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AE ENHANCERS. After Effects Extension. This download contains additional animation presets that take advantage of features such as shape layers and 3D per-character text.

After Effects Extension

To use, unzip the archive and place the contents in the Presets folder located within the Adobe After Effects CS3, After Effects CS4, or After Effects CS5 application folder. SUPPORT INFORMATION Provided by Adobe Systems, Inc. Additional extension information Reviews s sshang 20-Oct-13 Rating = 5. After Effects Scripts. This download contains scripts for editing keyboard shortcuts (KeyEd Up), launching scripts (Launch Pad), creating project folder hierarchies (Folder Setup), converting Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) files (Swatch You Want, kuler Shapes), modifying a composition's motion blur settings interactively (Active Shutter), doubling and arranging the layers in a composition for comparison purposes (Double-Up), setting up layers in After Effects for Encore menus (Encore Tools), separating shapes in a shape layer (Explode Shape Layer), and adjusting the alternate RAM preview setting interactively (Purview).

After Effects Scripts

To use, unzip the archive and place the contents in the Scripts folder located within the Adobe After Effects folder (Mac OS) or its enclosed Support Files folder (Windows). SUPPORT INFORMATION Provided by Adobe Systems, Inc. Additional extension information Reviews. After Effects Scripts + After Effects Plugins.