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Fruits et légumes : les meilleurs alliés anticancer. Simple, efficace, le slogan "Mangez 5 fruits et légumes par jour" est connu de tous... mais moins d'un Français sur deux atteint ce repère de consommation minimum.

Fruits et légumes : les meilleurs alliés anticancer

Soit 400 grammes par jour. Les fruits et légumes méritent pourtant une place privilégiée car ils procurent une grande partie de l'eau, des minéraux, des vitamines et des fibres indispensables à notre organisme. PROTECTION. Plusieurs centaines d'études de population, notamment regroupées dans de grandes méta-analyses comme EPIC, INCA2 ou MOOSE, ont évalué leurs bienfaits potentiels dans la lutte contre le cancer. Dans plus de 80 % des travaux pris en compte, un effet protecteur a été trouvé, en particulier pour les cancers des voies supérieures (bouche, œsophage), de l'estomac, du poumon, du côlon et du rectum. Antioxydants : substances produites par les plantes pour se protéger des dommages dus à l'oxygène au cours de la photosynthèse.

Légumes : de bons antioxydants Fruits : le plein de polyphénols. 15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage. When it comes to taking herbs for medicinal purposes, it seems the mainstream belief is that they are not as effective and not worth taking.

15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage

While the effectiveness of herbs has not been studied deeply to determine how well they work across the entire population, the same could be said for most pharmaceutical drugs. Much of the time, pharmaceutical drugs attempt to mimic a compound that occurs in nature (herbs), but often bring the risk of side effects in the process. Safety is one of the most critical areas of review amongst herbs and drugs. According to stats released by the American Association of Poison Control Centers, no deaths have been reported due to the use and consumption of herbs.[4] However, pharmaceutical drugs and physician prescribed medications kill approximately one million Americans each year.

Plants Are Talking & These Sensors Let Us Hear What They’re Saying! Video screen capture YouTube/Euro News A group of Italian, British and Spanish researchers are working on developing a network of microsensors that can be embedded in plants, sending us information on how plants respond to changes in temperature, humidity, air pollution, chemicals and many other changes in their environment.

Plants Are Talking & These Sensors Let Us Hear What They’re Saying!

It’s been known for a while that plants have a way of communicating with one another. With these sensors, researchers will be able to tap into those electrical signals and decode what those messages are saying about the environment and how plants are reacting to it. The project called PLEASED (PLants Employed As SEnsing Devices) has already raised €1.07 million ($1.46 million) in EU funding.

Esprit. Le curcuma, l’épice qui empêche le fluorure de détruire votre cerveau. Pineal Gland's Third Eye: One Of The Biggest Cover-ups in Human History. The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the “third eye”) is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain.

Pineal Gland's Third Eye: One Of The Biggest Cover-ups in Human History

It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Gregg Braden en FRANCAIS!!! Rapid Detoxification of the Third Eye (Pineal Gland) By Estella Hoad | Rise Earth — I mentioned earlier in my post about Pre-Cleansing and Intent Setting, one of my goals is to detoxify and decalcify my Pineal Gland.

Rapid Detoxification of the Third Eye (Pineal Gland)

Pourquoi et comment détartrer votre glande pinéale. Mindfulness Meditation Helps Accepting All Of Your Feelings, Emotions & States Of Mind. - Mindfulness has enjoyed a tremendous surge in popularity in the past decade.

Mindfulness Meditation Helps Accepting All Of Your Feelings, Emotions & States Of Mind

More and more people are using this meditation method that is very beneficial. Latest scientific research shows that people who regularly practice mindfulness meditation learn to accept their feelings, emotions, and states of mind without judging or resisting them. They simply live in the moment" The word mindfulness originally comes from the Pali word sati, which means having awareness, attention, and remembering. Unique Ceremony Reveals How Your Brain Can Control Your Body Temperature - G-Tummo Meditation Works. - The g-tummo meditative practice controls "inner energy" and is considered by Tibetan practitioners as one of the most sacred spiritual practices in the region.

Unique Ceremony Reveals How Your Brain Can Control Your Body Temperature - G-Tummo Meditation Works

Monasteries maintaining g-tummo traditions are very rare and are mostly located in the remote areas of eastern Tibet. Now, a group of researchers can show for the first time that it is possible for core body temperature to be controlled by the brain. The scientists, led by Associate Professor Maria Kozhevnikov from the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences found that core body temperature increases can be achieved using certain meditation techniques (g-tummo) which could help in boosting immunity to fight infectious diseases or immunodeficiency. Plants Of The Gods : Sacred Healing Powers Of Peyote. Outlining a brief history of Peyote here is an excerpt from "Plants of the Gods - Their Sacred, Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers" by Richard Evans Schultes and Albert Hofmann, Healing Arts Press (Vermont) 1992 !

Plants Of The Gods : Sacred Healing Powers Of Peyote

Ever since the arrival of the first Europeans in the New World, Peyote has provoked controversy, suppression, and persecution. Condemned by the Spanish conquerors for its "satanic trickery", and attacked more recently by local governments and religious groups, the plant has nevertheless continued to play a major sacramental role among the Indians of Mexico, while its use has spread to the North American tribes in the last hundred years.

The persistence and growth of the Peyote cult constitute a fascinating chapter in the history of the New World - and a challenge to the anthropologists and psychologists, botanists and pharmacologists who continue to study the plant and its constituents in connection with human affairs. The Power Of the Subconscious Mind – Gregg Braden Unveils The Secrets of How To Manifest Anything. Our thoughts, intentions, and beliefs have scientifically proven effects on the external world.

