over Breast Cancer Should Make You Double-Check Your Cosmetics. The Internet is like freakin' Kryptonite for hypochondriacs, right?

Concerns Over Breast Cancer Should Make You Double-Check Your Cosmetics

It seems like very time you hit that Google Search button or refresh your email, you're just asking to stumble upon an ad, news story, or website that plays on your deepest fears about your health. And as someone who is definitely something of a hypochondriac herself, I would never want to instill unnecessary fear in others, but I definitely believe there's some truth to one web "rumor": That chemicals in some cosmetics promote breast cancer.

There's a lot of confusion over what exactly in deodorant and other cosmetics might be linked to breast cancer, but one thing's for sure: Parabens (chemicals like methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, isopropylparaben, and isobutylparaben) are hormone disruptors (they mimic estrogen in the body) used in lots of different kinds of makeup, moisturizers, and hair care and shaving products. Guest Post: A Doctor on Transvaginal Ultrasounds. A friend of mine is a physician who wants to speak about transvaginal ultrasounds but whose position makes it precarious to speak publicly about it.

Guest Post: A Doctor on Transvaginal Ultrasounds

So I’m letting this doctor borrow my site for an entry to speak anonymously on the matter. Obviously, I will vouch for the doctor being a doctor and being qualified to speak on the subject. I See White People: Hunger Games and a Brief History of Cultural Whitewashing. "these racist garbage-teens"

I See White People: Hunger Games and a Brief History of Cultural Whitewashing

Breast implant with nanoscale "bed-of-nails" surface shown to deter cancer cells. It's a sad reality of our time that breast cancer affects more women around the world than any other form of cancer.

Breast implant with nanoscale "bed-of-nails" surface shown to deter cancer cells

Even more disturbing is the fact that up to ten years after surgery, the cancer returns in nearly 20 percent of those deemed to have had successful tumor-removal operations. Now, researchers at Brown University (BU) in Providence, Rhode Island, led by engineering professor Thomas Webster, have developed an implant which they believe can appreciably lower that relapse rate by simultaneously inhibiting cancer cell growth and attracting healthy breast cells. “We’ve created an (implant) surface with features that can at least decrease (cancerous) cell functions without having to use chemotherapeutics, radiation, or other processes to kill cancer cells,” Webster said.

Ina May Gaskin on Rising U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate, Midwifery and Home Births. This is a rush transcript.

Ina May Gaskin on Rising U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate, Midwifery and Home Births

Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to the latest in the contraceptive controversy that is growing in states around the country. In Arizona, a bill nearing passage in the legislature would allow any employer to opt out of providing contraceptive insurance coverage. Women wishing to get reimbursed could be required to prove that they are taking birth control for a medical reason rather than to prevent pregnancy. Planned Parenthood Launches Action Fund, "Women Are Watching. Abortion Doctor Assassination List, & Super Bowl Ad? Operation Rescue. Abortion safer than giving birth: study. Super Bowl Viewers Will See Graphic Anti-Abortion Ads With Pictures Of Bloody Fetuses. By Marie Diamond on January 10, 2012 at 5:10 pm "Super Bowl Viewers Will See Graphic Anti-Abortion Ads With Pictures Of Bloody Fetuses" Super Bowl viewers in 40 cities across the country will see graphic ads featuring images of bloody, aborted fetuses. DA Drops Self-Abortion Case Vs. NYC Woman.

NEW YORK -- Prosecutors said Tuesday they are dropping a rare self-abortion case against a woman arrested after her fetus was found among trash. The Manhattan district attorney's office said it was declining to prosecute Yaribely Almonte but continuing to investigate. Prosecutors wouldn't elaborate. Almonte, 20, was arrested in November on the misdemeanor charge, which concerns a woman forcibly causing a miscarriage when more than six months pregnant.

Almost half of disabled women sexually abused. Photo: DPA Published: 23 Nov 2011 06:35 GMT+01:00Updated: 23 Nov 2011 06:35 GMT+01:00 A new study shows roughly half of all physically disabled women in Germany have been sexually abused during their youth. Women are also subjected to widespread physical abuse, according to the study. The results found by researchers at the University of Bielefeld was presented by German Family Minister Kristina Schröder on Tuesday evening. Should all obese people lose weight? Two new studies challenge the idea that all obese individuals need to lose weight. Obesity doesn't affect all people the same way -- genetics and fitness matterTwo studies question whether ranking health on body mass index is predictive of early deathAuthors say one in five obese people don't have health problems. Review - Rethinking Mental Health and Disorder - Depression, Generalized Anxiety, Panic & Bipolar Disorder. By Mary B. Ballou and Laura S.

Brown (editors)Guilford Press, 2002Review by Peter B. Raabe Ph.D. on Dec 5th 2002.

Contraceptive Info

Pro-choice. Planned Parenthood Action Fund: URGENT: Tea Party Republicans want to eliminate birth control coverage. Stop them. Ask the President to stand strong. Planned Parenthood Action Fund: Tell Rick Perry To Stop His Assault On Women's Health. Ontd_feminism: Doctors "turn baby girls into boys"

Ontd_feminism: An interesting video about the trend of labiaplasty. Healthy Strokes - Hymen Gallery. Waiting to die: Cervical cancer in America.