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Lacquerheads of Oz: How To Report a Stolen Photo On Instagram. Today I'm going to show you how to properly report a stolen photo on Instagram, something that we have all seen.

Lacquerheads of Oz: How To Report a Stolen Photo On Instagram

As flattering as it is to have someone love your photo so much, it's still illegal to steal it and repost without credit! Most people just click "Report as Spam" on the photo and go on with their day, and nothing ever happens with the photo. But with this method, the photo will ALWAYS be removed within 48 hours and you will receive notification from Instagram letting you know that it has been taken care of. (Imagine, if every artist or supporter reports stolen photos, those silly theft accounts will have nothing left to post!). Here is an example of a photo that was stolen from me.

Let's get started. You will see on the left sidebar an option for the Privacy and Safety Center. Once you get to this point, you will have a lot of options. This will open a large paragraph that explains copyright. Choose "How do I report a claim of copyright infringement? " 3. 4. Photo by madonna. Thank you, and we’re listening. Yesterday we introduced a new version of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service that will take effect in thirty days.

Thank you, and we’re listening

These two documents help communicate as clearly as possible our relationship with the users of Instagram so you understand how your data will be used, and the rules that govern the thriving and active Instagram community. Since making these changes, we’ve heard loud and clear that many users are confused and upset about what the changes mean. I’m writing this today to let you know we’re listening and to commit to you that we will be doing more to answer your questions, fix any mistakes, and eliminate the confusion. As we review your feedback and stories in the press, we’re going to modify specific parts of the terms to make it more clear what will happen with your photos. Legal documents are easy to misinterpret. Advertising on Instagram From the start, Instagram was created to become a business. Sincerely, Kevin Systrom co-founder, Instagram. Portrait, A Cool Documentary About Instagramers and Photographers  Instagramwalk071: Leiden seen through my iPhone camera.

Alexander Mantel over de #instagramwalk071. Instagram. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Henry @ Stadscafé Van der Werff. Instagramwalk071. Made in Polaroid™ Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Henry Soenarko - Google+ - Instagramwalk070 Last Sunday I joined the first… +Vous Recherche Images Maps Play YouTube Actualités Gmail Documents Agenda Plus Traduction Mobile Livres Shopping Blogger Reader Photos Vidéos Encore plus Account Options Connexion Rejoindre Google+ Partagez ce que vous voulez avec qui vous voulez Ajouter aux cercles Henry Soenarko Employeur actuel LMP Communicatiest rategie & Creatie Établissement fréquenté Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Lieu de résidence Voorburg, The Netherlands Afficher le profil complet Signaler ce profil Last Sunday I joined the first Instagramwalk through the beautiful city of The Hague. You can find 200+ photos the other participants took at: or Thanks, + Natasja Oosterloo , + Esther van Nes , + Tom Beek , + Kees Bruijn , + Chantal Coolsma , + Christine Fürst , and others.

#instagram #instagramwalk #instagramwalk070 Instagramwalk070 (27-11-2011) (24 photos) et 16 autres photos Autres photos de Henry Soenarko Yolanthe Smit 30 nov. 2011 Great series Henry. Henry Soenarko 2 déc. 2011 Thanks, + Yolanthe Smit ! Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Blog.stickygram. StickyGram HQ is buzzing with excitement this week as we launch our biggest contest to date.


It’s called Print My Feed and we’re offering to print one lucky Instagram user’s entire feed as StickyGrams. This will be a month long global photo competition, split up to across 4 weekly photo challenges, each judged by a leading Instagrammer. Every week our judge will pick 3 finalists, each of whom will receive a set of StickyGrams. After 4 weeks, an overall winner will be chosen from the 12 finalists, and this talented iPhonographer will have their entire feed delivered as StickyGrams (up to 500 images). Don’t worry if you don’t have that many photos, we’ll make up the difference with credit to use on StickyGram. Taking part is easy. The contest launches on Thursday the 10th of Nov when we’ll announce the first theme and judge right here on our blog.

We can’t wait to see your entries! P.S.

My Instagrams