The Power Of the Subconscious Mind – Gregg Braden Unveils The Secrets of How To Manifest Anything

They also have the power to manifest the things we desire in our life. Here is an awesome video explaining the power of the subconscious and conscious mind, and how you can use them to create the reality you want! What is Meditation? First (of six) in a series of videos on how to practice meditation without the requirement of religious dogma or spiritual mumbo-jumbo.

What is Meditation?

Neuroscience Student Shows How Meditation Can Vanquish Mental Disorders. Can mindfulness practice (meditation) help vanquish mental disorders? According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 7.7 million Americans suffer from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – approximately 3.3% of the US population when combined. Of these, approximately 40% of the individuals with schizophrenia and 51% of those with bipolar are untreated in any given year, but with the new studies being presented by Juan Santoyo and his peers, there could be strong scientific proof that meditation could help even the most debilitating psychological disorders.

Juan Santoyo is studying neuro and contemplative sciences, and he isn’t doing it ‘just to tickle his fancy,’ but to solve the real problem of mental disorders in our society. He presented his findings at the 12th Annual International Scientific Conference of the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Mindful Meditation. Meditation can Change your Brain Structure. Meditation changes the structure of your brain A human body has the capacity to heal itself, you only need to be consciously aware about the process and choose the right medium to heal. One of the healing medium used for centuries is meditation, a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself. 10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World. Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda influenced Tesla’s work, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna. Tesla was also influenced by other Vedic philosophies. Science works best when in harmony with nature. How To Heal Unbalanced Chakras. After awakening, initiates may have discovered that during their sleep, their chakras have become unbalanced.

Bringing balance to the energy centers in the body known as chakras will necessitate devotion to spiritual, mental and physical practice. Schizophrenia is actually eight genetically distinct disorders, study reveals. New research has revealed that schizophrenia is not a single disease, but eight different disorders with their own set of symptoms.

Scientists have identified eight separate clusters of genetic variations that, together, carry a 70 to 100 percent risk of a patient developing a certain type of schizophrenia. The discovery could revolutionise diagnosis and treatment for the debilitating psychiatric illness. Scientists already knew that around 80 percent of the risk of schizophrenia is inherited, but have struggled for decades to identify specific genes linked to the condition. But a new approach has analysed the DNA of more than 4,000 people with the illness, and have identified that there are actually eight different classes of schizophrenia, each influenced by distinct gene clusters. The Science Behind Consciously Controlling Your Immune System: The Mind-Body Connection.

What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital. By: Stephanie Marohn with Malidoma Patrice Somé The Shamanic View of Mental Illness In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born. Rapid Detoxification of the Third Eye (Pineal Gland) Le curcuma, l’épice qui empêche le fluorure de détruire votre cerveau - Santé Nutrition.

Le fluorure se trouve partout aujourd’hui, des antibiotiques à l’eau potable, dans la pâte dentifrice, de sorte que l’exposition est inévitable. Raison de plus pour que les dernières découvertes à propos de la curcumine du curcuma, vous informe comment cette épice pourrait éviter au fluorure d’endommager votre cerveau! La neurotoxicité du fluorure a été l’ objet d’un débat académique depuis des décennies, et maintenant une question de plus en plus passionné soulevée par le grand public, en demande d’information. pour rappel, les «théories du complot » lors de sa première utilisation dans l’eau potable en Russie et camps de concentrations nazis, une sorte de lobotomie chimique subit en captivité, avec pour effet de réduire la capacité cognitive abaissant ainsi la résistance et le raisonnement des gens, augmente la calcification de la glande pinéale, augmentation de la sénilité précoce et Alzheimer.

Les 10 usages incroyables de l’aloe vera. L’Aloe Vera est un ingrédient vital et même indispensable dans la préparation des différents remèdes maison, on peut le consommer soit par voie orale ou en pommade. 10 Best Plants to Grow Indoors for Air Purification   Physique. Miel. Guerison par le miel de thym. Fruits. Le fruit magique contre le vieillissement cellulaire. Fruits et légumes : les meilleurs alliés anticancer. Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health. 50 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Better Your Life. 50 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Better Your Life Scientific research on coconut oil has revealed health benefits that affect your entire body, inside and out.

Healing Cavities (A True “We’ve-Done-It!” Story!) Les bienfaits de l’huile de coco ! Top 6 Artery Cleansing Foods. 15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage. Cosmétiques pour homme biologique par Bio'Om CosmeticsBio'om Cosmetics. Nutrition et Santé : Mythes et Propagande. Jupiter Films - La Santé dans l'Assiette. Mushrooms news, articles and information: Photos du journal - Alimentation Santé. Better than Wheatgrass: Raw Veggie Juice and Sprouts. Dr. 6 Signs Your Body Is Telling You Something and Why Not To Ignore It. Liste de plantes médicinales.

Liste de plantes, épices et condiments ayant des vertus médicinales, et recettes de quelques préparations basiques. Rosemary's aroma may enhance memory and health. Seven amazing spring superfoods. La sarriette, reine des anti-infectieux. Bacopa monnieri improves brain function and prevents mental diseases. L’huile de Ricin : prodigieux remède d’antan. L'AMARANTE, LA GRAINE MIRACULEUSE ! L’amarante, plante médicinales sacrée des Incas vaincra-t-elle le géant Monsanto ? Le Plantain : cette « mauvaise herbe » est l’une des plantes médicinales les plus utiles de la planète.

This Little Weed is one of the Most Useful Medicines on the Planet. Despite Science, New Medical Cannabis Laws Prohibit Smoked Cannabis. Top 5 des aliments gorgés d'antioxydants pour lutter contre le vieillissement.