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Parametric Design

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Architecture. This is what i believe to be [part of] the future of Architecture: fitness-based design through algorithms. in this teaser of Nate Holland’s architectural thesis, one can see how a design solution evolves – based on pre-established rules by the designer – into a variety of optimal solutions, thanks to the computation power of modern computers and the help of adequate (and fairly easy to use) software. with the astonishing growth of complexity in the world, this approach to Architecture enables the designer to overcome difficult problems and the increasing number of tools available empowers the designer to achieve more and better results. well done, Nate Holland!


From rapid-prototyping we arrive to the [obvious] next step: rapid-production. it’s still a little rough, but it’s a first step to large scale, high quality production system directly from a digital design. i’m eager to see real aplications from this system! LaN / LIVE ARCHITECTURE NETWORK. Mataerial. MATSYS. Galerie de Alfredo Andia. Fabricación 3D - Mia.mi. Los trabajos del Seminario Architectural Installations del Departamento de Arquitectura conducidos por el profesor Alfredo Andia, abren puertas mañana a las 6pm en el Studio Gallery del Miami Beach Urban Studio en 420 Lincoln Rd.

Fabricación 3D - Mia.mi

El trabajo, dirigido por el profesor Alfredo Andia, explora la construcción de obras en papel. Según el profesor Andía el trabajo trata de construir una idea particular de espacio generada por cada alumno. El objetivo es posicionar a los estudiantes en un ambiente de investigación espacial puro. Un entorno único en el cual cada uno puede crear su propio idioma. Supermanoeuvre. Climath. 12 LOUIS VUITTON. Photos: Stephane Muratet.


Projects. Projects. Interactive Art & Computational Design / Spring 2011 » LookingOutwards. Shawn sims-lookingOutwards-Project 4 I plan on continuing some of the work that began in the Marius Watz/MakerBot workshop a could of weeks ago.

Interactive Art & Computational Design / Spring 2011 » LookingOutwards

This potentially means that the project will include Reaction/Diffusion+Camera interactions and/or a digital output for Rapid Prototyping or milling. Comments Off Mark Shuster – Looking Outwards 7 Surface detail from subBlue on Vimeo. Surface detail is an incredible, elaborate, 3D generative fractal art piece set to music. Michael Hansmeyer - Computational Architecture. Parametric. The Center. The Center. Digital Knowledge. Architectural design, creative computing, design research. Fabrication.

Grasshopper: Parametric CurvesThis module covers the basic parametric properties of curves along with common grasshopper methods for evaluating and dividing curves.


ARCH 598 Summer 2011information >> n-formations FABRICS // LATTICES // FIELDSThis course is designed to introduce and explore computational design, algorithmic thinking, and digital manufacturing–both: the larger ramifications that emerging digital technologies and ideas are having architectural theory via readings, discussions, presentations; and the practical application of these ideas and tools through a series of hands-on, iterative modeling and fabrication assignments.

Architecture parametrique. Le mois dernier, invités par l’association Assaut Vert et avec la participation de la doctorante Aurélie de Boissieu de DNArchi et le professeur Claire Pétetin, nous avons tenu à l’École de Versailles une conference sur l’Architecture paramétrique et libre de droit, en abordant le sujet de l’architecture paramétrique avec des cas d’application concrète.

architecture parametrique

Arturo Tedeschi. PROTOTYPING | GRASSHOPPER WORKSHOP | LIVELLO BASE16_17_18 Dicembre_Napoli Il workshop introdurrà le nozioni base di Grasshopper approfondendo le metodologie della progettazione parametrica e le tecniche di modellazione algoritmica per la generazione di forme complesse prototipabili attraverso tecniche di stampa 3D.

Arturo Tedeschi

La didattica è organizzata secondo moduli che coprono gli aspetti più importanti del software e prevede lezioni frontali ed esercitazioni guidate. Saranno realizzati oggetti di piccola scala mediante l’utilizzo di stampanti tridimensionali. Pandora_AL | Project by Arturo Tedeschi. Design numérique. Computers Quotes. Achim Menges Design Research Architecture Product Design. Menges, A.

Achim Menges Design Research Architecture Product Design

(ed.): 2012, Material Computation – Higher Integration in Morphogenetic Design, Architectural Design, Vol. 82 No. 2, Wiley Academy, London. (ISBN: 978 0470973301) O P E N S Y S T E M S. (the teeming void) (the teeming void) Movie: tour of Architecture at Show RCA 2012 with Alex de Rijke. Movie: the final tour we filmed at this year's Royal College of Art graduate show features projects from the Architecture course including a high-rise hotel growing tropical fruit and an insect-powered office tower.

Movie: tour of Architecture at Show RCA 2012 with Alex de Rijke

Above: Data Harvest by Christopher Green Professor of Architecture Alex de Rijke introduces the course and presents student Louis Hall's investigation into the way cities develop around motorway infrastructure and the effects major corporations might have on the built environment. New-territories. French + English Version ‘From Radicalism to Idiotcracy, From Y.F. to P.S.’


At cross-purposes As multipurpose as a Swiss army knife, shunted back and forth every which way between art and architecture, he is at once an alibi, a foil, a spiritual father, a defeated ideologue whose scars are an atonement (the deafness, whether real or feigned – we’ll come back to it later) and rather handy… a paper architect, an ideologue, the kind of brand that keeps on giving, still legitimized by the French establishment, that funny alter cocker Yona Friedman® with the slight Slavic accent that makes you smile, whose foibles everyone forgives, since they’re so charming and “inoffensive.” Yona Friedman® is perfectly adaptable… inflatable balloons to mimic the Spatial City,[1] floating cartons filed with salon-utopian political phraseology, pathetic and pathological.

Has Friedman become, through no fault of his own, an icon for fakers, architects who reek of cheap – and lazy – political aesthetics? Bojana vuksanović_nCodon. \nCodon.